Zombie 3

From Finsters Place For Made Up People The Tbs Wiki

(We see alot of rubble, A hand pops up)

{roll opening credits}

JOEL: What have I done? {Cut to Joel, standing with wide open red eyes} WHAT HAVE I DONE?

{Cut to Phil, sitting on the couch with a controller in hand.}

PHIL: Why do you keep saying that?

{Cut to Joel, standing in front of the chair that Phil is sitting in. Ruby pops in.}

RUBYRULEZ: Because, repetition is soothing! Tell 'em Joel!

PHIL: Why are you still here?

RUBYRULEZ: Please let me stay! I'll be good!

JOEL: Hey man, you're my friend! You can stay!

PHIL: He'll just get in the way of our zany adventures!

JOEL: No he won't...anyway...I have created a bastardization of modern science. Also, repetition is soothing.

PHIL: Um, that dude just said that!

{Phil points at Ruby.}

JOEL: Phil, this is no time for edgy, subversive comedy!

{Pans to Phil's bed. A shirt sits there.}

PHIL: {Off-screen} So, is this the bastardization?

JOEL: {Off-screen}Phil, {Cut to Joel and Ruby} it's a t-shirt {zooms into his head} ZOMBIE! {Dramatic sound effect plays}

RUBYRULEZ: Funny, because there's a bunch of zombies outside the house!

{Cut to the outside of the house, where there are a bunch of zombies outside. Cut back to Phil.}

PHIL: I can't think of a non-cliché way to react to this.

{Joel pops up from the side, head upside-down}

JOEL: Now, I've killed zombies before...

{Ruby pops up from the bottom.}

RUBYRULEZ: So kill the zombies outside!

JOEL: Dude, don't interrupt the episode!

RUBYRULEZ: Oh god! Ahhhhh!

{A zombie grabs Ruby and drags him offscreen.}

JOEL: Now, I've killed zombies before, but a t-shirt zombie? Probably hard.

{Cut to another shot of Phil, more detailed, bemused face.}

PHIL: I'm no scientist, but this seems waaaay too unfeasible. And retarted.

{Cut to Joel against a white background}

JOEL: Hey, don't mess with retarded science. {holds up T-shirt} That's what this t-shirt was gonna say.

{Cut to close-up of the t-shirt. It says, "ha ha ha"}

JOEL: But then it started saying... other... things...

{t-shirt now says, "leave the house"}

{Cut to a surprised Phil}

PHIL: It's alive?

{Joel pops in. BG turns to white. A zombie drags Phil offscreen.}

JOEL: Yeah, we're past that phase now...Phil?

{Another zombie walks on screen.}

JOEL: Oh, so that's why the shirt wanted us to leave! Hey, I can finish the episode with you!


{Joel drags the zombie over to him.}

JOEL: You know, this is why I don't come to you for advice, YOU {Brings face closer to the screen} BEER- {Brings face even closer, showing the detail of his anger} -GUZZLING IMBECILE! {brings it back, with a normal expression} Actually, that's a good idea, I should probably try that.

{Cut to the t-shirt. Its front says, "what are you doing". The shirt gets burnt, revealing the road outside. Joel is surrounded by zombies who gang up on him.}

JOEL: Well, everything worked out in...AHHHHHHH!

{The zombies jump on Joel. Cut to Joel, Phil and Ruby in hell.}

RUBYRULEZ: Hell rocks!

PHIL: Just shut up!

{Roll End Credits}

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