Planet and Starbase Stories

From The Pardusian Chronicles

Revision as of 17:34, 22 August 2006 by (Talk)

Planets already in the official guide - Can only be edited by administration.

  • Planet Name - Historical Notes on this planet have already been submitted


Empire Keldon Core Cluster

Ackandso - Unfinished...

  • Aeg - Aeg is one of the few scattered inhabited class D planets in the universe...

Besoex - Unfinished...

Cassand - Unfinished...

Daurlia - Unfinished...

Delta Pavonis - Unfinished...

Eta Cassiopeia - Unfinished...

Fomalhaut - Unfinished...

  • Greandin - A forlorn ice world in the outskirts of the Keldon cluster...
  • Iniolol - Iniolol has long been deemed a "backwater" station of the Keldon sectors...

Keldon - Unfinished...

  • Laanex - Little did the scientists know, the rampant mining of the planet would result in the instability of the planet's crust...

Pollux - Unfinished...

Quator - Unfinished...

Regulus - Unfinished...

Tianbe - Unfinished...

  • Urlafa - Urlafa is one of the best kept secrets of the Keldon race...

Vewaa - Unfinished...

Wolf - Unfinished...

Empire Ska'ari Core Cluster

Adaa - Unfinished...

An Dzeve - Unfinished...

Canaab - Unfinished...

  • Exinfa - Exinfa is small water/methane ice planet one sector west of Lamice...
  • Grecein - A small mining and heavy-industrial planet located in the Central Empire region...
  • Iceo - For the water-loving tourist, Iceo is a prime destination...

Kenlada - Unfinished...

  • Lamice - Lamice was once the favourite retreat of the imperial household...
  • Lianla - For aeons it has been shunned as a completely lifeless ball of Nebulonic gas.

Miayack - Unfinished...

  • Olbea - An old trading hub of the Ska'ari core cluster...
  • Phicanho - This beautiful planet were transformed into great garden cities...

Quana - Unfinished...

Sigma Draconis - Unfinished...

Ska - Unfinished...

  • Tiexen - A relatively small sector compared to Skara, Tiexen is nevertheless a system of repute and mystiqu...

Urandack - Unfinished...

  • Waiophi - It is a planet with lush terrain, a rich eco-system and a great supply of natural resources...

Federation Human Core Cluster

  • Alpha Centauri - Alpha Centauri is the closest star system neighboring Sol...
  • Andexa - Andexa, a warm and pleasant world...
  • Beta Proxima - Beta Proxima Station plays a vital role in the stability of the cluster...
  • Epsilon Eridani - Epsilon Eridani was the second sector to be colonized by human explorers outside of Sol...
  • Ericon - The twin jewel planets of Ericon I & II...
  • Faexze - Situated between Epsilon Eridani and Alpha Centauri, two of the oldest human space colonies...
  • Hoanda - Originally established as a military outpost during the first intergalactic war...
  • Lave - Built primarily to facilitate research and overseeing mining operations in Miarin...
  • Ook - Ook has been one of the major industrial sectors of the Federation since it was originally settled...

Orerve - Unfinished...

  • PJ 3373 - A small and remote sector devoid of significant resources...
  • Quurze - Archeological studies indicated Quurze wasn’t always an ice planet...
  • Siberion - An unassuming sector tucked along the south-eastern edge of the human cluster...
  • Sol - Earth is the home world of Human kind...
  • Tau Ceti - Tau Ceti stands as the last bastion of human influences before the neutral zone...

Federation Rashkir Core Cluster

Ackexa - Unfinished...

Alioth - Unfinished...

Betelgeuse - Unfinished...

Capella - Unfinished...

  • Enaness - Enaness was discovered by Rashkir before the Pardus conflict...

Epsilon Indi - Unfinished...

Famiay - Unfinished...

Inena - Unfinished...

Maia - Unfinished...

Micanex - Unfinished...

  • Nionquat - Famous for it's liquor, hunting, and fishing, Nionquat is an outdoorsman's paridise. ...

Omicron Eridani - Unfinished...

Rashkan - Unfinished...

Sohoa - Unfinished...

Tiacan - Unfinished...

Waayan - is the fourth planet in the Waayan system. The first 3 planets...

Union Rashkir Core Cluster

Vega Cluster Capital of the Vega Sector, Union Rashkir Core

Aveed - Unfinished...

Daured - Unfinished...

Exiool - Unfinished...

Edethex - Unfinished...

Ioliaa - Unfinished...

Liaququ - Unfinished...

Menkent - Unfinished...

Quexce - Unfinished...

Sophilia - Unfinished...

Zaurak l - Unfinished...

Zaurak ll - Unfinished...

Wainze - Unfinished...

Neutral Zone - Lane Cluster

Aandti - Unfinished...

Anphiex - Unfinished...

Atlas - Unfinished...

  • Becanol - Originally, Becanol was settled by humble moisture farmers who wanted to escape attention of both the Empire and the Federation...

Gilo - Unfinished...

Ioquex - Unfinished...

Lasolia - Unfinished...

Solaqu - Unfinished...

Waolex - Unfinished...

  • Zelada - Zelada is a small, unassuming world - and that is just the way the inhabitants would like it to stay...

Neutral Zone - North Pardus Rim

Canopus - Unfinished...

Famiso - Unfinished...

Hocancan - Unfinished...

Laedgre - Unfinished...

Miphimi - Unfinished...

Nex 0002 - Unfinished...

Phiagre - Unfinished...

Ross - Unfinished...

  • Ururur - The fair planet of Ururur is well positioned in the Northern Pardus Rim...

Neutral Zone - East Pardus Rim

Phao - Unfinished... Cluster Capital

Diphda - Unfinished...

Kitalpha - Unfinished...

Rotanev - Unfinished...

Seginus - Unfinished...

Thabit - Unfinished...

Wasat - Unfinished...

Yildun - Unfinished...

Zaniah - Unfinished...

Neutral Zone - South Pardus Rim

Becanin - Unfinished...

Cabard - Unfinished...

Cemiess - Unfinished...

Encea - Unfinished...

Exbeur - Unfinished...

Lahola - Unfinished...

Quince - Unfinished...

Sodaack - Unfinished...

Tiliala - Unfinished...

Waarze - Unfinished...

Neutral Zone - West Pardus Rim

Ayargre - Unfinished...

Datiack - Unfinished...

Faphida - Unfinished...

Iozeio - Unfinished...

  • Nex Kataam - Nex Kataam, also known as the slingshot sector, is home to the very first x-hole ever found.

Olphize - Unfinished...

Retho - Unfinished...

  • Tiacken - Discovered in the early days of the Keldon exploration...
  • Usube - Usube used to be one of the biggest tourist sites in Pardus...

Zirr - Unfinished...

Player Owned Starbases

Note: As these are not lasting no information will be inluded in the official guide, still I have no doubt they may carry interesting stories fit for The Pardusian Chronicles.

  • Olexti - Olexti is known as the gateway sector...

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