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Wiki User Email Zoo977/new

From Wuw Archive



Hammerhead, Divzon, and The pinky monster arrive.
CAST: Zorax, Kalt, Marissa, Dot, Larry, Hammerhead, The pinky monster, Divzon
SETTING: The forest hut, the islands beach, the boats kitchen, in front of an air port, an airport bus, a car rental parking lot


{cuts to outside of a small and simple wood hut in the forest. zorax is there, talking to kalt}

ZORAX: How could you swim that far?

KALT: I didn't. I got a ride on a squid after passing a life boat with marissa in it.

ZORAX: Was there, by chance, a sinking ship with tons of life boats around it?

KALT: Yep! It's hard to forget seeing so many deaths. Why the apple pies, why?

ZORAX: So, you could have saved marissa from floating away from her family.

KALT: Seems that way!

ZORAX: You are about the only person I know that could cry and immediatly become hyper and happy.

KALT: I can also do this! {bends his leg, which goes behind his head}

ZORAX: You are aware I hate leg tricks.

KALT: Why?

ZORAX: {points at his leglessness} That's why.

KALT: I'm gonna go see what that kid with the sword is doing.

ZORAX: I'll check on marissa.

{both leave. cuts ot the beach. marissa is there. zorax enters}

ZORAX: What are you doing?

MARISSA: Just trying to check my email. {opens the screen}


Hey M.

You can visit Zoo in heaven with your magic watch now.
Oh, But you can't talk to him

Mr. Makestuff.

MARISSA: Well, I think you may be talking about that the grave gang thing, or whatever it was called. But, he isn't on it. I heard somewhere that he is a phycopaths guardian angel. {the walkie talkie spurts a bit of smoke, and jmps temporarily in the air.}

ZORAX: I think the walkie talkies sick.

MARISSA: {picks up the walkie talkie, starts tinkering with it} I wonder what dot and larry are doing.

{cuts to the kitchen of the boat. dot and larry are each holeding a hand of cards. dot has two. larry has three. two stacks of cards on the table, one face up, the other face down, are in front of them. dot plays a card oon the face up pile}

DOT: Uno!

LARRY: Um... {plays another card} Yellow!

{dot plays her last card}

DOT: Just what I needed.

LARRY: You win, you get to use the cell phone charger first. {hands dot a small white device.}

DOT: Good. I'll try and call the coast guards. {picks up a new blue and orange cell phone}

LARRY: Hey, where'd you get that?

DOT: It's just new casing. {plugs the white device on the phone, puts it on the table. picks up the walkie talkie, presses a button on it} Hey, marissa. Did you come up with a plan yet?

{cuts ot the peach. marissa is still looking in the walkie talkie}

MARISSA: Why is i begi- Oh no! {tosses it behind her. it then bursts into flames. cuts back to the boat}

DOT: She's not picking up.

{suddenly, the cell phone rings. dot scrambles to pick it up}

DOT: Hello? Hello? Is this the coast guard?

{cuts to outside of an airport. hammerhead, divzon, and the pinky monster are there. four dark green luggage bags are behind them. hammerhead is holding a blue cell pone.}

HAMMERHEAD: No, this is hammerhead.

DOT: {heard legibally on the other line} Hey, hammerhead. What do you want?

HAMMERHEAD: Just calling so you guys know we're coming home. I was going to ask i fyou got a christmas tree yet.

DOT: Well, no, bu- {the phone looses connection}


HAMMERHEAD: We're getting their tree!

{cuts back onboard the ship. dot is putting down the cell phone}

DOT: Hammerhead just suceeded in wasting all of the energy on the phone.

LARRY: Oh, please tell me you don't mean the mini zoo.

DOT: Yeah, why?

LARRY: Excuse me for a second as I go bang my head on a door. {walks offscreen}

{cuts to inside of a air port bus. hammerhead and divzon are sitting in seats, looking out the window. the pinky monster is comfortable in the luggage rack. the driver isn't seen. some lyrics begin playing.}

LYRICS: Must it take a life for hateful eyes to glisten once again. Five hundred years like Gelignite have blown us all to hell.

DIVZON: {singing along with the lyrics} What savior rests while on his cross we die, forgotten freedom burns. Has the Shepard led his lambs astray to the bigot and the gun.

HAMMERHEAD: You know I hate flogging molly, don't you?

DIVZON: They're great!

HAMMERHEAD: I disagree.

{cuts back the the ship. dot is there, drawing something. larry walks in. his forehead is now swollen}

LARRY: I see you are drawing on the back of a soup lable.

DOT: It's a plan on how we can safely get out of here.

LARRY: With a soup can?

DOT: It was the only paper I could find.

LARRY: So, how are we going to give it to marissa?

DOT: Simple. We empty the soup can,

LARRY: Of course.

DOT: And put these plans in the can.

LARRY: How will we send them upward?

{dot just slams her head on the table. cuts to an airporst car pick up. the three get out of the bus wiht the luggage.}

THE PINKY MONSTER: How will we drive?

HAMMERHEAD: We aree going to take a taxi.

DIVZON: {looing at something off camera.} The taxi ride can wait.

HAMMERHEAD: Let's surprise them!

Click here to
Email Zoo

Easter eggs

Click on a blue car in the background of the last scene to see a purple orniment that looks like a jelly fish.

Fun Facts

  • The jelly fish and giant email cliff hanger reference the upcoming email.
  • Zoo called the email "new" because it introduced zoo' job as a guardian angel and introduced the soon-to-be new characters.
  • On the bus, divzon is sining Drunken Lullibies by the irish band Flogging Molly.
  • "I think the __'s sick" Is going to become a common phrase.
  • Dot and Larry are playing uno in the first boat scene.
  • Marissa references The gang in the grave and zoo's Ethan & Dolan interview.
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