That Fight That Happened

From Psycho Bonus Stage

Psycho Bonus Stage Episode 18

Clan fights the Cloaked Figure, who he assumes is Andrew. Everyone receives an email from an all-knowing being that owns some place.

Cast (in order of appearance): Hagurumon, Clan, Mandy, Cloaked Figure, Psychosis, Rubyrulez, Silhouette, Joel


{Open to Nick, who appears to be severely overweight. Mandy and Clan and standing around him.}

HAGURUMON: I'm pregnant!

{Roll opening credits, then cut back to the previous scene. A watermelon then drops from Hagurumon's shirt.}

CLAN: You're still insane?

HAGURUMON: I'm always insane.

MANDY: But aren't we all a little insane, on the inside?

HAGURUMON: I'm pretty sure organs are incapable of thinking. Am I right?

MANDY: That's... not what I meant.

CLAN: Oh, well. I'm going to go have an anime fight with Cloak!

{Clan disappears off-screen in a weird motion tween. Pause.}

HAGURUMON: Hey, are we the only two here? Where'd everybody else go?

MANDY: Are you still sticking question marks to the end of your sentences?

HAGURUMON: But you just did it, too!

MANDY: Err...


{Hagurumon hugs Mandy. Cut to Clan with the Cloaked Figure.}

CLAN: There you are. I've been looking for you, Andrew.

CLOAKED FIGURE: Why the heck do you keep calling me that?

CLAN: Look, I know it's you. Stop the charade!

CLOAKED FIGURE: Oh, so you want to play charades, eh?

{Cloaked Figure starts making motions similar to rowing a boat.}

CLAN: Umm... a bird? A plane? Super Phil?

{Cut to Psychosis and Rubyrulez in a room. Mandy walks in.}

PSYCHOSIS: Where's Nick and Clan?

MANDY: Clan went off to have an anime fight with Cloak, and Nick kept hugging everyone, so I had to lock him in a coffin and throw it off of a pirate ship.

RUBYRULEZ: Hey, look. We've got mail!

{Cut to the three in front of a computer screen.}

Dear Fanbase,
I'm going to kidnap Clan!
-An all-knowing being that owns some place

MANDY: Should we be concerned?

PSYCHOSIS: You and Clan may have had a few thousand arguments in the past, but he's our friend, and helped us out in times of hardship. Although... Ruby here did revert that plot, so...

RUBYRULEZ: I can't help it. Shopping over the television is fun. It should be a national pasttime.

PSYCHOSIS: Anyway, the point is this. Friends stick together through thick and obese, just like peanut butter and mayo. Now if we don't rescue Clan, what does that make us? Now let's go rescue him.

{Cut to Clan and Cloak. They both look slightly beat up.}

CLOAKED FIGURE: You fight well. Killing you would be too honorable. There's no fun in a mercy killing.

CLAN: Maybe so, but you lose points for reusing dialogue.


{Suddenly, a silhouette appears and grabs Clan.}

CLAN: Hey, what the!

{Psychosis, Rubyrulez and Mandy appear.}

RUBYRULEZ: Stop right there!

SILHOUETTE: Ah, the fanbase. You've fallen right into my trap!

MANDY: Aw, man! I knew it!

SILHOUETTE: That's right, I emailed you all so that you'd come to save Clan. But now I have you all in my grasp.

PSYCHOSIS: {thinking} Hmm... but there's something this guy forgot about.

SILHOUETTE: Ahahaha! Prepare to eat darkness!

{Shadows begin to sprout from the silhouette. They slowly begin to engulf everyone.}

CLOAKED FIGURE: Nobody steals my prey and gets away with it! I won't forget this! {flies away}

RUBYRULEZ: I can't move! This black stuff has a tight grip!

PSYCHOSIS: There's only one person who can save us now!

MANDY: I'm feeling very discouraged about this whole... about to die thing. I need a hug.

{Nick suddenly appears.}

HAGURUMON: A hug, eh? I can take care of that!

{Hagurumon pulls out a sword and slices through the shadows, freeing everyone.}

CLAN: Whoa, he saved us. ...Axe time!

{Clan pulls out his axe.}

RUBYRULEZ: And my home shopping network gifts! {pulls out a pocket knife and presses a button, making a giant spatula appear.} I got this at the low, low price of $14.99!

{Hagurumon, Clan and Rubyrulez take battle stances. Cut to the silhouette, who also has a battle stance.}

SILHOUETTE: Three against one? That doesn't seem very fair.

HAGURUMON: Yeah, well... it's commonplace in RPGs for there to be three party members in-

SILHOUETTE: You're going to need a whole lot more than three people to beat me.

CLAN: Enough talk! Let's fight!

SILHOUETTE: B- But... I have loads of other things to get through first. Like... my commentary on the government's response to hurricane Katrina...

{Clan chops the silhouette's head off, revealing Joel.}

JOEL: Oh, hey. Anyone up for a game of extreme strip tennis?



JOEL: Yeah, it was me.

MANDY: But why?

JOEL: Well, I wanted some screen time.

HAGURUMON: {angry} I dislike you.

CLAN: W- Wait! Where did Shadow go?

MANDY: Stop calling him that.

{Cut to Cloak, at the store.}

CLOAKED FIGURE: How much for the "Super Awesome Anti-Rya Battle Dagger"? {pause} Fifty bucks?! Arr!

{Cut back to the others.}

CLAN: I never got to unveil Cloak...

RUBYRULEZ: Someday, Clan. Someday...

{A J-pop song plays, as the scene slowly fades to pink and white, like in Fired?!}

HAGURUMON: HEY! I still want my hug!

{The music stops, and the color goes back to normal.}

HAGURUMON: I've been... depressed for the past several years. So can I have a hug? Please? PLEASE?!

{Hagurumon throws his sword over his shoulder, and it stabs Joel. Everyone then has a group hug.}

CLAN: Hey... I want a cheeseburger.

RUBYRULEZ: Weird. Me too.

HAGURUMON: Same here. Which is weird, because I've been trying to be a vegan for the past few weeks.

{Clan and Rubyrulez walk off-screen. Mandy and Psychosis follow, and Psychosis accidentally knocks Hagurumon over.}

HAGURUMON: Whoa, cool. I can see the sky. {pause} Holy guacamoli, it has a gun!

{Roll end credits.}

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