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The Hooded Man

From The TimeSplitters Wiki

In The Hooded Man, Cortez's objective is to protect his past self from the Time Assassins sent to kill him.



It looks like Cortez isn't the only one trying to use time travel to stop things before they happen! Crow has sent a crack team of Time Assassins from 1924 Kronia to 2401 where their mission is to kill Cortez before he can deliver the time crystals to Anya at Spacetime Marine HQ. Cortez must protect his past self from the Time Assassins!


  • Protect your past self from the Time Assassins
  • Destroy the TimeSplitter Mothership



Past Cortez is extremely vulnerable, so be sure to do all of Anya's little defense missions or you won't be copping any Anya. Head down and brain the enemy for a scifi pistol. You can use this weapon instead of the sniper weapon (which you may need later). Follow the grey arrow to the first defence point.

Down all the enemies attacking past Cortez near the ship wreck. When past Cortez moves to the lower side of the canyon, eyeball the explosive box and get rid of the enemies quickly. A sniper will appear on the same level as current Cortez -- snipe him (above right illus) and then change back to the pistol and take care of the enemies below and on your level.

When Anya says it's safe to move on, follow the grey arrow into a tunnel with enemies. Attack them and take their plasma rifles. Move to the section overlooking the bridge and help out yourself by exploding the boxes near enemies. You need to move to the turret and take care of the Splitter Mothership.

Take out the enemies on the bridge before moving onto the gun turret. The mothership battle is simple -- hose down the ship anywhere while moving the gun slightly to intercept the incoming missiles. You can slowly chip away the ship by dipping the gun on the ship between missile waves. Blow up the ship and move off the bridge.

Grab the power-ups and kill the enemies in the bunker. When past Cortez blows up the barrels behind the snipers, stop at the window and chew up the enemies appearing below.

Take the plasma rifle and attack the timesplitters in teh corridor. Blow the barrels in the tunnel to kill off half of them, then use the rest of the plasma grenades to reach the lift (above right illus).

Use the sniper or plasma rifle and blast the enemies near past Cortez. This bot changes positions with the other two soldiers occasionally, so keep an eye on who can be dispensed with and who needs the protection. Once past Cortez moves into the base, the mission ends.


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