
From The Pardusian Chronicles

[edit] Historical notes on Exinfa

Exinfa is small water/methane ice planet one sector west of Lamice. Its average surface temperature during the day is about -75 degrees measured in the Celsius scale. During the night it also can reach well below -100 degrees Celsius. A small mining colony was founded here to mainly break down the ice found here, and to provide the water made to the thriving off-planet industry of Lamice. Generally because of the cold few things can live in such an environment. However, around areas of particle dense ice cores, a small worm like creature thrives. This creature is valued for its medicinal purposes in cauterizing wounds. This simple creature can actually utilize the small amounts of methane gas trapped in the ice cores to fuel its very high metabolism rate. Long after this creature's death, it can still be powdered to make a highly flammable substance that ignites when it comes in contact with virtual anything containing methane. Most traders overlook this stop on their way to Lamice. However, the trip can be nice as the local mining population is very friendly. There's always a warm place to stay here and energy can be sold at a premium.

This entry to the Pardusian Guide to the Galaxy was provided by historian Drokoal

Main Page -> Planet and Starbase Stories -> Exinfa

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