Four. Bridge, Hearts, Rummy... That kinda thing.
From Gamedatawiki
You are:
A Rook!
Secure, stubby and ever-so-slightly phallic, your test results have come up with three possible explanations for your getting this result.
1. You cheated. Sod off and take the test properly.
2. You came here because you played cards, making you lively, a bit dependant on luck, rather than your own strength, and needing quite a bit of support, if you're thinking of doing anything important. But at least you look pretty tough, huh?
3. You watched TV, in a fairly boring sort of way, but you're far too smug to get involved with the plot of whatever trash you're watching. Yeah? You think? Well try saying that when the King shifts you right into the firing line and goes off to hide in the corner where you're stashed your crack, you smug little willy. Tch.
Fear not! The best thing about Chess pieces is that their 'personality' differs depending on the person playing with them.
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