
From The Pardusian Chronicles

[edit] Historical Notes on Phicanho

After a long and laborious construction project by many ska’ari engineering geniuses, the small areas of land on this beautiful planet were transformed into great garden cities capable of supporting the ever growing population. Orbital factories imports many goods to the planet’s huge markets and also provide support to the planet’s own food and pure water production industries. On one of the larger islands ska'ari researchers found remnants of a long dead civilisation that had evolved to a point where they had developed computers with massive storage capacity (that sadly has not been successfully replicated yet). Through carbon dating techniques the scientists found that the remains although amazingly well preserved were millennia old. If you choose to visit this planet, a trip to the dig site is a must, and you may even be able to help with the research by adding your ship’s computer to the research network processing the huge amounts of data found in the ancient computers.

<<Warning>> Powerful creatures dwell in this system and we advise caution when travelling on the fringes of the energy fields.

This entry to the Pardusian Guide to the Galaxy was provided by historian catheryne

Main Page -> Planet and Starbase Stories -> Phicanho

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