2 Illegit

From Psycho Bonus Stage

Revision as of 04:51, 26 April 2006 by ===PsYchOsIs=== (Talk | contribs)

For miscellaneous reasons, including continuity errors, poor scripting, over-advertisement and out-of-character behaviour, this episode needs to be rewritten. Anybody who's interested should edit this page.

Psycho Bonus Stage Episode ?

Clan and Rubyrulez decide to go get some ice cream and stop at Burger King to get Mandy some stuff. While there, Clan fights the Simpson Duffman for another gem (The Purple Gem). Hilarity ensues.



{Opening credits}

{Cut to Clan and Ruby, who are in the Xover House}

CLAN: Mandy dumped me several years ago, when I was searching for Chaos Emeralds. She obviously was using me for some stupid experiment of a TheyMightBeGiants-related test.

RUBYRULEZ: Well, let's get Mandy some stuff.

CLAN: Brilliant. I'll leave Dingodile in charge of the house while we're gone. I got ready for church.

{Yata-Garasu flies from some random area and perches on Clan's shoulder}

CLAN: I always bring Yata along with me to church.

{Cut to Hagurumon, who is obviously making a deal with Jello B.}

HAGURUMON: We need to eliminate Clan, right?

JELLO: Affirmative.

HAGURUMON: Alright. My idea is to hire the Simpsons Duffman. It is obvious we should hold Mandy ransom.

{Cut to a box near Hagurumon, and Mandy is inside}

MANDY: Get me outta here, or I'll gnaw your face off!



{The Simpsons Duffman appears with a Purple Gem}

SIMPSONS DUFFMAN: I found this in a sewer.

JELLO: Excellent. Now I just need Evil, Cloaked Guy, and KOKOR to accept our little deal.

{Hagurumon laughs maniacally}

{Cut to Clan and Rubyrulez in the parking lot near the church}

RUBY: Dude, where's my car?

CLAN: I'm not sure.

{Cut to a red robot, who is named Omega}

OMEGA: I can help you.

CLAN: Oh yeah, I made Omega using some parts of your car.

RUBYRULEZ: You are one brilliant inventor.

YATA: Caw!

CLAN: That's right, Yata. We're gonna go to Burger King.

{Cut to Hagurumon, who is disguised as an investigator}

HAGURUMON: You know what to do, right?

SIMPSONS DUFFMAN: Of course I do! Kill off one spammer named Clan.

HAGURUMON: Excellent. I knew Jello B. was correct about Clan's favorite restaurant.

{Hagurumon presents the box that contains Mandy and the Purple Gem to the Simpsons Duffman}

HAGURUMON: Make sure you fight Clan.

{Cut to Clan, who is eating a whopper wihout cheese and King-sized fries, ad Ruby, who is eating a salad for some reason}

RUBYRULEZ: Yeah, I need to lose some weight.

CLAN: Why?

RUBYRULEZ: Because my email-checking is required and I can't fit in my chair.

OMEGA: That is valid enough for a reason.

{The Simpsons Duffman attacks Clan}

CLAN: I thought I defeated you.

SIMPSONS DUFFMAN: Thanks to Jello B, I'm livin' large!

CLAN: This should be easy.

SIMPSONS DUFFMAN: Not really, I'm holding Mandy and a Purple Gem ransom.

CLAN: What the...

{Clan fights the Simpsons Duffman with a pink pistol, aiming it in all directions, with only 27 times hitting Simpsons Duffman, who is finally defeated}

CLAN: Enough's enough. Hand both of your ransoms over.

{Clan takes the Purple Gem and stuffs it in a bag that also has the Yellow Gem and Chaos Emerald 1 inside}

{Cut back to the Xover House, where Clan, Ruby, Mandy, Omega, and Yata-Garasu appear}

YATA: Caw!

CLAN: You may return to Yo Yo Mom and Jinzo, now.

{Yata flies away}

OMEGA: I recorded the entire fight, and I wish to send it on the Internet to Hilary Duff and Psychosis.

{Hagurumon enters}

MANDY: What are we doing tonight, Hagurumon?

HAGURUMON: The same thing we do every night, Mandy-

CLAN: Don't even try.

{End credits}

Fun Facts


  • This is where Clan gets the Purple Gem.
  • This where Omega is introduced.

Easter Eggs

  • If you wait long enough, you get a menu to see one of the following:
Easter Egg 1 Transcript

(Cut to Psychosis at his computer. A "New Email Message" tone sounds, and Psychosis opens his email program. It immediately starts showing the fight that Omega had recorded.)

PSYCHOSIS: Huh? What's this? (pause) It's...a fight, okay. Who is? ...oh, Clan and the D-man. Wait holdon! (grabs an email from Clan) ...Hm, must be fighting for something...(pause) This is stupid! (TV switches to Halo 2, Psychosis starts playing. Fade out, cut to credits)

Easter Egg 2 Transcript

{Cut to Psychosis again at his computer, playing Sonic Heroes until he recieves a message from Hilary Duff}

Dear Psycho Shocker,
Clan is pretty good at fighting. As a reward, both you and Clan get free tickets to one of my concerts.

Hilary Duff

PSYCHOSIS: ZOMG! I've got to show this to Clan!

{Psychosis leaves his computer to get Clan}

{Roll end credits again}

Real-World References

  • The ending was much similar to Episode 3 of Cartoon'd, one of the worst shows ever.
  • The ending referenced Pinky and the Brain, which had similar endings.
  • Hilary Duff is a teen pop star who is really popular for her absolutely fabulous singing and acting.
  • In the first Easter Egg, Psychosis is playing Halo 2. In the second, he is playing Sonic Heroes as Team Chaotix. This could suggest that Psychosis has a Gamecube, and XBox, or a PS2.

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