Final Fan-Tossing

From Psycho Bonus Stage

Psycho Bonus Stage Episode 24

Phil mysteriously disappears from the episode, sparking a search which ends in tragedy and possibly a murder. We said POSSIBLY, not DEFINITELY, you nitwit.



This is a collaborative episode that is currently being scripted. If you are a contributor (listed below), please add a section to this episode.
Mandy, Hagurumon, Rubyrulez, Psychosis

{Cut to a blank screen. Soon, the screen reads "Previously, on Bonus Stage 2"}

ANNOUNCER: Previously, on Bonus Stage 2!

{Cut to Rubyrulez and Hagurumon in tuxedos. They are holding pistols and pointing them at Brad, who is now wearing a green shirt.}

RUBYRULEZ: Where are the sacred energy crystals!

HAGURUMON: Tell us honestly! NOW!

{Cut to Mandy and Psychosis standing outside the Xover House.}

MANDY: The message I gave you will self destruct in 3 seconds.

PSYCHOSIS: Oh, cause I left it in..

{The Xover House explodes. Cut to Yo Yo Mom and Clan.}

YO YO MOM: {different voice} I'll take the case!


{Hagurumon jumps in.}


{He shoots his pistol in the air, hitting a pidgeon.}

{Opening Credits}

(Cut to Joel and Phil outside Xover House.)

PHIL: So what are we doing out here again?

JOEL: Nothing.

PHIL: Oh. (pause) Well--

(Phil disappears)

JOEL: Yes. (shocked) No wait no! (normal) No wait yes! (very shocked) NO WAIT NO!!!

(Joel bursts into Xover House)

JOEL: Everyone, I think Phil just Paradox'd Bonus Stage 2!


{Ruby shouts from behind the bathroom door.}

RUBYRULEZ: Yes, my crap is holy!

{Mandy, Hagurumon and Psychosis walk up to Joel. They have a basket filled with cheeseburgers.}

MANDY: How can you be so sure?

JOEL: People don't just disappear out of randomosity, except for Oasis...I wish...


JOEL: Y...wait, what is that!

PSYCHOSIS: We were about to head out to the meadow to eat cheeseburgers, for no apparent reason whatsoever.

{A flushing toilet can be heard. Ruby walks on screen.}

RUBYRULEZ: And my latest HSN venture, the infinite cheeseburger basket, makes it all possible!

(Psychosis is stunned)

JOEL: Uh...what is HSN? And there is no such thing as an infinite cheeseburger basket.

PSYCHOSIS: What do you mean, paradox'd?

JOEL: Uh...I think it happened in another universe.

MANDY: And...

JOEL: Like, once Phil went back in time and killed my brother!


JOEL: And my brother was like, deleted from existance right in front of me!

RUBYRULEZ: And so that means...

JOEL: Guys, I think Phil just went to delete Bonus Stage 2!

RUBYRULEZ: Actually, no. Phil doesn't really have a reason to just go and delete Bonus Stage.

MANDY: Yeah. It just seems too unlikely.

CLAN: Got the third Chaos Emerald!

{Clan displays the 3rd Chaos Emerald}

PSYCHOSIS: Yeah, that's nice. I don't really like Sonic ze Hedgehog.

CLAN: Um, this isn't a Sonic ripoff!

PSYCHOSIS: So? Just, put it away or something. We don't need your unimportant dialogue crap.

CLAN: Fine. See you guys later.

{Clan runs upstairs to his room}

MANDY: I'm sure you won't!

PSYCHOSIS: Same...I don't really think Clan even cares about Bonus Stage 2.

MANDY: Well, he did flame me out of the HRWiki.

(Cut to Clan and Mandy in front of a background of the HRWiki forums. Clan is attacking Mandy with a flamethrower, while Mandy is simply standing there with a 'I don't give a crap anymore' expression. Cut back.)

PSYCHOSIS: That bad, huh?

RUBYRULEZ: I've had enough of this conversation. Hurry up, Clan, we were about to show Joel the awesomeness of my infinite cheeseburger basket!

CLAN: {yelling} Alright!

JOEL: It still doesn't make sense...

MANDY: When has Bonus Stage ever made sense?

JOEL: True...

{Cut to Phil, taking a nap in his bed. Surrounding him are papers labeled "How to delete the fanbase" and "How to get a date in 8 easy steps." The Silhouette slips into his bedroom, holding surgical gear.}

SILHOUETTE: Time to wake up, Phil.

{Cut to Clan, peeking downstairs to see Rubyrulez's picnic basket of infinite burgers}

CLAN: Have I ever told you guys that Sonic Heroes rules?

PSYCHOSIS: Eh...about 20 millions times since we started our adventure?

RUBY: Can I show you my basket or not?

CLAN: Go on right ahead. {smiles}

{Ruby snaps his fingers. Soon, a meadow background is lowered from the sky. It is soon dropped, and the background shatters like glass. Ruby angrily snaps his fingers again. This time, another meadow background is lowered, but doesn't break. Ruby lays out a picnic blanket, and the gang sits on it.}

JOEL: {hungry} Oh boy! I can't wait for infinite cheeseburgery goodness!

RUBYRULEZ: This bad boy cooks up plain hamburgers too...

MANDY: I love cheeseburgers!


{The gang begins to munch on burgers. Joel notices a red glow from behind a bush. He walks over to pick up the red gem.}

JOEL: So Clan, are these those gems you told me about off-camera, and between episodes?

CLAN: Hey! That's mine!

JOEL: Let me keep it safe for a few days, okay? Besides, you said we could be partners in finding the gems!

CLAN: That's right, I did...

OMEGA: Sensors detect a grenade inside Infinite Cheeseburger Basket.

RUBYRULEZ: Um, what?

{Joel picks the grenade out of the basket and begins to chew it. Cut to a silhouetted version of Phil, watching the scene from behind a tree. He is not currently under mind control.}

PHIL: That's go boom!

{The grenade explodes, throwing everyone backwards.}

{Meanwhile, the grenade explodes, throwing evv-- (Hey dude, they just said that.) Well sor-ry! I just hopped on here to narrate and crap, nobody told me what's going on. (Sure they didn't.) Shut up!}

{Sorry about that little...argument. Anyways...ah, here we go. Cut to Clan, who is scorched from the explosion, and also has an...antenna...sticking out of his head.}

(While everybody's trying to figure out what's going on, Cloaked Figure and Silhouette (who aren't at the scene) can be heard talking to each other.)

SILHOUETTE: (offscreen) You wanna know why I also put a mind control thingo in Clan during the previous scene transition?

CLOAKED FIGURE: (offscreen) (sighs) Why?

SILHOUETTE: (offscreen) Because...I wanted to make things a little interesting.

CLOAK: (offscreen) And you do that by having the most annoying person on the show place a grenade that, SOMEHOW only explodes on contact with human skin?


{Clan scratches his head}

CLAN: Damn, why is my head so itchy just now?

{Hagurumon slowly slides down from the top of the screen.}

HAGURUMON: Dude, my most of me hurts! What the heck just blew me up?

CLAN: It was a bomb. Haven't you been paying attention?

HAGURUMON: Well... I would... but I've been busy, uh, leching. {starts walking off-screen} Now, I'm just gonna go over here and... eat... my hand. See ya.

{Hagurumon disappears off-screen.}

SILHOUETTE: ...So anyway, I think my evil plan worked fairly well.

CLAN: Well, I better find Mandy, Rubyrulez, and Psycho Shocker.

PSYCHOSIS: (leans in from offscreen) Um, I wish you would stop calling me that. It makes me feel like you disrespect me. (leans out)

CLAN: Sorry. It looks like I found Psychosis.

PSYCHOSIS: DUDE. Why'd ya smile when you let Ruby show off his burger basket? Did YOU put the grenade in there?

CLAN: What?! NO!

PSYCHOSIS: Don't care, gonna boost my sniper skills out in the field that's painted on the canvas. {walks onto the field, he turns into a watercolor type drawing. His voice has a resemblance of being said underwater.} Oh, man. This looks awesome. {pulls a sniper rifle from his pocket, gets onto the ground and looks through the reticle} Alright...


{Simultaneously, a bird drawn on the picture sprays some red paint and falls onto the ground by Psychosis.}

PSYCHOSIS: Dude. This is too weird. {walks out of background, he becomes a normal Bonus Stage drawing} Better.

HAGURUMON: Uh... what just happened?

PSYCHOSIS: Haven't you bee- Wait... Clan already said that.

CLAN: Totally! I said that on a hat!

MANDY: {off-screen} I'm still here, guys. Just so you know...

HAGURUMON: Yeah, uhh... I ate my hand, so now it's kind of... {holds up his horribly mutilated hand} ...dead.

{Everyone gasps.}

HAGURUMON: {the arms falls off, and another one pops out of his sleeve} Haha, psyche.


RUBYRULEZ: Fine, Babyface McBaby. ...Face.

SILHOUETTE: Hahahaha... yesss... all of my evil schemes will come true now... right now... like, at this very moment.

{Nothing happens}

PSYCHOSIS: Soo... the normal routine of time passing by is part of your evil scheme?

HAGURUMON: Hey, look! Over there! It's a car! A car called a buick!

PSYCHOSIS: NO. {pushes him off-screen}

Fun Facts


  • This is the first time we see the Mind-Control Device.
  • This is the episode where we see Clan get the 3rd Chaos Emerald and "put it somewhere safe.", and the Red Gem, which is kept safe.

Real World References

  • The Episode title is slightly modified and taken from the game series Final Fantasy.

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