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Wiki User Email Zoo977/zoo

From Wuw Archive



Marissa tried to bring zoo back to life.
CAST: Marissa, Dot, Zorax, Yvonne
SETTING: The kitchen, Zorax's room


{Cuts to the kitchen. marissa is a the table looking at her watch}

MARISSA: Whic button opens up the email again?

DOT: It doesn't matter. Just do this! {slams every watch button onto the gorund. the screen pops out}

MARISSA: Thanks! {looks at the email}

Dear Mairissa,
Please find a way to bring Zoo977
back, I miss him.

MARISSA: What do you mean by "bring him back"? Do you mean bring him back to life, or just put him in these emails?

DOT: I think he means back to life.

MARISSA: Well, I'm not even sure if that's possible.

DOT: So, we need to find someone who believes the impossibles possible.

MARISSA: {yelling} Zorax!

ZORAX: {floats in, wearing a dog costume} Yes?

MARISSA: I can't take you seriously in that.'

ZORAX:I couldn't find any of my shirts.

MARISSA: Anyways, is it possible to bring someone back to life?

DOT: A bigger question, can you gain back your social life after wearing that?

ZORAX: Maybe, and no.

{cuts to zorax's room. there is a sheet of paper has facts on it, that the three are surrounding}

ZORAX: So, what do you think we should do?

MARISSA: Well, according to this, we just have to recalibrate the internal combustion engine.

DOT: You got a sheet of car facts!

ZORAX: Well, I have nothing on his species!

MARISSA: Oh yes you do!

ZORAX: I dont!

MARISSA: Then describe why there's a sheet labled homestars out of your fact files drawer.

ZORAX: There's a drawer like that?

DOT: I now see why they call you a smart idiot.

ZORAX: {takes out the sheet, looks at it} Well, technacaly, with plomarten, it's possible.

DOT: How would that be?

ZORAX: It would involve an oven burner, and a-

MARISSA: We can do that! C'mon, dot! {runs off. dot follows}

ZORAX: -gender change.

{cuts to the kitchen. yvonne is there, making cranberry sauce. dot and marisa run in}

DOT: We have to bring back zoo! {grabs the burner the cranberry sauce was on. it spills all over yvonne, causing her to trip. they run off}

YVONNE: Someone hlep! My flesh is burning!

{cuts to zorax's room. zorax is there, stuffing ice cream into a toaster. dot and marissa run in}

ZORAX: You got the burner!


ZORAX: Now all I have to do is spend a year changing zoo into a girl and-

DOT: What?

ZORAX: You need a gender change in order for this to work!

DOT: Zoo wouldn't be... normal as a girl!

MARISSA: It would just be creepy!

ZORAX: Do you want a female zoo, or no zoo?

DOT: Hm...

{cuts ot the kitchen. do t is sitting at the kitchen table, on the phone. Marissa is sitting across from her}

DOT: Yes. No. Yes yes. Yes! {closes the phone} Good news!


DOT: We got a funeral scedualed!


DOT: At sea!

MARISSA: {crinkles mouth} Bye. {walks off}

Easter Eggs

Click the facts sheet to see a car that looks like zoo.

Fun facts

  • Zoo's funeral will be held at sea in the next email.
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