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Wiki User Email Zoo977/athome

From Wuw Archive



Kalt gets beat up, and gets along with xaviar.
CAST: Marissa, Dot, Albino, Kalt, Nicholas, Xaviar, unknown man
SETTING: The hotel room, zoo's living room


{cuts to the hotel room. marissa storms in, and sits on her bed.}

MARISSA: {mumbling} Dorky excuse for a fencer pulling out my hair. {opens her laptop} I might as well check my email as I wait. {opens an email.}

Dear Mirrissa,
You don't answer emails, You egnore
them and do what you want, Please ,
do wait the email says: The cops are after
Kalt, you need to save him.
Email Police

MARISSA: Sorry. It's just that most of the email's that I got were craptastic or nonsensical. {short pause} So, what should I do now? Thats all I know about what I needed to do. {sends the email, types in home_camera.exe} Let's see what's happening at home. {presses enter. as the camera zoom's into the screen, a view of the living room appears. dot sits down on the sofa, and picks up a magazine}

DOT: I wonder why xaviar was hiding the nick magazine from us.

{dot looks at a page for a second. then, albino walks in}

ALBINO: Hey, dot. When does kalt get home from school?

DOT: {looks up form her magazine} I don't know.

ALBINO: I mean. he's an hour late!

DOT: I've got his bus drivers email adress on speed dial after the prius incident. {picks up her cell phone. just then a yellow school bus drives on the street seen through the window. as dot waits for someone to pick up, a big teen ager throws kalt through the door. he crasshes through the window, and lands on the floor behind the couch.}

ALBINO: Kalt! {looks behind the couch. dot looks over the edge. kalt scands up, bleeding and bruised.}

KALT: {cheerfully, not seeming to be phased.} I'm home!

DOT: What happened?

KALT: I dropped my lunch tray, and the basketball team leader slipped on it.

DOT: And you aren't phased?

KALT: It's just a bunch of major cuts that could quickly lead to my death! What's the worst that can happen?

DOT: {confused} I'm getting a lemonade. {gets up, walks offscreen}

KALT: Albino, are you good at math?


KALT Good. I'll pay you a green paint vile if you do thsi sheet of math! {shakes his head. a red sheet of paper comes out of a cut}

ALBINO: Tell me the paper is was printed on was red.

KALT: It was green.

ALBINO: AAAAAGH! {rushes out}

KALT: {sits down on the sofa, showing his leg bone is sticking out of his leg. picks up the cell phone} Hello? Gim pizzas? I'll take one gonden delicious pizza, please! {robotic voice heard lightly} Oh, yeah, can I also one roll of leg gauze and a kids yoyo? {robotic voice heard lightly} I've got my credit card. I'll tell the only other person who knows my credit card to pick it up. Thanks! {closes phone. nicholas wheels in}

NICHOLAS: Why are you using dot's cell phone?

KALT: Oh, yeah, can you drive to gim pizza and pick up the order under marissa?

NICHOLAS: Why do you always use her credit card?

KALT: 'Cause I can't hold onto a credit card of mine, but I can hold others. So... pick it up!

NICHOLAS: {looks at kaltsw leg} Ow.

KALT: Oh, that? Just a severe leg wound. Hey, want to do my homework? {pulls another sheet of red paper out of a cut, puts it on nicholas's forehead. it sticks}

NICHOLAS: Do you want me to ge tthe pizza or not?

KALT: Yep!

NICHOLAS: Ok! {whells out the front door}

KALT: Let's see whats on tv! {presses a green button on a remote controle.}

MAN: {on TV} The ceramic figurine has a chance of life again. In other news, a kid in a squid suit managed to win a diving compotition yesterday, and he wasn't even supposed to be in it!

{xaviar enters}

XAVIAR: I heard you got mauled at school.

KALT: It was fun!

XAVIAR: Good. Now wthe cops know that you're in town.

KALT: Why would htye be after me?

MAN ON TV: After realising he was dead, the cops began a hunt for kalt halo.

XAVIAR: Your last name's halo?

KALT: You know, like the oversized ring for your hair!

XAVIAR: I know what a halo is. Anyways, did you get a gim pizza?

KALT: Golden delicious!

XAVIAR: Did you use a credit card?

KALT: Marissa's!

XAVIAR: Genius. You got in more trouble with the law, and yet you hid yourself from the police. I like your thinking. Now, change the channel to my favorite show.

{kalt picks up the remote, and changes the canner. beeping is heard playing.}

XAVIAR: Die! Die! Die!

KALT: Death by surgery. That's gonna be my next writing essay.

{the screen cuts back to the hotel room. marissa turns off the screen}

MARISSA: He used my credit card? Well, at least he got the good flavor!

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Email Marissa
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the book of the day, Look me in the eyes

Easter Eggs

Click the cmoputer screen to see an expert from xaviars journal.

So, this is what I figured: if I manage to be a friend wiht kalt, the kid who car run anyone out of a room, I may be able to get the livin groom all to mself, or the kitchen. Thinking about it, kalt could help me hold a sleep over in my awesome basement with all the treats yvonne disaprooves of. All we'de have to do if make kalt sleep in front of the basement door once everyone comes, and BANG! Disturbence free sleep over! However, I hope chris was telling the truth when he said he could track vinera. That would top the party completely.

Fun facts

  • This is the first reference of kalts last name.
  • Gim is going to become a minor character, working at the pizza place.
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