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Weapon Tips
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Weapon Tips
The TimeSplitters series features a very wide variety of weapons from many different time periods, and each one needs to be used differently to get the most out of it.
TS1 Weapons
TS2 Weapons
TS:FP Weapons
When stuck without a weapon, you have no choice but to use your fists to punch your enemies. Fists, by nature, don't make great long range weapons, which means that you will have to get very close to your enemy to deal any damage whatsoever. Depending on the strength of your character though, usuing your fists could kill the enemy quickly.
The best place to aim for when using fists on an enemy is the back of the head, if you can get up behind them whilst they're fighting someone else, you can kill them before they even see you. However, if they do see you, you should keep attacking and moving randomly, but staying as close as you can. This will make you much harder to hit with most guns and you shouln't have too much trouble.
Temporal Uplink
The Temporal Uplink is only used by Player One during the Story mode or a mission that you have created using the mapmaker. It has two modes, one for picking up and throwing abjects and the other for viewing a minimap. The melee attack works exactly the same as standard fists.
When using the temporal uplink, there are often many objects lying around for you to throw. Throwing an explosive object (such as an oil barrel) will make it explode on impact, often killing your target instantly. Holding large objects in front of you can create a shield from enemy gunfire, and also a good weapon for silencing them. Throwing many items at zombies will knock their heads off in one hit. You can then pick up the decapitated zombie's head and use it as a weapon to knock the head off of your next enemy.
On top of all this, the Temporal Uplink can be used to pick up other weapons from a distance.
Baseball Bat
The baseball bat is used as a melee weapon, meaning you will have to get close to your enemies to inflict damage. Once close enough, keep swinging the bat whilst moving to try and avoid your enemy's attacks. The bat does more damage than just the fists and never uses ammo, so it can be useful to keep one with you.
Kruger (x2)
The Kruger is often used as a starting weapon since it isn't overly powerful but can be used to defend yourself if necessary. It comes as either a single or a double weapon, and you can attach a silencer if you don't want to be heard by enemies. It is available during the Story missions "Scotland The Brave, "You Take The High Road" and "Future Perfect". Sometimes, using the silencer will allow you to eliminate enemies without attracting the attention of others, allowing you to get a better show at the later ones.
When using it in an Arcade match though, a silencer won't stop you from being shot at. It's best to keep your distance and take cover, since the gun is just as powerful at long range as it is at close range. Aiming for the head will kill your enemies much quicker, so try to keep your gun pointed high.
Pistol 9mm (x2)
The Pistol is a very basic weapon and will most likely be found as a starting weapon. During Story mode, you will only have it on two levels, "The Russian Connection" and "The Khallos Express". The first of these levels allows you to use the attatchable silencer to get through part of the level undetected. It's best to keep some distance when doing this, since the silencer also has a small scope giving you more accuracy from range.
During an arcade match however, you won't get many chances to sneak up on people. This means that your enemy will be firing back at you and you should keep moving to avoid getting hit so much. Head shots will deal extra damage, so it's best to try to get as many as you can. If you get close enough, the melee attack is quick enough to be useful in dealing quick damage.
LX-18 (x2)
The LX-18 is an advanced handgun, and so makes a good starting weapon. It is found during the missions "Breaking And Entering" and "You Genius, U-Genix" and features an attachable silencer with a good range scope. During the first of these missions, you can get through half of the level undetected if you take out guards with the scope, it also makes a good weapon against enemies aware of your presence, due to it's large ammo clip and fast rate of fire.
It makes a useful weapon during Arcade matches too, since you can fire fast whilst you move, allowing you to take out enemies easily. It is also useful during the Vietnam Assualt game, since you can use the scope to take out gun turrets from a safe distance. The melee attack is fairly powerful and quick to use, making it useful for finishing off an enemy nearby.
Sci-Fi Handgun (x2)
The Sci-Fi Handgun is a very advanced handgun, it fires lasers instead of bullets. It has two settings, a blue laser which fires in a straight line and a green laser which can richochet off of walls to kill enemies hiding behind corners. It is available during the Story missions "[Time To Split]]", "Machine Wars", "The Hooded Man" and "Something To Crow About". The gun features no silenced mode, but it powerful enough to deal with enemies without the need to be discrete about it.
The Sci-Fi Handgun is the starting weapon for a few Arcade maps since it fits with any futuristic setting and is very capable of defending the user. It has a long zoom and high rate of fire so it is a good mid-long range weapon, and it also carries a lot of ammo, making it very useful to carry around with you. If you are in a small corridor with enemies, switching to the richochet mode and firing at the walls just fills the area with lasers, making it almost impossible for anyone not to get hit. It can end with you getting hurt, but your enemy will likely take many more hits.