The Beast

From Finsters Place For Made Up People The Tbs Wiki

(Cut To A Mantion)

Jeeves: Your Pringle Sufle, Sir.

???: Thank You Jeeves, Change The Channel to the Clark Griswold Connunicator

Jeeves: Yes, Sir!

(We See Clark Griswold)

???: Clark, Organization XIII Now! Over!

Clark: Xaldin Is Down! Also, Hire The Stomach King! Over!

???: Oh, I will! Thank You Very Much for the Advice, Clark Griswold! Over and Out!

(Clark Vanishes from His TV)

???: The Puzzle Pieces Appear Like Magic, i will solve it, and I WILL avenge Master Org!Another Day, TBS Blammers, (We See an uncontios(Spell?) Xalidin Is Inside a Pod Entering The Room)Another Day...


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