Larson, B.P.

From Lane Co Oregon

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[edit] History

His son, Bernard A. Larson died October 4, 2006, 90, of Springfield. A private family service was planned. Arrangements were made by Springfield Memorial Gardens & Funeral Home. He was located in Veneta in 1966 during his father's death. *UPDATE* That is not true, there was a Bernard A. Larson of Springfield but Mayor B.P. Larson's son was Bernard Arvid Larson who went by B.A. Larson 11-07-1917 - 10-27-1994 of Veneta, Oregon. Mayor Larson had six children Bernard, Kenneth,Lorraine, Mavis, Stanley and Eileen. Stanley W. Larson was his only child who lived in Springfield and he passed away in 1999. Both Bernard Larson's knew of each other and had similar taste in cars and the two were confused by Dunham Oldsmobile and Cadillac several times over the years. As of this writing on May 20,2022 Mayor Larson has two surviving children, his daughters Mavis of Waldport, Oregon and Eileen of Olympia, Washington.

[edit] Springfield News, Thursday, November 4, 1948

Larson, Bouck, Nicholas And McChesney Elected

B.P. Larson, retired merchant, was elected mayor of Springfield by a majority of 309 votes returns from Tuesday's election show. He polled 1449 votes to Dr. W.N. Dow's 1140. Frank Bouck was elected councilman for the third ward, Arthur McChesney, fifth ward and Ralph Nicholas, ward six.

The city election was hotly contested and manifested as much interest the last week as the national and state contests.

Mr. Houck will replace Jack Larson as councilman for Ward three. McChesney takes the place recently vacated by Carl Lewis and temporarily filled by Lloyd Millhollen. Nicholas will represent the sixth ward which now includes the Paramount district and represented by Gilbert Shush.

The voters also passed the $95,000 road bond issue.

Following is how the prcinct voted:

Precinct No. 1, Dow 184, Larson 226, bonds yes 228 and no 123.

Precint No. 2, Dow 118, Larson 134, bonds yes 157, no 70.

Precinct No. 3, Dow 222, Larson 214. Brown 139, Bouch 218.

Precinct No. 4, Dow 105, Larson 195. Bonds yes 193, bons no 93.

Precinct No. 5, Dow 241. Larson 99, McChesney 169, Head 89 and Duncan 99.

Precinct No. 6, Dow 146. Larson 304, Nicholas 219, Warnick 150, bonds yes 298 and no 119.

Precinct No. 7 Dow 124, Larson 256, Warnick 204 and Nicholas 149, bonds yes 292 and no 54.

[edit] Springfield News, October 23, 1952

Local Race Finds Lawyer and Merchant After Larson's Job

Candidates State Platforms

Three prominent Springfield Men are seeking the position of mayor. Considering the strides the city has made in recent years and the continued growth it faces, the voter should give careful study to the man he wants to serve in the city's head office. Here with we presented facts about each candidtate to help the voter decide which man can do the most for the continuing advancement of this city.


Edward C. Harms, 28 has been practicing law in Springfield for three years. He is a graduate of the University of Oregon Law School. During World War II, he was a lieutenant in the U.S. Navy and served four years in the South Pacific.

Harms has served on the Springfield City Council for two years and has experience in city administration. If elected, he assures the voters that he will use common sense government devoted to the entire community and not to one particular area.

Harms will support the Municipal Power program and will work for a constructive street-lighting program. He is opposed to setting up a competing water system at this time. He is in favor of the city's present paving program and will go ahead with it if elected. He also would open up dead-end streets as soon as possible.

Harms is active in civic affairs. He is president of the local Boosters Club, is 1952 business district chariman for the Community Chest drive, is a member of the state and local bar associations, the Springfield Lions Club, the Chamber of Commerce, and is Democratic precinct councilman.

Harms is building a new home in the Northgate section of Springfield for his wife and their two daughters, Kathy, 4; and Kerry, 1 1/2.
B.P. Larson

Incumbent B.P. Larson, 60, is seeking re-election on the bsis of his past four-year record. He campaigned in 1948 on a 10-poing program and states he has fulfilled every promise made.

During his term of office, much advancement has been made by the city and Mayor Larson claims his share of the credit for the work done.

The Municipal Power Utility was formed which the mayor says has reduced power cost to every resident. Not a street was paved for 37 years before Larson took office, he states, and since he has been mayor, 124 blocks have been paved; and 100 blocks of storm sewers and 12 miles of sanitary sewers have been laid.

Other actions in which Larson joins in the credit are the assurance of the South A arterial, the industrial expansion of Springfield, and good city water.

If re-elected, Larson plans the following program: construction of a second bridge when the South A arterial is built; off street parking by buying up available property while it is still in a reasonable price range; get the alcohol plant into operaing hands; continue working to bring diversified industry to the area; open up dead-end streets; improve arterials into Springfield to bring more retail business into the area.

Mayor Larson, a resident of Springfield for 11 years is married and has six children. Four are married, one son is serving with the Air Corps in Korea; and the youngest, Ilene, is at home.
Ed Laksonen

Ed Laksonen, 51, has been in business in Springfield for aproximately 13 years. He has the meat department at Paramount Market. Before coming to Springfield, he was in the meat business in Eugene for about 12 years.

Most active campaigner of the three, Laksonen pledges a progrerssive city administration and close cooperation with the public. He plans an intensive study of the drainage problem to modernize Main Street; elminiate the unsanitary, unattractive and dangerous ditches along the Main Street highway, and to improve the Mill Street Section as well as Paramount.

Laksonen stresses that he will not favor the Paramount area over any other in the city, a factor which has caused some discussion in the campaign.

Laksonen is a strong supporter of public utilities but believes competition is good for business. He sees no need of the city going into the municipal water business and favors the present set-up.

Active in Springfield clubs, Laksonen is a member of the Boosters, the Elks Club, Masonic Lodge, the fraternal order of the Eagles, nd the Kiwanis Club.

He is married and has one marrieddaughter who resides in Astoria.

[edit] Springfield News, Monday, March 21, 1966

Former City Mayor Dies in California

The death of former Springfield mayor, B.P. Larson was reported Monday morning by members of the Larson family.

Mr. Larson, 74, who served as Springfield mayor from 1949 to 1953, reportedly died of a heart attack at Ycalpa, California, where he owned propery and maintained a home. He also owned a home in Springfield at 436 West D St.

A long time local resident, Mr. Larson owned and operated a Western Auto store in Springfield from 1941 until the mid-1950s. In 1958 he opened the Coast-to-Coast Store, 423 Main St., which he owned at the time of his death.

As mayor, Larson served a stormy term at the time when Springfield was undergoing its period of greatest expansion and growth. He was the target of an unsuccessful recall election against him in April, 1950.

Also during his term of office, the Springfield Utility Board was founded and began operating the municipal power system in 1951 after the electric system had been run by the city council for several months.

He, the late John Boeshans, and former councilmen Arthur McChesney and Ralph Nicholas were leaders in the movement to establish the municipal utility.

It was also during Larson's administration that the decision was reached to create So. A. St. as the eastbound arterial through the city.

When notified of Larson's death, former Mayor Edward C. Harms Jr., who succeeded Larson as mayor, said, "He served as mayor during a very difficult time for Springfield. It was during the time the city was suffering from its worst growing pains, and to serve s mayor during such a time is always a difficult job."

Mr. Larson is survived by his wife, Jordis of Ycalpa; three sons and three daughters, Berard A. of Veneta, Kennth J. of Rt. 4, Eugene, Stanley W. and Mavis G. Larson, both of Springfield, Eileen Larson of Dexter, and Mrs. June L. McRae of Corvallis; 19 grandchildren; and three sisters living in California.

Funeral arrangements are pending at Buell Chapel in Springfield.

Mayors of Springfield
Albert S. Walker (1885-1886) • S.I. Lee (1887) • Albert S. Walker (1888) • Simon Tuttle (1888-1889) • T.O. Maxwell (1889) • Albert S. Walker (1889-1890) • Albert Wheeler (1890-1892) • L. Gilstrap (1892-1893) • Albert Wheeler (1893) • J H Van Schoich (1893-1894) • Albert Wheeler (1894-1895) • Eugene C Martin (1896-1899) • John B. Innis (1900-1902) • H.A. Skeels (1902-1903) • R.A. Jayne (1903-1907) • Mark M. Peery (1907-1909) • W.M. Sutton (1909-1911) • Welby Stevens (1911-1913) • Charles L. Scott (1913-1915) • Elmer E. Morrison (1915-20) • Charles F. Eggiman (1921-1924) • George G. Bushman (1925-1929) • Charles O. Wilson (1929) • Wilfrid P. Tyson (1930-1934) • Ernest H. Turner (1934-1935) • W.A. Taylor (few minutes, November 27, 1935) • Ed Waltman (1935-1936) • William H. Pollard (1936-1940) • Charles Chandler (1940-1945) • Claude T. Gerlach (1945-1949) • B.P. Larson (1949-1953) • Edward C. Harms, Jr. (1953-1961) • B.J. Rogers (1961-1965) • David L. Scofield (1965-1967) • John E. McCulley (1967-1970) • William MorrissetteMaureen MaineSid Leiken
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