Rogers, Bill J

From Lane Co Oregon

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Bill "B.J" Rogers had a bachelor of law degree from Missouri Institute in St. Louis. At the time of his election to Mayor, he was a sales manager for Willis H. Small Feed Company. He served in World War II and was in the Air Force Reserves. He was married to his wife Winnie and they had one daughter.

B.J. worked for the Oregon Broiler Association in the '50's and was instrumental in starting the Oregon Broiler Festival. The Springfield Broiler Festival held by the Jaycees every year until the late 1980s was one of our most popular Springfield Events.

He was long active in civic affairs serving on the Planning Commission, Recreation Council, Citizens Committee for Urban renewal prior to his election to Mayor from 1961 to 1964.

He was mayor when the election approved the annexation of Eastern Springfield under Ed Harms was challenged and had to go to the Oregon Supreme Court for a ruling. As a rresult of a positive ruling, B.J. oversaw one of the largest public infrustructures of the newly annexed area. He led the campaign for approval of a $3.5 million bond issue for sewers and storm drains. This issue continued to dog hiim throughout his term as rresidents unhappy with the annexation and the bond issue tried to recall him from office. He successfully fought off the recall election in 1962 but the voices of discord eventually caught up to him, resulting in his defeat when Rogers ran for a second term.

Springfield News October, 1964

Rogers Objects to Invitation To Meeting Without Full Facts

Mayor Candidate Bill Rogers stated his displeasure at being invited in a "non-partisan" meeting tonight (Thursday) without being told that the person and organization inviting him had already endorsed his oponent.

His objection was made at the regular meeting of the Springfield Realty Board on Tuesday noon of this week to watch Rogers and Leslie Fleming had been invited as speakers.

The candidates' talks followed a brief business meeting conducted by Board President Mrs. Marcella O'Bryant which endorsed by resolution, ballot mesure No. 13, the War Veteran's Bonding and Loan amendment.

Frank Kephart, program chairman, introduced the candidates with Rogers first on the program.

Rogers opened his talk with a brief comment of his being asked to appear at a meeting Thursdsay evening by the secretary of an organization, a city candidates' open forum, which he thought ws to be a non-partisan meeting. He was surprised, he stated, to discoer in the same paper as the notice of the meeting an advertisement for his opponent and two councilmen signed by the same organization and person who contacted him for the meeting. He did not feel this was above-board tactics but stated he would attend the meeting, as he would any meeting to which he was asked by the voters.

He went on to outline his beliefs in what the city nees and how these needs should be met, adding from former comments his view that no additional arreas should be annexed to Springfield unless they asked to be annexed by petition to the proper authorities.

Leslie Fleming re-stated his primary objectives of bringing limited government to Sriingfield and reducing taxes. He went into some detail on previous statements on extending his influence to school and park district matters by pointing out that if he reduced taxes for the city, he would be derelict in his duties as mayor if he allowed other taxing districts to negate the savings by raising their mill levies without his doing everything in his power as a citizen to stop such raises.

Mayors of Springfield
Albert S. Walker (1885-1886) • S.I. Lee (1887) • Albert S. Walker (1888) • Simon Tuttle (1888-1889) • T.O. Maxwell (1889) • Albert S. Walker (1889-1890) • Albert Wheeler (1890-1892) • L. Gilstrap (1892-1893) • Albert Wheeler (1893) • J H Van Schoich (1893-1894) • Albert Wheeler (1894-1895) • Eugene C Martin (1896-1899) • John B. Innis (1900-1902) • H.A. Skeels (1902-1903) • R.A. Jayne (1903-1907) • Mark M. Peery (1907-1909) • W.M. Sutton (1909-1911) • Welby Stevens (1911-1913) • Charles L. Scott (1913-1915) • Elmer E. Morrison (1915-20) • Charles F. Eggiman (1921-1924) • George G. Bushman (1925-1929) • Charles O. Wilson (1929) • Wilfrid P. Tyson (1930-1934) • Ernest H. Turner (1934-1935) • W.A. Taylor (few minutes, November 27, 1935) • Ed Waltman (1935-1936) • William H. Pollard (1936-1940) • Charles Chandler (1940-1945) • Claude T. Gerlach (1945-1949) • B.P. Larson (1949-1953) • Edward C. Harms, Jr. (1953-1961) • B.J. Rogers (1961-1965) • David L. Scofield (1965-1967) • John E. McCulley (1967-1970) • William MorrissetteMaureen MaineSid Leiken

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