Revenge of the Apathetic

From Psycho Bonus Stage

Psycho BS Episode ?

A mysterious cloud has possessed Joel and Psychosis, forcing them into evil ways. Phil finds a way to recover an old invention, but fails to use it in light in other events.

Characters (in order of appearance): Psychosis, Random Guy, Phil, Clan, Joel, Rya, June, Elly, Ruby, Mandy, Silhouette



(Fade in to Psychosis talking on his computer to a face.)

PSYCHOSIS: So it's kind of okay...kinda.

RANDOM GUY: Kay, well, thanks for filling me in. We were getting pretty worried up at Cannonfire.

PSYCHOSIS: Tell them not to worry. Cya.

(Psychosis turns the computer off. He walks to his room and falls asleep in his bed. Long Pause.)

(opening credits)

(Cut to Phil outside his house.)

PHIL: Ah, what a beautiful day all to myself!

(Clan pops up.)

CLAN: Hey Phil!

PHIL: (to himself) Okay...maybe not all-

(Joel, Rya, June, Elly, Psychosis, Ruby, and Mandy pop up from offscreen.)


PHIL: Damn.

(Cut to Silouette in a black space...which means you can't see him.)

SILOUETTE: Soon, I shall defeat those foolish mortals. How can people possibly complain about a free-- I

(A Final Fantasy-ish guy appears)

SILOUETTE: Ah, Mr Anderson, I've been expecting you...

(Cut to Psychosis and Joel outside. A mostly transparent black cloud is in the distance.)

PSYCHOSIS: So what's your deal with Phil?

JOEL: I...dunno. I'm used to my room, my lab. I just feel that he could be much more worse than simply kicking me out of the house.

PSYCHOSIS: Jeez, that's kinda extreme. Trackmania Sunrise Extreme!

(The cloud is now really close.)

JOEL: ...Can't help it. I mean...wanna see my 4-in-one?


(The cloud engulfs Psychosis, Joel notices it and ducks away. Psychosis starts coughing violently...Cut to Phil and Rya in Phil's House.)

RYA: Phil, what do you hate about me?

PHIL: hated me, you pushed me around, you got people to hate me...on the other side, you do look kinda beautiful. Which kinda makes you twice as deadly.

RYA: Oh come on--

(Joel bursts in through the door.)

PHIL: Joel...

JOEL: Yeah yeah, it's just that Psychosis was just engulfed by this really wierd black cloud.

PHIL: ...Bad mood?

JOEL: And then he's suddenly summoned this-- (the cloud appears through the doorway) --axe and he comes chasing and...(puff, deep intake of breath) ...and then his friends come check out whats going on and he starts trying to--

(The cloud surrounds itself around Joel. Phil and Rya drag Joel out of the house, trying to bat the cloud away. Cut to inside Xover House, where Rubyrulez and Mandy are trying to keep the door from being broken down.)

RUBYRULEZ: What the hell's going on here?

MANDY: How am I meant to know?

(Cut to Phil in Joel's Lab. He is searching desperately for something.)

PHIL: Cummon cummon cummon where is it??? Aha!

(He grabs a time machine from a pile of failed inventions. He presses some buttons and disappears. Cut to black.)

What Happened?

  • To see some more of the episode, you have to watch Morbid.

Continuation Transcript

This continues straight after the previous script.

(Pause. Suddenly Phil appears again, with Season 1 Bonus Stage Joel, who is unconscious. He immediately sprints out of the room with Joel on his shoulder. Cut to inside Xover House, where Hagurumon is attempting to set up a key-lock. Mandy and Ruby are still trying to hold the door shut.)

MANDY: Cummon Nick! You done yet?

HAGURUMON: Almost, just hold on...(short pause) Got it!

(A knock is heard from behind them.)

RUBYRULEZ: Crap. (yelling) Who is it?

???: It's Phil, lemme in!

(Mandy and Ruby quickly un-bolt the back door and let Phil (with S1BS-Joel on shoulder) in, and then re-lock the door.)

HAGURUMON: Alright, now what's going on?

PHIL: I didn't know what to do, (sounding like an infomercial person) and then I tried Joel's lab and came up with this little beauty!

(Phil gets a time machine out of his pocket. Mandy, Ruby and Hagurumon stare in awe)

MANDY: You've killed us! Nooo!

PHIL: Huh? No! The opposite! I brought this guy (chucks Joel onto a nearby couch) so that he could make a copy of that respawn-machine-whatever.

HAGURUMON: How do we know that?

(Cut to Rubyrulez at a computer)

RUBYRULEZ: OMG Guys look at this!

(zoom in on the screen. It is playing the new Morbid.)

PHIL: Wow...that's exactly what I did.

RUBYRULEZ: I didn't touch this thing, it was already on here!


MANDY: We need to find a way to fix Psychosis and the present Joel back to normal.

PHIL: How do you suppose we do that? We have nothing to use!

MANDY: Actually, I have my scythe...Clan...has an axe...

???: I can beat that! I have a pistol...

(Slowly, everyone turns around. Psychosis now has a black tinge to his normal self, and is holding a handgun.)

PHIL: (mock surprise) I'm acting surprised!

PSYCHOSIS: That's right...I guess. I lured you all here so I can kill you.

RUBYRULEZ: Actually, we all live here. Except for Phil. So actually, you didn't lure us here.


(Rubyrulez starts laughing silently)

RUBYRULEZ: (Whispered) I can't believe I'm being held hostage by a kid!

PSYCHOSIS: I am NOT a kid! (shoots the wall next to Ruby's ear) Don't make me aim cl--

(Psychosis is immediately struck down by a boot from Elly, standing next to a broken window. Psychosis seems unconscious.)

ELLY: And now we can see how Rya, June and I are dealing with our assailant.

MANDY: Um...okay...

(Cut to the group (minus Psychosis) huddled up outside a window watching Rya, June and Elly battle Joel. They are failing dismally - the three seem just to want to hug him.)


PHIL: Holy crap, they're failing dismally! The girls just want to hug him!

MANDY: Uh...

RUBYRULEZ: We already read that between the action tags.

PHIL: Okay, we need people who can fight! I have my superpowers somehow, Clan has that axe.

(Clan pops up)

CLAN: It's an ebony axe.

PHIL: Yeahwhatever. And Mandy has the sword--


PHIL: Cummon guys! (He, Mandy and Clan head inside to intervene)

RUBYRULEZ: Um...this is wierd.



(Psychosis walks up behind them. Hagurumon and Rubyrulez notice and cower)

PSYCHOSIS: Wha? I'm just wondering whats going on.

(Popup balloons appear from Ruby and Hagurumon)


HAGURUMON: Hey look, the cloud's shaped like Batman!

(Psychosis notices the popup balloons and backs away, out of screen, slowly)

(Cut to Phil and Mandy inside an old abandoned mansion, killing zombies. Mandy has stars in her eyes.)

MANDY: Phil, why didn't we just do this from the beginning? Let Satan deal with them! They can have this big rock festival in Hell, and fill every seat...

PHIL: Well, we saved the day.

MANDY: ...and have the Stone Temple Pilots...

PHIL: Well, actually, we haven't yet. But we will during the screen transition!

{Later, in Phil's Front Yard}

JOEL: And thus concludes another troubling disappointing adventure. Everything's neatly wrapped up.

PHIL: Yeah, except the Psycho Bonus Stage Wiki {he pronounces it 'wee-kee'} guys.

{Shift to a geek at a computer near the window typing non-stop}

BONUS STAGE WIKI GUY: In this scene, Phil may be referring to the Psycho Bonus Stage Wiki, or he could be referring the Korean MMORPG "Wiki"...

PHIL: No, I was talking about you.

BONUS STAGE WIKI GUY: ...which was cancelled because its graphics were eerily similar to Zelda's.

PHIL: Aaaand they just keep going. Screw you guys.

BONUS STAGE WIKI GUY: Happy birthday, Phil!

PHIL: What?

JOEL: Well, I'm just glad Big Fat Guy didn't show up again. I'm getting sick of punching out with a played-out gag, you know?

{Joel's head explodes}

{Ending Credits for 2.4 seconds, then cut the fight scene in Baby Ballface Must Die. Zoom out to see that the action is being viewed on TV by Joel, Psychosis, Rubyrulez, Mandy and Rya. Joel is holding the remote)

RUBYRULEZ: Hey, we were watching that!

PSYCHOSIS: Yeah, Joel!

MANDY: Give him a break, it was a very disturbing episode anyways.

RUBYRULEZ: (reading episode guide on computer) Not as disturbing as the next one.

(Everyone crowds around Rubyrulez, however he turns off the computer. They start fighting. Fade out.)

Fun Facts


  • The episode loops automatically.

Inside References

Real-World References

  • Trackmania Sunrise is a racer/puzzler from Nadeo. Extreme is their add-on pack.

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