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Wiki User Email Zoo977/Counterfiet

From Wuw Archive



CAST: Zoo977, Maloa, Larry
SETTING: The pool room, A stand, an underground printing lab


{cuts to the pool room. maloa is stacking up his breif cases. zoo is sitting at his computer}

MALOA: Again, why did you choose such a lame computer?

ZOO977: This isn't lame! Its a special computer programmed in ways no other camputers can handle. Watch this! {types something in. the macarena starts playing. zoo stops it} I can play any song!

MALOA: Whatever.

ZOO977: {singing to the tune of american idiot} Don't wanna be an internet idiot! Don't wanna get called a newb no mater what! {opens an email}

Hey, zoo.
Don't you think it's weird Maloa has all that money? Do you think he could be counterfieting it?

{maloa pushes zoo off the chair when he says counterfieting}

MALOA: Have you never seen the kind of paint used? Its Unique! A remarkably long prosess to get one bottle! Oralina's paint is purely inimitable!

{the screen zooms out. zoo gets up}

ZOO977: English, please?

MALOA: The paint is special. A fake bottle can't be made.

ZOO977: Then how do you make so much?

MALOA: I sell other items!

ZOO977: Counterfiet?

MALOA: The highest quality fakes there are!

ZOO977: So, how haven't you gotten caught yet?

MALOA: I study everything for counterfiet marks. I never missed one.

ZOO977: Might you direc tme to your stand?

MALOA: Why not?

{cuts to a stand. maloa is sitting there. many popcorn machines are there. the sign above it says "generals: 50 dollars". zoo is next to the stand, a face of confusion on his face}

ZOO977: Who in the right mind would buy a popcorn machine for fifty dollars?

{larry walks onscreen. He see's the stand, and laughs}

MALOA: Whats so funny?

LARRY: You are the worst saleman ever!

MALOA: Hey, if you don't buy one, I'll release to the school this photo of you! {hold a photo of larry holding a giant teddy bear, shakes the photo}

LARRY: You wouldn't dare.

MALOA: {takes out his cellphone, takes a photo of it} I would!

LARRY: If you do, I'm gonna freaking kill you!

MALOA: Whatever you say! {begisn typing}

LARRY: Fine. {hesitantly gives maloa a purple paint container, takes a popcorn machine}

MALOA: And there, my good friend, is how yo sell overlypriced items.

ZOO977: I must say, I am quite impressed. But, what about people you don't know?

MALOA: I have photos of everyone.

{cuts to underground. there is a computer atuomatically making embarrasing photo's of people}

ZOO977: {voiceover} Thats rediculous.

{{cuts back up}

MALOA: Hey, if oyu don't uby a popcorn machine, dot's seeing this. {holds a photoshopped photo of zoo is yvonne}

ZOO977: You've alreadey forgotten one aspect.

MALOA: What?

{zoo then kicks maloa in the chin, and tears the photo into shreds. he walks inside. cuts back to the pool room}

ZOO977: And there, jicem, is how come the paint isn't counterfiet. Also, how to either embarras people or sell overpriced products.

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Email Zoo

Easter Eggs

If you wait 7 second, zoo talks.

ZOO977: I wonder if he lost that loose tooth of his. {walks offscreen.}

Fun Facts

  • Counterfieting is the longest word yet to be used in an email.
  • Jicem was used in Dot.
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