
From The Pardusian Chronicles

[edit] Historical Notes on Olbea

An old trading hub of the Ska'ari core cluster, Olbea is both a transit station for long-range traders and an endpoint for short-range suppliers of essential goods. Being the closest comfortably habitable Imperial planet to the unpredictable West Pardus Rim, it is frequented by many pilots and tourists alike. Although the class M planet itself is mineral poor, an asteroid belt attracted mining industry, and a forming gas giant provides plenty of raw nebula gas, making the sector almost self-sufficient. Ever since the wormhole to the sector was discovered, many Ska'ari merchants felt the planet their home away from Skara, and spread the distinctly Olbean cuisine, making it more common in the neighbouring Adaa Station and especially the mining colonies of RV 2-578 than the traditional Ska'ari rations. In the war, the inhabitants of Olbea have largely avoided open battle and the destruction that comes with it; they still cling stubbornly to their belief that heavy warships are a waste of perfectly good resources, and the shipyards of the sector are not manufacturing the Phantom Advanced Stealth Craft despite being very close to the Imperial border. Due to this location, Imperial regulations also prohibit the manufacturing of the much-coveted Constrictor as fears of industrial espionage by the less-advanced factions run high.

This entry to the Pardusian Guide to the Galaxy was provided by historian Thorn

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