
From The Pardusian Chronicles

[edit] Historical note on Tiacken

Discovered in the early days of the Keldon exploration, Tiacken I, II & III where used as scientific research stations by the Keldon while exploring the local systems and carrying out top secret research. Tiacken II was a lush Terrain world populated by a rich eco-system, while Tiacken II & III were young water worlds. The Keldon jealously guarded Tiacken as the jewel in the Keldon Empire.

Tiacken suffered a terrible fate at the start of the Pardus conflict. The Keldon started carrying out top secret research into ways to disrupt worm holes. During a test of a high energy bomb on the Kataam worm hole a catastrophic reaction occurred. The resultant explosion sent a shock wave out into the Tiacken system. Tiacken III took the full force of the shock wave and was vaporised instantly. Tiacken II's atmosphere was stripped away, leaving it barren and radiated. Tiacken I was slightly luckier as it was furthest from the explosion, but still it was plunged into an everlasting ice age, as debris from the explosion blocked of all its access for the light of the Tiacken star. The Kataam wormhole was presumed destroyed in the explosion and sealed for ever. However during the Empire Federation war it briefly opened, attracting scientists from across Pardus back to Tiacken. This new investigation was eventually able to re-open the wormhole recently allowing access to the renamed Nex-Kataam system.

Nowadays Tiacken is on the main route from the Empire into Nex-Kataam, and is populated by hardy pioneers, who can scratch out an existence in this devastated system. Robot mining teams mine Tiacken II extensively for its heavy metals and ores, while the ice age on Tiacken I has resulted in a great ice melting and purifying industry supplying water to most of the surrounding systems.

This entry to the Pardusian Guide to the Galaxy was provided by historian Jimbob

Main Page -> Planet and Starbase Stories -> Tiacken

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