Rya's Crush is Phil's Rush

From Psycho Bonus Stage

Psycho Bonus Stage Episode 19

Rya begins to express her feelings for Phil, while Phil suspects yet another forced relationship, courtesy of Joel. Clan recieves a tip as to where Cloaked Figure's hideout is. Davenport takes the fanbase out for ice cream. Hilarity ensues, to the dismay of Rubyrulez...

Characters (in order of appearance): Clan, Weird Voice, Rya, June, Phil, Joel, Davenport, Mandy, Rubyrulez, Psychosis, Hagurumon, Ice Cream Man


{Roll Opening Credits}

{Cut to Clan in a desert, from the previous episode. He is all bloddy after having fought the Cloaked Figure.}

CLAN: Stupid Cloak. I'll get him next time.


{CLan looks around.}

CLAN: Who is that?

WEIRD VOICE: Never mind that, I know...

CLAN: Is that you, David Duchovny?


CLAN: How about Ben Stiller.


WEIRD VOICE: Fine, I'm Ben "FREAKING" Stiller! Are you happy now?

CLAN: Not...really...

WEIRD VOICE: Listen, I know where Cloaked Figures hideout is. If you'd just listen to me, I can tell you.

CLAN: Why should I listen to you, The Ben Stiller Show sucked!


CLAN: Evil? What about Cloak?

WEIRD VOICE: Gah! Just, listen to me.

{Cut to Phil's House. June is sitting with Rya.}

RYA: Tell me, who let you into Bonus Stage 2?

JUNE: I rock! That's who...now, you said you have something to discuss with me?

RYA: Oh, I really have feelings for Phil, but after all that I put him through in the last Bonus Stage, I don't know if he'll accept me. Especially now that I'm human.

JUNE: Well, maybe consider giving it a try. What's the worst you've ever done to him?

{Cut to a flashback of Bonus Stage 1. Rya, as a robot, is standing next to Phil.}

PHIL: What is it Rya?

{Rya points at Phil.}

RYA: I hate you!

{Cut back to Rya and June. Joel walks in the room.}

JOEL: Come on you ladies, you're going to miss me showing off my invention for the millionth time!

JUNE: Has it really been a million?

JOEL: Yes, but you're probably not sure what it does...maybe...

RYA: Let me guess, it's another Powerpuff Girl.

{Joel looks bewildered.}

JOEL: {shocked} WHO TOLD YOU?! {normal} Anyway, come look at my other latest invention!

{Cut to Joel, Phil, Rya and June outside. Rya stands next to Phil, blushing. Phil gives her a disturbed look. Joel pulls out a device.}

PHIL: What is it?

JOEL: It's a device so cool, it's scary!

PHIL: Like...

JOEL: Like your face...Ha! I'm faster than you!


PHIL: I hate you...

{Joel cringes in fear.}

JOEL: Don't kill me!

PHIL: What?

JOEL: Anyway, this device is one I'd like to call, the 4-in-one!

JUNE: What does it do?

JOEL: Notice how Elly hasn't yet appeared in this episode?

{The others look around.}

JOEL: Well, this device removes unwanted characters for one episode. It also allows us to redo an episode based on past, previously undetermined events. This also can force relationships, as well as change my Treehouse into a DDR groove pad!


PHIL: That's...um...stupid!

JOEL: Watch!

{Joel pushes a button, turning the rickety treehouse into a metallic fortress.}

PHIL: But...but the treehouse was supposed to be torture, not fun, excitement, and calorie burning dance moves!

{Rya holds Phil's hand. Phil looks at her.}

RYA: Hey Phil...

PHIL: Um, Rya, what's your deal?

RYA: Well, I really like you. Is that a crime against humanity.

{Phil glares at Joel's device.}

PHIL: No, but it will lead to Joel's death!

{Cut to The fanbase, in Davenports car.}

DAVENPORT: Who's up for some Ice Cream?

MANDY: I'd love some Ice Cream!


PSYCHOSIS: So would I!



RUBYRULEZ: Ah, it's good to take a day off from sticking to the plot, and just get some Ice Cream.

MANDY: Hate to break it to ya, but getting Ice Cream is still part of the plot.

{Rubyrulez looks up at the top of the page.}

RUBYRULEZ: D'oh, she's right!

HAGURUMON: Right? Can't she be left?

PSYCHOSIS: Well, so long as hilarity doesn't ensue...

DAVENPORT: Hate to break it to ya, but your friend Hagurumon is pretty hilarious!

RUBYRULEZ: Aw S{beep}t!

{Cut to inside the treehouse. Phil walks in to see Joel, playind DDR.}

PHIL: Joel, I need to talk to you!

{Joel jumps of the DDR pad in fear. His score winds up being an A.}

JOEL: {scared} Stay back, I know Tae-Bo!

{Joel begins to do some crazy moves.}

PHIL: Joel, I know you and your device are behind what Rya told me today, and I'm not happy about it.

JOEL: Phil, my device, and what it does, are protected by two seperate yet equally important groups. The patent office that protects my products, and the police who crack down on the copycats.

PHIL: Um, OK, so...

JOEL: These are their stories. Man, I love that show...

PHIL: You know what, I hope the previous episodes that remain unwritten to this day make these events impossible!

JOEL: Um, whatever, just leave me and DDR in peace. That's Deadly Dreadful Robot!


PHIL: I hate you.

{Cut to Davenport and the fanbase at an Ice Cream Shop.}

ICE CREAM MAN: So, what'll you have?

MANDY: Um, who are you?

ICE CREAM MAN: I'm the useless, one-time appearance character with only one line of dialogue.

RUBYRULEZ: Make it two...

DAVENPORT: We'll have every flavor you've got, and make it snappy!

{The ice cream man disappears inside the shop. A few seconds later, Ice Cream comes flying out of the shop and into everyones faces.}

PSYCHOSIS: Ice cream faces?

DAVENPORT: I guess hilarity has officialy ensued!


{Cut to Phil and Rya in Phil's Living Room.}

RYA: What's wrong, Phil?

PHIL: You know, I guess I'm just used to what was happening in Bonus Stage 1, that it's been hard to adapt to Bonus Stage 2. I mean, you like me, these useless fan people barge in, and the maid is still here.

JUNE: {offscreen} I heard that!

RYA: Phil, I know you think this is due to Joel's device, but from what I was told, the Forced Relationship button has a few bugs, so it doesn't work. I mean, I like you for real, this relationship isn't being forced.

PHIL: Well, you'll have to give me some time to order my priorities.

{2 seconds later.}

PHIL: That didn't take long. See you, Rya.

{Phil's feet turn into rockets, and he blasts through the roof. June walks onscreen as Rya looks sad.}

RYA: I may never get him to like me.

JUNE: Well, Ruby is responsible for the last episode this season. If you ask him nicely...

RYA: I'll think about it...

JUNE: I was going to say...


{Cut to Clan, still in the desert.}

CLAN: I know where Cloak is!


CLAN: Maybe in a few episodes!

{Cut back to the fanbase.}

RUBYRULEZ: Maybe Anti-Episodes are overrated!

{Cut to Phil in his bedroom.}

PHIL: Maybe Joel will bug off!

{Cut to Joel in his treehouse. The DDR machine reads "B"}

JOEL: Maybe...

{Close up on his face. His eyes turn red.}


{End Credits}

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