
From The Pardusian Chronicles

[edit] Historical Notes on Waiophi

Waiophi was one of the first sectors discovered by the Ska'ari. It is a planet with lush terrain, a rich eco-system and a great supply of natural resources, which almst made it a paradise from the start, and it didn't require any terraforming at all to be inhabitable. However, it was quite far from most trade routes, so it never experienced any large scale immigration, and instead it slowly became one of the more well-known "elite" recreational planets in Ska'ari space. It's situated far from all Ska'ari borders and offered great opportunities for tourism from nearby sectors. Visiting Waiophi was and still is considered a privilege of the rich, and most Ska'ari nobles even send their descendants to study in one of the VIP colleges built in the planet.

During the Pardus conflict tourism practically became non-existent, but now a purpose for the planet was quickly found. Considering the excellent conditions on the planet and the already developed educational system, it was turned into a regional university and a research center, and governed in a cooperation between the Ska'ari and the Keldon. Nearby sectors (from Lianla to Edeneth) had all types of space monsters for research, and it was far from the frontline so war wasn't reaching it. Research projects done there, however, weren't revolutionary (maybe ths was fortunate, considering what happened to Tiacken) and mostly included new weapon designs and ship equipment.

Following epochs haven't changed this situation too much, though now it is also the main food and water producer for nearby sectors. An electromagnetic weapons research facility was built off the planet as it became necessary to conduct dangerous experiments with dragons and crystals which could have put the rich ech-system in danger.

This entry to the Pardusian Guide to the Galaxy was provided by historian Dmitry

This entry was grammarically fixed by Steeldragon

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