Leader for a Day

From Psycho Bonus Stage

Psycho Bonus Stage Episode ?

Jinzo and Mandy fight for leadership status, while Psychosis leaves on an unexplained venture. Clan gets the 2nd Chaos Emerald with the help of a very unexpected person...

{Opening credits}

PSYCHOSIS: Alright, guys. I have to leave on an unexplained venture.

MANDY: (steps up to Psychosis) Ooh, can I be leader?


JINZO: Heck, I've kept the Yellow and Purple Gems safe for Clan. Also this Chaos Emerald. Clan is getting the second one as we speak. So I reckon I should be leader.

PSYCHOSIS: What? Argh, fine, you can have a little contest for it.

MANDY: Oh, noes. I hate these Clan-type episodes.

PSYCHOSIS: Well...yeah, cya. (moves out of shot slowly)

JINZO: You're too young to lead such a big group, missie.

MANDY: Oh, you think you can talk the talk, ripoff of a Bonus Stage guest character which was in turn referenced to another character!

{Cut to Clan (In a Special Stage tube)}

CLAN: Alright, let's find that other Chaos Emerald. Wait, who told me to get those things again?

{Clan warps back to the Fanbase, with the 2nd Chaos Emerald}

CLAN: That was fun. Is YoYoMom at church?

JINZO: Yes. He left a note.

Dear Clan,
I think the 3rd Chaos Emerald is in the church. I will look there, and if I don't find it I will
tell you. 


{Cut to Jinzo and Mandy, both 'grrr'-ing at each other, looking at a screen depicting Psychosis' face.}

PSYCHOSIS: Alright. Ready?

JINZO: Affirmative.

MANDY: Sure. Why not?

PSYCHOSIS: You know what happens if you cheat?

JINZO: Affirmative.

MANDY: Sure. Why not?

PSYCHOSIS: Okay then...Jinzo, repeat the cheating rule.

JINZO: Affirmative.

MANDY: Sure. Why not? (angry at Jinzo still)

JINZO: Should anyone attempt to fix the match so as to force one person to win, he or she is automatically disqualified from the match.

PSYCHOSIS: Wrong. Mandy will win if that happens, because I trust her and, because you're a robot.

JINZO: (looks at Mandy) You're not a robot?

MANDY: Contrary to popular belief, I am NOT, in fact, a robot.


PSYCHOSIS: (simultaneously, really fast) AnywaysOneTwoThreeGo!

{Jinzo and Mandy fight. The result is a draw after 2 long minutes of watching the two do random fight moves. Jinzo is above Mandy, as he uses some sort of transformation technique to turn into Phil}

PHIL(JINZO): I hope you're prepared for this move: Elegant Spinning Destiny!

{The subtitle below Phil(Jinzo) reads, "Elegant Spinning Destiny"}

NARRATOR: What is the purpose of Jinzo's new technique. Find out on the next episode...

{Cut to a screen saying, "Jinzo's Technique is Entirely Useless and Mandy Gains Leadership and YoYoMom Comes Back Empty-Handed(Again)}

JINZO: Dad gum.

MANDY: Well, I won.

JINZO: Congratulations.

{They both shake hands}

{YoYoMom busts through the wall with Yata-Garasu and Dingodile}

YoYo: Execute the Yata-Lock!

Yata-Garasu: Caw!

PSYCHOSIS: (leaning in onscreen) Wow, this episode just choked on retard again.

(Phil pops up, angry)

PHIL: What the hell? You didn't give me screen time in this one!

(Rya pops up)

RYA: Phil, are they choking on retard again?

(Phil becomes annoyed at Rya)

PHIL: I hate it when people re-use lines.



PSYCHOSIS (VOICEOVER): Nononono, we're not doing that, that's a stupid ending. Let's try...

(Rewind to Phil's first line, continue to "I hate it when people re-use lines.")

MANDY: I do too. It's annoying.

PSYCHOSIS: Yeah, let's not do that.

CLAN: This is agreeable.

PSYCHOSIS: Dude. Why do you talk like you're a robot?


RUBYRULEZ: This...is getting boring.

MANDY: You weren't in this one, Ruby.

RUBYRULEZ: I know. It's just...sometimes I don't really like the crazy wacky antics.

PSYCHOSIS: Yeah you do.

CLAN: This episode needs to be Yata-Locked.


CLAN: Why? Everybody's putting stuff in that's irrelevant to the plot.

PSYCHOSIS: What do you think the plot is, then?

CLAN: That Clan is invited to a romantic dinner at Mandy's place.

MANDY: DUDE. That isn't the plot at all.

CLAN: Well-- (Head explodes}

PSYCHOSIS: Oho, haven't seen that in a while. {head explodes}

{End credits}


  • This is where Clan gets the 2nd Chaos Emerald.

Inside References

  • This episode makes fun of Episode 82 of Bonus Stage 1.

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