Spooky House (MKRP)

From Egs Mayhem

Revision as of 14:12, 26 January 2010 by OzLionHeart (Talk | contribs)
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General description:

Big spooky house complete with winding driveway, withered, creepy trees, and permanent full moon. A prime example of non-Euclidean geometry and discontinuous space, it leaves you wondering just what would happen if you punched a hole in it's trans-dimensional walls. Now with a fresh pine scent!

Created by:


Creation date:

Friday Dec 30, 2005

Exterior description:

A large, three story mansion. The all-wooden house seems very old, with worn and weathered roof tiling, board siding, and creaking storm shutters over the windows. A series of Gargoyles peering down from the edges of the roof. The front door has a small front porch and a massive front door, complete with equally large-sized knocker. The house resides on a hill with a winding dirt path leading up through the lawn. The path is lined with dead, eerie trees. The lawn is a flawless field of bluegrass, which almost shines in the moonlight. The entire property is permanently bathed in the moonlight of its own full moon - evidence of the property actually existing in another plane and simply knitted into the local area. The moon is never seen off the property, and the regular weather of Mossy Knoll never effects the Deathmanse.

Interior description:

Eerily clean, quiet, and dark. The front door opens to a grand, but unfurnished foyer, save curtains and a chandelier. Spiraling staircases on the flanks of the room lead to a second floor. Beyond this are hallways (two on the first and two on the second) full of identical doors at seem endless. The hallways are also filled with old traps and pitfalls. Despite all the doors being evenly spaced, the rooms are all various shapes and sizes; some even lead to balconies overlooking different worlds, and almost all are from other dimensions. There is also a hidden door in the foyer itself that leads to the Resurrection Machine.





Current Occupants:


Items of Interest:

Resurrection Machine


  • The gargoyles on the roof of the Deathmanse are quite lifelike and do not seem affected by the wear and tear.

Current condition in the RP:

With Knave, Aurora, and the other haunters vanished from existence, the house has been too quiet for Rose to handle. After a malfunction with the Resurrection Machine, the house has been sealed with powerful warding magic so that only Sage and Rose may enter it.

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