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Wiki User Email Zoo977/attempt

From Wuw Archive



Zoo attempts to make an award.
CAST:Zoo977, Zorax, Albino, Marissa, Yvonne, Wendy
SETTING: The pool room, Zorax's room, Albino's room, The living room, a hospital room


{cuts to the pool room. zoo is sitting at the creamy}

ZOO977: {to the tune of like a sad song} Sometimes I feel like a spam email. So lonely and forgotten. {opens an email}

Dear Zoo977,
Congradulations! You have one this forenight show of the forenight. Your award is in the mail. While waiting for it, please enjoy the second email.
People you don't know

ZOO977: Well, thank you! Now, lets see about this second email! {opens the newt email}


ZOO977: And this shows idiocy has reached a new level. Do you call this a congradulations email?!? I'm gonna make an award that has a much better congradulations email! {wakls off}

{cuts to zorax's room. zorax is there, tinkering with a device. zoo walks in}

ZOO977: Zorax, I need you to make me an award.

ZORAX: Like what?

ZOO977: I dunno, like something everyone will want!

ZORAX: Um... broadest suggestion ever.

ZOO977: I want everyone to want it!

ZORAX: Well, it will take a while.


{cuts to albino's room. zoo walks in}

ZOO977: Haltote!

ALBINO: Hey. Why are you here?

ZOO977:I'm just going to wait here while zorax makes me a second award!

ALBINO: Like the one you got?

ZOO977: How did you know I won an award?

ALBINO: I read your email!

ZOO977: You are just about the worst lawyer ever.

ALBINO: I retired ever since the siccor shop incident.

ZOO977: Is that why you needed the stiches?

ALBINO: Hey, marissa would laugh if I told what really happened!

MARISSA: {climbs out from under his bed} You're right! And I got the recording! {rushes out. zorax floats in with a box}

ZORAX: What was her problem?

ALBINO: She found out it was an incident with a siccor store that made me have to have stitches.

ZORAX: MARISSA! Let me hear exactly what he said! {runs out of the room}

ZOO977: So it wasn't yvonne being clumbsy with a knife?

YVONNE: I know that wasn't the truth! {enters} That was just a mean joke!

ALBINO: I know it was! {smiles}

{everyone pauses for about four seconds}

ZOO977: {yelling} ITS TOO QUIET! {rushes out}

YVONNE: That kid has issues.

ALBINO: Hey, I didn't know you liked-

YVONNE: Did you read my emails?


YVONNE: Teach me how! I need to know!

{cuts to zorax's room. zoo enters}

ZOO977: Zorax! Wheres my award! {notices a silvery ball on the desk, picks it up} This will do! I wonder why the sign said {the camera angle changes, showing the sign} warning: absorbs one hundred thousand volts of electricity when used.

{cuts to the living room. wendy is there, watching the CMA awards. zoo walks in}

ZOO977: Hey, wnedy! Look what I got!

WENDY: Can I see it?

ZOO977: Sure! {hands it to wendy}

WENDY: What does this do? {flocks the switch. she is apparently being electrified. when she stops, zoo laughs}

ZOO977: That was classic! This will be the best award ever!

{cuts to zorax's room. he notices the ball is gone}

ZORAX: Well, that was my lamest idea ever. At least it has the auto explode feature! {presses a button on the desk. a loud kaboom is heard. cuts to a hospital room. zoo is on a bed, completely covered in bandages. he is speaking weakly with the creamy, somehow on, on his lap}

ZOO977: And that is how you destroy your foyer and most of your bones.

Click here to
Email Zoo

Easter Egg

Click on the ball before zoo gives it to wendy to make it light up when turned on. When she stops getting electorcuted, the gloiwng will stop.

Fun Facts

  • At the time of this email, zoo won FotF. Hoorah!
  • Previously, albino was a lawyer.
  • Albino's stiches were never before mentioned.
  • The CMA awards were on two days before this email.
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