From Charas Project
Razor is the beloved global mod of Charas who is better than you. He is also a unit of time, used as the measurement of Charas' growth and development.
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Time on Charas
Before Razor
There was a horrible desolate time on the Charas calender known as BR; 'Before Razor'. Internet Archaeologists proclaim that the Creator designed and birthed Charas early 1 BR (which equates to 2002 on the Gregorian calender).
The Registration
On December 2003, Razor registered under the username Razor, and the world became a better place, but not immediately. Razor, like all members, and especially other members, had his n00b extended-period-of-time in which capital letters, punctuation and grammar were almost completely disregarded.
After Razor
But those days are gone forever, for now Razor has become supreme. Charas has also benefitted from his presence, by becoming a thousand times better. Here are some real quotes from real people, regarding how great he is!
- "Razor? Oh yeah, that guy's great. If I had a child, I would totally name it after him."
- - SaiKar.
- "Razor? Oh yeah, that guy's great. If I had a child, I would totally name it after him."
- "Oh yeah, I would totally hit that."
- - Midnight
- "Oh yeah, I would totally hit that."
- "Yeah, with a bat maybe."
- - MrMister
- "Yeah, with a bat maybe."
- "He's a great guy and so modest! That he'd make a wiki page for himself is inconcievable."
- - Trevlac
- "Razor is the greatest! He's my idol, and I want to be like him in every way! (Now put the gun down...)"
- - Warxe
- "Razor is the greatest! He's my idol, and I want to be like him in every way! (Now put the gun down...)"
- "lol fag"
Stuff on Charas
Contributions to Charas
Razor's sole contribution to Charas is a really kickass Fox McCloud character set. Ironically the Razor character set by Weregnome has been downloaded more times than Razor's Fox character set. The obvious answer for this is that Razor is more awesome than the products he produces.
More importantly
After the super awesome Charas Pub made by Seth Aechi was deleted by Darkfox, Razor remade it, making it super awesomer Charas Pub. The first reply was also by Razor, bumping the thread, and the second by Weregnome. From that point on, the pub shot into awesome heights, reaching at this time of writing 285 pages, making it the 2nd largest thread in Forum Gaming (and all of Charas)!
Razor became Forum Gaming moderator at some point. Then after Kijuki got demoted, he got the Global Moderator position.
Two point Four!
Fun things
- Razor helped create the Starfox2 beta avatar threads, by having an animated Peppy avatar (complete with "DO A BARREL ROLL!" member title). Very shortly after, other members such as Tomi and Ace and less important people used the Falco, Fox, Faye and Lynx animations. MrMister was the first to do so, using the Slippy avatar, but without Razor the trend would not have picked up.
- Razor probably did cause some other fads.
- Razor's FacePunch profile number contains his favourite number.
- Red Giant's Charas profile number is an anagram of Razor's favourite number.
- Razor is such a generous person that he allows MrMister to take credit for inventing the moon, a feat Razor did, not MrMister.
- Razor joined Charas on Saikar's birthday.
Other unrelated bragging rights
Razor made the CockMongler skin for Unreal Tournament 2003/2004. He also made a 26 pack of motivational posters for Garry's Mod. However it appears that for one reason or another the bastards took it down. Pricks.
Razor? On my internet?
It's more likely than you think. Click the following to have free check.
Razor at deviantART
Razor at GameSpot
Razor at FacePunch