The Concert

From Finsters Place For Made Up People The Tbs Wiki

Timmy, Cosmo, and Wanda (in a kid disguise) were going to the Chip Skylark Concert. He brought along Jimmy, SpongeBob and Danny with their friends to see the concert. Timmy wanted them to go backstage since he knew Chip Skylark. Unfortunately, a bodyguard was in their way.

Bodyguard: I need to see your passes. (puts out his hand)

Timmy: We don’t need passes. I’m Timmy Turner. Had been all of Chip Skylark’s music videos and these are my friends that are with me.

Bodyguard: I still need to see your passes.

SpongeBob: Nobody said anything about passes.

Bodyguard: (strangles SpongeBob) Look, just give me the passes or else your friend, who feels like a sponge, I’m gonna rip him apart.

Jimmy: Well,...

Bodyguard: Well what?

Libby: Isn’t that Chip Skylark behind you?

Libby was right. Behind the bodyguard was Chip Skylark.

Chip: I’ll take it from here.

Bodyguard: Aww. (drops SpongeBob and leaves)

SpongeBob: Ow! I’m ok.

Chip: Hey there, um(looks at Timmy and Jimmy) Which one of you is the real Timmy?

Timmy: I am. That’s cousin Jimmy, from Wisconsin? (lies)

Danny: Hey, that’s me!

Chip and Danny look at each other like they’re looking though a mirror.

SpongeBob: Wow, Chip and Danny look about exactly alike. (laughs)

(Blob Stuff)

Chip: Whoa! Who are they? (refers to SpongeBob, Patrick and Sandy)

SpongeBob: We’re from underwater.

Chip: (not sure) Right. Do you guys like a tour before the concert?

All: Yeah, sure.

Chip: Ok.

Chip showed everyone backstage. Timmy helped too that he knew this place, too. It was 7:50pm, 10 minutes to the premiere.

Man: (shouting) In 10, Chip!

Chip: OK!

Suddenly, Chip trips on Toxica's Leg that was in the was in the way(Just To Get Them Back To Work). Now, his leg was hurt.

Chip: OW! I think I broke my leg!

Sandy: Sir, are you OK?

Chip: Not really.

A man that had on a blue with gold stripes shirt and blue pants with yellow, slim hair and wearing sunglasses came rushing the gang’s way.

Man: Call me Agent Sangonhimer. (holds out a card that has his name) Now that Chip can’t sing, who is gonna replace him? (sees Danny) You! You will replace Chip Skylark! (points at him)

Danny: (surprised) Me? But why?

Sangonhimer: Because you look like him!

Sam: Hey, don’t look at us Danny, but you do look like Chip.

Cosmo: Ha! Everyone knows that now.

Danny: But I’m not barely even his age...or his height or his face.

Sangonhimer: It’s called make-up kid. The other is called high shoes. Now let’s get ready!

Danny: What? But I can’t do it!

Chip: (in a wheelchair with a cast on his leg) Danny, please! You have to do it.

Danny hears the crowd from the audience in a distance and are saying “Chip, Chip!”.

Timmy: Danny, don’t do it just for him, but for me! (makes a begging face)

SpongeBob: Hey, that’s the same look I give!

Cindy: (sarcastic) Right.

Sam: Danny, do this also for me.

Danny now makes up his decision.

Danny: Sure, I’ll do it.

Sangonhimer: Great, now let’s get you ready!

Man: 7 more till the premiere!

The agent had Danny go into the make-up closet.

Wanda: Um, you know Tucker and Sam, but did you hear Danny sing before?

Tucker & Sam: Uh, well...

(Blob Stuff)

Tucker: Not exactly.

Sam: Although, there was that one time in a school play.

Phil: Yeah At My High School

We go back to a flashback that has High School Phil Arigus and a little Danny on a spotlight. He starts to sing.

When I look at you, I start to plee, That if I can’t (plays off-key) sing I will be ready

He covers up his mouth while the crowd starts to boo at him And His Head Explodes! End Flashback.


Toxica Punches Him

Toxica: Take Off You Chip Skylark Memorbilia And Get Back To Work

Wanda: Oh, that bad.

Cosmo: Bad? It’s worse! (starts to laugh then stops) I’ll be quiet now.

Sandy: He had to change now.

Everyone hears Danny’s singing in another room. He was horrible And His Heart Explodes.

Sangonhimer: That was horrible And He's Gone! Now it looks like we need to cancel the concert!

Libby: But you can’t stop the music!

Phil: Besides He'll Be Back Next week!

Patrick: Hey, where’s SpongeBob?

All: Huh?

Everyone hears Chip Skylark’s singing. They rush over to Chip that has the broken leg.

Chip: What?

Timmy: We heard your singing.

Sam: Yeah, and you sing pretty good.

Chip: But I didn’t sing.

Sandy: But if it wasn’t you, who else could it be?

Chip: I don’t know, but for the guy who sounds like me, he does sing good.

Then, everyone hears Chip’s singing again.

Jimmy: It’s coming from Chip’s room.

Everyone rushes over there and opened up the door quietly. They find SpongeBob singing in Chip’s voice.

Wanda: So he thinks he can go in here and sing like Chip Skylark.

Cindy: Have to admit, he does sing good.

Sam: (sighs) Wanda, go unplug the boombox.

Wanda: Right.

Wanda unplugs the boombox and then hides back to the door. However, SpongeBob keeps singing.

Sam: Wanda, I thought I told you to unplug the boombox!

Wanda: I did. (holds up the plug) See?

Carl: Wait a minute, if the boombox is unplugged then,...

Sheen: Cool, SpongeBob can sing like Chip Skylark!

SpongeBob still keeps on singing like Chip.

Hey Vicky, why so icky,

Oh by, looking at you, oh so sickly!

He finds himself to stop singing because he sees Jimmy, Timmy and the rest in front of the door.

SpongeBob: Uh, hi you guys.

Libby: I have to admit...

All: You sing good.

SpongeBob: Thanks. I was listening to this CD.

SpongeBob hands the CD to Jimmy.

Jimmy: (reading) Chip Skylark’s Karaoke Songs.

Chip: (coming in) Wow, no one has caught to sing like me before.

Sangonhimer: You’re hired! But we need to fix you up immediately!

SpongeBob: But I don’t like being fixed up!

Jimmy: Don’t worry, Sangonhimer! I have a plan so no one will get hurt!

Man: 4 more!

Sangonhimer: You have 4 minutes ‘till the concert. If you don’t have him ready, I’ll (his beeper beeps) Looks like I’m needed, bye now!

Danny: What are you gonna do, Jimmy?

Jimmy: With my new invention, the Portable Switcher 7000.

SpongeBob: Oh. What does it do?

Jimmy: It can make you switch bodies with Danny.

Danny: What!

Jimmy: Look, with SpongeBob’s voice and Danny’s looks, we can make Danny which will be SpongeBob in there and...

Timmy: Everyone will be happy or at least until the concert is over. Let’s do it, chop-chop.

Danny: I’m so gonna regret this.

Jimmy, SpongeBob and Danny go into Chip’s room to switch eachother’s bodies.

SpongeBob: Um, is this gonna hurt?

Jimmy: Not at all, mostly.

Danny: Mostly!

Jimmy plants some tubes onto Danny and SpongeBob’s heads that come with the invention.

Jimmy: Now, hold still.

Danny: Wait a minute, I need to...

Jimmy already pulled the lever and after a moment, SpongeBob was in Danny’s body while Danny was in SpogneBob’s body.

SpongeBob: (in Danny’s body) Why in the world do I feel so taller?

Danny: (in SpongeBob’s body) Why do I feel like I have holes and is shorter?

Jimmy: Congrats, guys. You are now in eachother’s bodies.

Danny: (in SS body) Well, this stinks!

(Blob Stuff To The Tune of The Bacon Man Song)

Man: Ready to premiere in one minute!

Sangonhimer comes back and takes SpongeBob (in Danny’s body) to get fixed.

Sangonhimer: You look just like uh, what was his name?

SpongeBob: (in DF’s body) Danny.

Sangonhimer: Right. Get along now.

SpongeBob in Danny’s body gets ready to preform on stage.

(Blob Stuff)

The concert was now ready to perform. SpongeBob (in DF’s body) was on stage while the rest were at back. They couldn’t wait for the big concert to start!

Cosmo: You know, we could have just wished that Danny could sing like Chip.

Danny: (in SS’s body) What! Why didn’t anyone tell us!

Everyone looked at eachother.

Timmy: OK! I wish that Danny can sing like SpongeBob.

Wanda: Too late! The concert is starting.

Man: (on stage) And now, welcome Chip Skylark!

The curtains opened up and showed Chip Skylark that was really Danny that was really SpongeBob!

SpongeBob: (in DF’s body, thinking) I sure hope I don’t mess up.

Danny: (in SS’s body) I hope he doesn’t mess up.

Patina: Otherwise...

(Blob Stuff To The Tune of The Bacon Man Song)

SpongeBob starts to sing the tunes to “My Shiny Teeth” (I can’t remember the lyrics) until, he accidently pulled out a ghost power and the green zoomed all over the stage. Even in the audience. The power almost destroyed everything.

Danny: (in SS’s body) Oh, great!

Jimmy: Hey, my invention can just switch people, it doesn’t mean someone else can have the powers.

Cindy: Nice going, freak brain!

Meanwhile, back in the audience...

Timmy’s Dad: (in audience) Cool, special effects!

Everyone cheered for it. It was a close call for the concert. We cut to a music video that shows Timmy, Jimmy, Danny and disguised SpongeBob playing in the song. After SpongeBob is done playing Shiny Teeth, the four launch together for an ending. The crowd loved it. Everyone was so happy.

(Blob Stuff)

It was 10:00 and everyone was in Timmy’s room. Including Chip and Sangonhimer. Everyone congratulated SpongeBob (DF’s body).

Timmy: That was awesome!

Cosmo: Sing again, sing again!

Wanda: Yeah, do it again!

Libby: Sweet job, um, Danny.

Sheen: Nice impression, dude!

Carl: Great surprising blast!

Cindy: You did do a great job.

Jimmy: Not so bad.

Sam: Congrats!

Tucker: Yeah! Whoo!

Patrick: I’m ready for more!

Sandy: Boy, tarnation!

Chip: That was the greatest thing I’ve ever heard!

Sangonhimer: I’ll say!

Danny: (in SS’s body) Um, can I get back to me now?

Timmy: Oh yeah. I wish that Chip and Sangonhimer were gone!

Wanda: you got it, Timmy!

Chip and Sangonhimer: Huh?

They disappear back into their homes, forgetting what Timmy just said, and asleep. Cut back to the group. Jimmy switched back Danny and SpongeBob into their normal bodies.

Danny: I’m me!

SpongeBob: I’m me again, too!

Sam: Danny, that was great! (hugs him)

Tucker: Speaking of which, we better get home.

Danny: Yeah. (sounds like SpongeBob now) Bye you guys! (laughs and him, Tucker, and Sam leave into a portal)

Wanda: That was weird, right after they left, Danny sounded like SpongeBob.

Cindy: You don’t think that you machine, Nerdron made them more then just switch bodies?

Jimmy: No, it can’t be.

Timmy: Nah.

SpongeBob: (sounds like Danny) Tell me about it.

(Danny And Spongebob's Heads Explode. Cut To The base)

???: So...2 New Nobodies, YOU!(Cut To SpongeBob) I can Just Scrap!(His Head Explodes) And you (Cut To Danny) Ghost Powers? I Like!

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