The History of the Site

From Superdickery

Revision as of 16:10, 18 May 2010 by Tyciol (Talk | contribs)

Here's where we list the history of the site, the board, the spin-off boards, and the chat. And anything else of relevance and importance (such as when major members joined. That's probably the smallest thing we'll have on here)




February 12th - Mike joins the forum.
February 18th - Schide joins the forum.
February 20th - Gavok joins the forum.
February 23rd - GValko joins the forum.
February 27th - SJ Whatley joins the forum.


March 2nd - bravelybravesirrobin joins the forum.
March 3rd - DarkGob joins the forum.
March 6th - Joyuna joins the forum.
March 7th - Random Sammich joins the forum.
March 9th - CARDE85 joins the forum.
March 17th - kristianwilliams joins the forum.
March 18th - Taskmaster joins the forum.
March 20th - Ununnilium joins the forum.
March 25th - Kilroy joins the forum.


April 2nd - The Bizarro thread begins.
April 2nd - DieselMan joins the forum.
April 3rd - Virgil joins the forum.
April 9th - The Pez joins the forum.
April 13th - Mike begins archiving the LEGENDS OF BATMAN.
April 18th - Mess joins the forum.
April 19th - Rad McAwesome joins the forum.
April 27th - Torrent joins the forum.


May 4th - Ralph joins the forum.
May 21st - ineedadrink joins the forum.
May 27th - Oncedead joins the forum.


June 3rd - Regault joins the forum.
June 4th - Jack_Cain joins the forum.
June 6th - Ambush Bug joins the forum.
June 10th - Dr. Orpheus joins the forum.
June 12th - The Church Sign Generator fad hits Superdickery.
June 16th - Josie and Minnesota President join the forum.
June 17th - UnforgettableFire joins the forum.
June 18th - Muhammad McGee joins the forum.
June 23rd - Gouki joins the forum.
June 25th - Hostile joins the forum.


July 3rd - SnoKoneManiac joins the forum.
July 4th - nijo joins the forum.
July 5th - IanTheM1 joins the forum.
July 7th - Gravitroid joins the forum.
July 8th - Ykari joins the forum.
July 21st - The first Jeph Loeb thread is created by GValko.


August 21st - Luggage joins the forum.
August 25th - Eat Poop You Cat is started by Muhammad McGee.
August 26th - Suleman joins the forum.
August 28th - GValko retires from being an A-List to the B-List, when he moves over to moderate GameFAQs.
August 29th - Nived joins the forum.
August 30th - Mental Corrosion, Superdickery's first spin-off board, is created.
August 30th - Virgie joins the forum.


September 1st - DieselMan creates the mIRC #superdickery chat channel. (See: Superchattery}
September 1st - Schide locks the first Jeph Loeb thread.
September 4th - TSI joins the forum.
September 8th - Virgil begins writing the Legends of Virgil's Ex-Girlfriends on Mental Corrosion.
September 10th - UnforgettableFire begins writing the Legends of Teacher Dickery on Mental Corrosion.
September 21st - Mechanical Bird and Dead Canadian join the forum.


October 2nd - Louise_squire joins the forum.


November 2nd - bunnyofdoom joins the forum.
November 3rd - The Event of Minor-To-Little Importance.
November 9th - First Admin Elections on Mental Corrosion. DieselMan defeats UnforgettableFire.
November 9th - Guitar Playing Lad joins the forum.
November 16th - Eegriega joins the forum.


December 3rd - ROBRAM89 joins the forum.
December 5th - Second Admin Elections at Mental Corrosion. UnforgettableFire defeats Random Sammich.
December 20th - "Faces of Superdickery" thread created by Bizarre.
December 30th - EspanolBot joins the forum.
December 31st - Crisis on Infinite Forums


January 2006

January 5th - mon2mon joins the forum.
January 9th - The Superdickery Wiki is created.
January 12th - Virgil and Virgie, the first of Superdickery's couples, meet face-to-face for the first time.
January 21st - Virgie returns home from Texas.

February 2006

Febraury 4th - is hacked.
February 5th - First Admin Elections on Cerebral Erosion. Ykari defeats TSI.
February 7th - Mental Corrosion is restored by the combined efforts of Virgil and UnforgettableFire.
February 8th - Mike returns after a long absence. Schide is made an admin.
February 9th - Cerebral Erosion is created.
February 9th - The Superdickery Forum hits the current peak number of simultaneuous users, 83.
February 9th - Cthulhu joins the forum.
February 26th - God of Awesome joins the forum.
February 28th - Draghignazzo joins the forum.

March 2006

March 3rd - darklyndsea joins the forum.
March 5th - Second Admin Elections on Cerebral Erosion. DieselMan becomes the auxiliary boards' first two-term admin after defeating TSI.
March 15th - The Cass Cain thread is started, and the Cass Cult is formed.

April 2006

April 4th - 404 Day. Virgil wreaks havoc on CE with the largest Virgil's Grabbag ever.
April 5th - Third Admin Elections on Cerebral Erosion. DiscipleJohn defeats TSI.
April 9th - House of Mike
April 11th - Necromancy Night
April 12th - Necromancy Morning
April 23rd - Joyuna and EspanolBot begin dating.

May 2006

May 5th - DarkGob becomes the first poster to hit 10,000 posts on SD.
May 5th - Third Admin Elections on Cerebral Erosion. Dr. Dave defeats Pez.
May 8th - DarkGob reveals himself in the Faces of Superdickery thread.
May 28th - RadiationHazard joins the forum... and embarrasses himself shortly afterward.

June 2006

June 6th - Virgil and Sota go crazy with Dante and Minnie, resulting in those accounts being deleted. Schide warned that any further such hijinks from them would result in permanent bans.

July 2006

~July 25th - Noone much cared about the wiki anymore, bar DoctorSneeze. Vandalism was plentiful.

October 2006

October 30th - Cthulhu Creates the NEW wiki because both admins on the old decided "fuck this".

November 2006

November 9th - The Superdickery civil war loomed on the Horizon.
November 10th - The Superdickery civil war broke out and ended.
~November 30th - The wiki died. Again


March 2007

March 7th - Virgil returns to CE

April 2007

April 20th - Virgil's announcement that the old wiki was being deleted sparked new interest in Cthulhu's wiki. Doctor Sneeze was made an admin.
April 25th- People lost interest again.

May 2007

The Time of changes begin.
May 6th - With smalltime vandalism and a complete re-write of the Civil War article, Draghignazzo manages to spark interest in the wiki again.
May 21nd - Schide and Josie breaks up.
May 22nd - The Justice League Internet is formed for the purpose of beating up Eegriega's jerk dick ex-boyfriend.

June 2007

Schide leaves.
Wy@tt joins. Is chastised for being a n00b, rightfully so.

July 2007

July 5th - Psychosesman leaves the board.
July 6th - Psychosesman returns to the board.
July 19th - The Jim Balent thread is created and turns into a glorious train wreck immideately.

August 2007

August 1st - SnoKoneManiac officially makes Professor Wagglesworth, or :waggles: overdone.
August 26th - TSI gets adminship. The Goddamn, Ryong and Draghignazzo leave the board.

November 2007

November 4th - Draghignazzo is banned.

November 7th to 9th - Troll hunting season begins. A bunch of stuff gets fucked up. Don't ask, it's all confusing.

November 9th to 10th - The King and The Queen hack Mike's account and chicken-littles freak out.

November 10th - BDS, PsychosesMan, and Starke set up a new alternate board.

November 24th - The last black person leaves.


April 2008

April 3rd- A new board is created, by the Admin Team.
April 16th- A vast migration to the new board is under way
April 23rd- ForumCircle Dies.


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