Episode Guide

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Revision as of 18:21, 21 April 2006 by AcMom (Talk | contribs)

Season 1 (The BS fanstuff Wiki Age)

  • Episode 1. Fi- I Mean, Toxica's Fan Episode - WHAT??! SOMEONE (who didn't kill Matt Wilson) HAS TAKEN OVER TEH BONUS STAGE? UNPOSSIBLE!
  • Episode 2. .hack//Tox - Toxica Deletes Psyco Bonus Stage!
  • Episode 3. Toxiconning - Pirate Satilite TV? Ask Toxica!
  • Episode 4. Revenge of the Necromonica Add To It Go Ahead - Finaly, We see Necromonica Early! Why? Ask Toxica!
  • Episode 5. Necromonica the WereDevil Add To It Go Ahead - Necromonica Has Possesed A Pack of animals, Chales Dawin Middle School!
  • Episode 6. Go! Go! Necromonica Rangers Add To It Go Ahead - Joel finds a Human Version of Sonic, Phil Finds A Teenage, Human Tails, Elly finds a teenage Kolulu, Tia and Zatch. Toxica's The Blame!
  • Episode 7. CurSING! Necromonica Commands It Do Not Enter - The first ever Toxica's Bonus Stage musical! Or maybe not. Joel tries to build an underground city! But Necromonica Has Other Plans!
  • Episode 8. Toxica 10 Add To It Go Ahead - Ben Enters Toxivile(Chrismavile) Hillarity Ensues! First Game-Toon and It's Leagal! Scream! Part One Of Toxitopia
  • Episode 9. A Kind Toxi-Toon, Kolulu Add To It Go Ahead - AC Falls In Love with Kolulu, Hillarity Ensues! If Her Book is Burnt, Ac Will Be Heartbroken! And so we have to Keep The Book from Burning! Second Game-Toon and It's Leagal! Scream! Part Two Of Toxitopia
  • Episode 10. The Toxica Twelve Add To It Go Ahead - Kido and Dr.Riddles Beats The shit Out of AC! Hillarity Ensues! Part Three Of Toxitopia
  • Episode 11. And Now, Somthing completely Different Add To It Go Ahead - An Intermition, The Whole Power Rangers Show! Ask Necromonica! Intermition Of Toxitopia

Season 2 (The Wiki Days)

  • Episode 12. Explosion Of the Forth Wall Add To It Go Ahead - Toxitopia Is Gone, Now For Seasson Two(The Wiki Days). Robotboy has human skin, Hillarity Ensues!
  • Episode 13. Zany Fourm Add To It Go Ahead - Ac Finds Love At First Sight in Robotgirl, Hillarity Ensues! If She is broken by dr.kamacazi, Ac Will Be Heartbroken! And so we have to Keep Dr.K from Annilating Robotgirl. third Game-Toon and It's Leagal! Scream!
  • Episode 14. The Fanfic Add To It Go Ahead - Toxica finally has Shen Gon Wu!
  • Episode 15. The Concert - Timmy, Jimmy, SpongeBob and Danny with their friends go to a Chip Skylark concert. But when Chip hurts is legs, it's up to Danny to fill in. And another problem, Danny can't sing! Can SpongeBob take place? Will Chip be still a pop star? Find Out Now!
  • Episode 16. The End - Sora faces Demyx and the Ill-Fated Orginisation XIII Member Got Washed Away With Goofy, Demyx Got _______(That Word Was Cut)
  • Episode 17. The Beast - Welcome Back To Beast's Castle, NOT!!! Now Xialdin Must Have Beast's Heartless and Nobody, Can Anybody Save Us!
  • Episode 18. The Bookmark - A Hunt fo a new Shen Gon Wu Gets sidetraced by AC Introduceing the new facing of the show! Hillarity Ensues
  • Episode 19. The Past - The Evil One Looks At His Reprogramming Room and to the past
  • Episode 20. The Suck - WHAT??! SOMEONE (who didn't kill Matt Wilson) HAS TAKEN OVER TEH BONUS STAGE? UNPOSSIB-oh wait... it's the first episode Re-Done
  • Episode 21. The Dead - The Final Battle!

Season 3 (The Age of Nerds And ac's Text Sandbox!)

  • Episode 22. Car 3 - The Bonus Stage Cast and Rubyrulez Appear in Ac's Batcular Pad
  • Episode 23. Zombie 3 - Horay For Idiots, Rubyrulez helps ac pimp a bonus stage classic. now an uprising of zombies happens, for no apparent reason whatsoever.
  • Episode 24. The Little Lion part TLL1 TLL2
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