Mandy enters BS2

From Psycho Bonus Stage

Psycho Bonus Stage Episode 11

Mandy enters Bonus Stage V2. Joel hoards his chips.

Characters (In Order of Appearance): Mandy, Clan, Weird Voice, Hagurumon, Joel



(Mandy, Clan, and Hagurumom are still in the black void.)

MANDY: I'm getting so bored. There's next to nothing to do in here. Also, my iPod's outta juice and there's nowhere to plug it in! AND CLAN STILL EXISTS!


MANDY: Maybe not. That WOULD explain this.

(Mandy holds up a photo of herself dressed as Rya.)

CLAN: That doesn't explain anything!

MANDY: Shaddup.

WEIRD VOICE: Shippinator Mandy, it is your turn to enter Bonus Stage 2.

MANDY: FINALLY! At last! A few weeks of glorious, wonderful, Clan-free living!

CLAN: I'm gonna be in there eventually...

MANDY: I know. I've gotta enjoy this while I can.

(Mandy hugs Hagurumon.)

MANDY: See ya in a little while, Nick.

HAGURUMON: ...Moose.

(Mandy suddenly disappears. She reappears in the desert-type place.)

MANDY: I'm all...sweaty. It's a good thing I'm dressed in black...oh, wait. Black ABSORBS heat.

(brief pause)

MANDY: ...I'm screwed.

(Joel appears out of nowhere.)


MANDY: Where the crap did you come from?

JOEL: I teleported. Duh.

MANDY: Holy crap, you can do that?


MANDY: B-but you just DID!

JOEL: Yes.

MANDY: Well...can you teleport me over to Charismaville? It's hotter than a furnace in here!

JOEL: Eh, okay. But don't eat all of my chips!

MANDY: Aw, man...I like chips.

(end credits)

Fun Facts


  • Mandy actually DID dress up as Rya once, for a school thing.

Inside References

  • The exchange between Joel and Mandy about the chips is similar to Joel and Phil's conversation about breadsticks in Joel VS. The Monobrow.

Real-World References

    • This is a quote from The Devil's Hands Are Idle Playthings, the final Futurama episode.

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