Cross Brand

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The term Cross Brand refers to DXX Superstars who can appear on both the Monday Night Massacre and Friday Night Mayhem shows, more specifically the Divas of DXX. The DXX Womens Championship is a cross brand title for this reason. However, some events such as SummerSlam there have been 'Cross Brand Grudge Matches' in which an opponent(s) from either side take on one another in a match.

The Introduction

The e-federation known as DXX The Rebirth seemed to be lacking in female talent to participate in the shows available. It wasn't until Carari Grey and Rocco Ross took over as General Managers of Friday Night Mayhem and Monday Night Massacre respectively, that the Diva's division really took off. The GM's introduced a cross-brand policy for the divas, enabling them to participate in the show of their choice. A title was also introduced, thus the DXX Womens Championship available in DXX, the current champion of whom is Raisha Saeed.

Current DXX Divas

The following women are cross-brand divas, exclusive to neither DXX show, although the majority are active:

There are also a few Divas which are exclusive to one show, still considered Divas. This is down to the fact that they are not in ring competitors.

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