Hagurumon enters BS2

From Psycho Bonus Stage

Psycho Bonus Stage Episode 12

Nick enters BS2. Will there ever be a good description for this episode? Find out maybe!

Cast: Hagurumon, Joel, Phil, Weird Voice, Clan



{Roll opening credits, then cut to what looks like a desert. Hagurumon appears, and is holding a cup of coffee.}

HAGURUMON: {drops the coffee} What the? Oh, so I just magically appear here? No fair warning by that creepy voice? No opening scene featuring that black space? No- {pauses, looks creeped out, then starts looking around} Uh... this doesn't look like Bonus Stage. Maybe I'm in Bethlehem.

{Slowly zoom out, showing Nick standing in a huge desert, with absolutely nothing but sand.}

HAGURUMON: Holy crap, man. Maybe I'm on Bikanel Island. Heh, luckily I've been studying the Al Bhed language. E's hygat!

{Cut to Hagurumon walking in the desert. He then sits down.}

HAGURUMON: Man, I can't take all this walking. Five seconds is way too long for a guy to walk! Wait a minute... I'm a guy?!

{Joel appears in a flash of white light.}

HAGURUMON: Joel?! Why are you here?! ...What was that white light? Are you an angel?

JOEL: You ask way too many questions. {holds up a shovel} Here, help me dig.

HAGURUMON: Are we digging for machina? Because I keep on finding scrap metal all the time. It's annoying.

JOEL: You know what your problem is? You can make references fairly well, but you constantly refer to the same things over and over. You need to start referencing other things... like the Colbert Report.

HAGURUMON: It seems kind of out-of-character for you to reference that show. Ah, well. What are we digging for?

JOEL: The portal, of course.

HAGURUMON: Por...tal?

JOEL: It'll take us to Charismaville. We set loads of portals all over the place, in case someone accidentally ended up in the wrong place. But this desert has vicious sandstorms. You know... blowing sand all over the place, covering all kinds of things up. Not just the portals, either. There used to be a rainforest out here, too.

HAGURUMON: Why would you put a rainforest in a desert?

JOEL: Stop using question marks to puncuate your sentences!

HAGURUMON: {trying to make it sound more like a statement than a question} Well, can I stop digging now. I'm getting all... tired.

JOEL: You've only been digging for six seconds.

HAGURUMON: Cool! I broke my record!

{Cut to Phil, sitting on the sidewalk. Joel and Nick appear in a flash of white light.}

PHIL: Where were you?

JOEL: I had to go rescue this hippie.

HAGURUMON: Are we in Las Vegas?


HAGURUMON: Can we go to California?


HAGURUMON: Are you a dog person?


{Phil gets up and walks away during the next few questions.}

HAGURUMON: Do you enjoy wearing pants?


HAGURUMON: Can I taste your hair?


HAGURUMON: You know... your hair kind of smells like lemons.

{Cut to the black space.}

WEIRD VOICE: Nick Bate... you are about to enter- Uh... where is he?

CLAN: He's already gone.

WEIRD VOICE: Oh. {long pause} Enjoy your trip to Bethlehem!

{Roll end credits.}

Fun Facts

Wiki References

  • "Are we in Las Vegas?" A reference to a chat room conversation (between Hagurumon and Rubyrulez) that occurred right before I picked up on editing this.

Bonus Stage References

  • Nick asking Joel if he is a dog person is referring to some of Joel's "advice" from Date or Die, the cancelled dating sim.
  • All the talk about Bethlehem is referring to Joel's journey there in Bonus Stages.

Real-World References

  • Several references are made to Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy X-2.
    • Bikanel Island is an island that is basically an enormous desert.
    • Al Bhed is a language from the same games. Nick is learning it in real life... kind of. There's a Wikipedia article on the Al Bhed race.
      • When Nick says "E's hygat", he is speaking Al Bhed, and it translates to "I'm naked".
    • When Nick and Joel start digging for "machina", it is referring to the Machine Faction, a group that digs at Bikanel for ancient machine parts.

Creator Commentary

  • Well, it seems kinda short, but I never really have very good ideas for episodes based around exposition. And I'm learning Al Bhed for no reason at all, so I thought I'd reference that. For some reason I'm less crazy in this episode. But I guess it's character development or something. I think I did pretty well with this one, despite not being able to think up a plot.

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