
From Canonwars

Revision as of 03:59, 12 December 2006 by Alison (Talk | contribs)
Alison and the Disco Turtle in Silver Spring, MD

Alison (born 25 November 1986) has been in Canon Wars since April. She was dragged in to play Ernie Macmillan, whom she no longer plays, and has stuck around to carry on characters such as Roxas and Harry Potter. She is active in the chats and is a part of a certain will-not-be-named trio. She is also excellent and awesome because she has a “kill” screenname.

Currently, Alison is a student at Agnes Scott College. She is majoring in history and English-Creative Writing. Her current area of interest for history is the Enlightenment, medieval England, and World War I Great Britain. She does not like the gore-ridden aspects of history and prefers to obsessively analyze the intellectual impacts on the world (which makes her complete lack of interest in the renaissance very interesting). As for English, she is currently playing with the post-modernist genre and the genre after that—the one where reality comes to play, where people take a turn back toward modernism, but still have the aspects of post-modernism playing in with her writing. Her favorite authors are Don DeLillo and Angela Carter at the moment, but it’s likely that this will change. Her favorite poets are D. H. Lawrence, Rainer Maria Rilke, Robert Frost, Emily Dickinson, and Dylan Thomas.

She tends to thrive on pretension. She hates the history channel because of its incorrect vision of history. It tends to wrongly cater to the public, thus leaving out the properly analytical details. It answers the questions historians answers at times, yes, but it still negates the very threshold of the historical subject. Most of her angst covers the fact that she cannot come to terms with any form of philosophy, even if she does find a lot of the stuff Voltaire was printing in the eighteenth century to be enthralling (but perhaps that’s because Voltaire is a funny guy). She dabbles in a number of subjects but truly remains a historian.

She is often seen running off to talk on the phone to Roni. And Lins and Varis mock her for sounding like she is twelve. At least she’s a very well-spoken sounds-like-she’s-twelve-years-old person.

And JJ is her sweatshirt.




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