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Wiki User Email Zoo977/Crazytrain

From Wuw Archive



Zoo gets an email from a glass of soda, and talks about being on a crazy train.

CAST: Zoo, The Cheat, Homsar, Marzipan, Strong Bad, Albino, Homestar, Hammerhead Wannabe {easter egg}

SETTING: Zoo's bedroom, Homsar's house, a mountain, a train, the train cockpit, the courtroom {easter egg}, Hawaii {easter egg}


{Zoo walks in, holding a pie}

ZOO977: It took me so long to make this pie!

{a ding is heard. Zoo jumps, and the pie gets in his face}

ZOO977: Aw, man! At least its cherry! {opens this email}

Dear Zoo Keeper
Have you ever gone "off the rails" on a crazy train?
Ozzy Osbourne

ZOO977: A crazy train, Oozing Osbourne? I must admit, Homsar is the king of crazy things. Do toy trains counts?

THE CHEAT: {walks in covered in dripping white paint} (I think fizzy soft drink means any kind of a train.)

ZOO977: The Cheat, I need Albino! Where is he?

THE CHEAT: (Just play along.)

ZOO977: Okay, "Albino". Can you get Homsar?

"ALBINO": (Here he is.) {points at Homsar}

HOMSAR: The lego fish paste made me greet pole at a spongy treasure.

ZOO977: {wearing a safari suit} This rare specimen is not very bright, using a stop sign as a dog. Lets see how it entertains itself.

{cuts to Homsar's house. Zoo is filming him}

HOMSAR: {is throwing toy trains everywhere.} DAAAaaaAAAaaaAAAaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA {dissapears.}

ZOO977: {Back at the computer} Now if you mean a real train...

{cuts to a view of a train. It is going down a rail-less mountain. cuts inside the train. Marzipan, Strong Bad, Zoo, Albino, and The Cheat are flying around.}

ALBINO: You can't hurt me, I'm a lawyer!

MARZIPAN: You're not the only one thats angry!

STRONG BAD: Help me, The Cheat!

{cuts to The Cheat holding onto a hole in a window}

THE CHEAT: (Help me out of this!)

ZOO977: Who the bobba's driving this?

{Zoo crawls through the doorway, revealing Homestar pouring all sorts of liquids onto the controls}

HOMESTAR: This is funner than my genetic experiment on The Cheat!

ZOO977: Do you realize how angry the passengers are?!?

HOMESTAR: How can a passing star be angry?

ZOO977: RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH! {pulls out a swiss army knife}

{cuts back to the computer.}

ZOO977: So as you can see, orange soda, I have been on a crazy train off the tracks. And my Cheat sued Homestar, and everything worked out well.

Click here to
Email Zoo

Easter Eggs

Click on sue at the end to see a bonus clip.

{zoo is in a tuxedo at a court room, talking to homestar, with stitches on his forehead}

ZOO977: So tell me, Homestar, what did you think of how you were driving the train?

HOMESTAR: I can only say Ozzy Osbourne brand soda wasnt good for it.

Click on my cheat at the end to see a postcard showing Albino and Hammerhead Wannabe on a Hawaiian beach, wearing sunglasses.

fun facts

Ozzy Osbourne is a real celebrity.

"made me greet pole at a spongy treasure." is a Spongebob reference, to when Pearl took over the Krusty Krab for a week.

Bobba is a word used on habbo hotel to replace swears.

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