List of heads of state and government
From Kaiserreich
Revision as of 20:13, 5 January 2008 by Kaiser Crush3r (Talk | contribs)
This is a provisional list of Kaiserreich heads of state and government. It was primarly made in order to help with the creation of articles for each of them. It has to be redone with each update: if anyone sees anachronisms, please notice that to our team!
List of current heads of state and government on January, 1 1936
State | Government | Doctrine | Head of State | Head of Government |
Abyssinia | Autocratic monarchy | Authoritarian Democrat | Negus Haile Selassie I | Prime Minister Bedjironde Tekle Hawariate |
Afghanistan | Autocratic monarchy | Paternal Autocrat | King Mohammed Zaher Shah | Prime minister Mohammad Hashim |
Albania (under Ottoman Empire's authority) | Autocratic monarchy | Authoritarian Democrat | King Wilhelm I zu Vied | Prime Minister Ahmet Zogu |
AlgOstAsien GmbH (under German Empire's authority) | Autonomous colonial subdivision | Paternal Autocrat | Members of the Allgemeine Ostasiatische Board of Directors | Governor Alexander von Falkenhausen |
Armenia (under Ottoman Empire's authority) | Semi-independant pashaluk | Paternal Autocrat | Pasha Andranik Toros Ozanian
| |
Australasian Confederation | Parliamentary monarchy, as a Commonwealth's realm | Paternal Autocrat | George V of United Kingdom, represented by Governor-General Stanley Bruce | Prime Minister Billy Hughes |
Austria | Parliamentary monarchy, as a constituent part of Austria-Hungary | Authoritarian Democrat | Emperor Otto I von Habsburg | Minister-president Albert von Mensdorff-Pouilly |
Azerbaijan | Semi-presidential republic | Authoritarian Democrat | President Rajib Kulbenzhian | Prime minister Suleyman Rustam |
Bengal | Socialist republic | Radical Socialist | President Rajendra Prasad | Chairman of the Central Comity John Mathai |
Bhutan | Autocratic monarchy | Authoritarian Democrat | King Jigme Wangchuk | Prime Minister Soham Togbay Dorji |
Bohemia | Parliamentary monarchy, as a constituent part of Austria-Hungary | Social Conservative | King Ottokar III von Habsburg, represented by Governor Felix zu Schwarzenberg | Minister-president Jan Syrov |
Bolivia | Presidential republic | Social Democrat | President Hernan Siles Suazo | Vice-President Victor Paz Estenssoro |
Bosnia | Parliamentary monarchy, as a constituent part of Austria-Hungary | Authoritarian Democrat | Emperor Otto I von Habsburg, represented by Governor Georg Dragicevic | Minister-president Osman Zulfikarpasic |
Union of Britain | Socialist republic | Radical Socialist | Chairman of the Trade Union Congress Philipp Snowden | General Secretary Arthur Horner |
Bulgaria | Parliamentary monarchy | Authoritarian Democrat | Tsar Ferdinand I von Saxe-Coburg-Gotha | Prime Minister Georgi Kioseivanov |
Burma | Presidential republic | Paternal Autocrat | President Sao Yang Wen Pin
| |
Canada | Parliamentary monarchy | Authoritarian Democrat | King George V of Windsor | Prime Minister Mackenzie King |
Caribbean Federation | Parliamentary monarchy, as a Commonwealth's realm | Social Conservative | George V of United Kingdom, represented by Governor-General Gordon J.Lethem | Prime Minister Francis Stanley Robinson |
Centroamerica | Socialist republic | Radical Socialist | President Jorge Ubico Castenada
| |
Chile | Presidential Republic | Social Liberal | President Luis Barros Borgono | Vice-President Emiliano Figueroa |
Croatia | Parliamentary monarchy, as a constituent part of Austria-Hungary | Paternal Autocrat | King Otto II von Habsburg, represented by Governor Alojzije Stepinac | Minister-president Vladimir Laxa |
Cuba | Semi-presidential republic | Market Liberal | President José Barnet y Vinageras | Prime minister Miguel Gomez y Arias |
Delhi | Parliamentary monarchy, as a Commonwealth's realm | Social Conservative | George V of United Kingdom, represented by Governor-General Mohammed Shuja ul-Mulk | Prime Minister John Edward Golightly |
Denmark | Parliamentary monarchy | Social Democrat | King Christian X of Oldenburg | Prime Minister Thorvald Stauning |
Dominican Republic | Semi-presidential republic | Paternal Autocrat | President Rafael Leonidas Trujillo | Prime Minister Jacinto Bienvenido Peynado |
Don-Kuban Union | Presidential republic | Authoritarian Democrat | Hetman Petr Krasnov
| |
Ecuador | Presidential republic | Social Liberal | President Federico Paez Chiriboaga
| |
Egypt | Autocratic monarchy | Authoritarian Democrat | King Fuad I | Vizier Ali Mahir Pasha |
Finland | Parliamentary monarchy | National Populist | King Fredrik Kaarle I von Hessen | Prime Minister Vihtori Kosola |
Flanders-Wallonia (under German Empire's authority) | Parliamentary monarchy | Authoritarian Democrat | King Adalbert I von Hohenzollern | Prime Minister August Borms |
Commune of France | Socialist Republic | Syndicalist | President of the Commune of Paris Sébastien Faure | Chairman of the Comité de Salut Public Marceau Pivert |
National France | Republic under military junta | Paternal Autocrat | President of the military junta Philippe Pétain | Chairman of the military junta François Coty |
Galicia-Lodomiera | Parliamentary monarchy, as a constituent part of Austria-Hungary | Paternal Autocrat | Emperor Otto I von Habsburg, represented by Governor Karl-Stephen von Habsburg | Minister-president Wojciech Korfanty |
Georgia | Socialist republic | Radical Socialist | President Kandid Charkviani | Chairman of the Central Committee of the Menchevik Party Lavrenti Beria |
Germany | Parliamentary monarchy | Authoritarian Democrat | Emperor Wilhelm II von Hohenzollern | Chancellor Franz von Papen |
Greece | Parliamentary monarchy | Authoritarian Democrat | King Georgios II of Oldenburg | Prime Minister Panagis Tsaldaris |
Haiti | Presidential republic | Social Conservative | President Stenio Vincent
| |
Honduras | Semi-presidential republic | Authoritarian Democrat | President Tiburcio Carias Andino | Prime Minister Carlos Alberto Ucles |
Hungary | Parliamentary monarchy, as a constituent part of Austria-Hungary | Paternal Autocrat | King Otto II von Habsburg | Minister-president Karl Daranyi de Pusztaszentgyörgyi |
Ireland | Semi-presidential republic | Authoritarian Democrat | President Michael Collins | Taoiseach Eoin o'Duffy |
Italian Federation | Theocracy | Authoritarian Democrat | Pope Pius XI | President of Council Stefano Jacini |
Japan | Parliamentary monarchy | Social Conservative | Emperor Hirohito | Prime Minister Inukai Tsuyoshi |
Kazakhstan | Semi-presidential republic | Authoritarian Democrat | President Ali Khan Bukaiklianov | Prime minister Kakimbek Salykov |
La Plata | Presidential republic | Social Liberal | President Hipolito Yrigoyen | Vice President Marcelo Torcuato de Alvear |
Legation Cities | Independant union of economical concessions | Authoritarian Democrat | Governor-General Cecil Clementi | Prime Minister Stirling Fessenden |
Liberia (under United States authority) | Presidential republic | Social Conservative | President Edwin J. Barclay
| |
Libya (under Ottoman Empire's authority) | Autocratic monarchy | Authoritarian Democrat | King Idris I al-Senussi | Vizier Duncan Cameron Cumming |
Lithuania | Parliamentary monarchy | Paternal Autocrat | King Mindaugas III von Urach | Prime Minister Juonas Ambrazevicius |
Manchuria (under Japan's authority) | Parliamentary monarchy | Paternal Autocrat | Emperor Pu Yi | Prime Minister Chang Ching-Hui |
Mexico | Socialist republic | Radical Socialist | President Emiliano Zapata | Acting President Vicento Lombardo Toledano |
Mittelafrika (under German Empire's authority) | Autonomous colonial free state | Authoritarian Democrat | Staathalter Hermann Goering | Prime Minister Hendrik J.Elias |
Mongolia | Autocratic monarchy | National Populist | Khan Roman von Ungern-Sternberg | Prime Minister Demcuydungrub |
Nejd | Autocratic monarchy | Authoritarian Democrat | Sheikh Abdul Aziz al Saud | Crown Prince Saud al Saud |
Nepal | Autocratic monarchy | Authoritarian Democrat | King Tribhuvana | Prime Minister Juddha Rana |
Netherlands | Parliamentary monarchy | Market Liberal | Queen Wilhelmina | President of Council Hendricus Coljin |
Norway | Parliamentary monarchy | Social Democrat | King Haakon VII of Oldenburg | Prime Minster Johan Nygaardsvold |
Oman | Autocratic monarchy | Authoritarian Democrat | Sheikh Said ibn Timur
| |
Ottoman Empire | Autocratic monarchy | Paternal Autocrat | Kalif Abdul Mejid II | Grand Vizier Mehmet Talaat Pasha |
Panama | Presidential republic | Market Liberal | President Harmodio Arias de la Madrid
| |
Persia | Parliamentary monarchy | Social Conservitive | Shah Ahmad Qajar | Prime Minister Prince Firuz Nosrat ed-Dowleh |
Peru | Republic under military junta | Paternal Autocrat | President of the military junta Oscar Benavides Larrea | Chairman of the military junta Luis Miguel Sanchez Cerro |
Philippines (under United States authority) | Semi-presidential republic | Social Liberal | President Manuel Quezon | Prime Minister Sergio Osmena |
Poland | De jure parliamentary monarchy | Paternal Autocrat | Regent Janusz Radziwill | Prime Minister Zdizlaw Lubormirski |
Portugal | Semi-presidential republic | Authoritarian Democrat | President Antonio da Fragosa Carmona | President of Council Antonio da Oliveira Salazar |
Princely Federation | Federation of free principalties | Authoritarian Democrat | Provisional Rajadhiraja Bahadur Bathram of Maler Kotla | Chairman of the Council of Principalties Mohammed Iqbal |
Qing Empire | Autocratic monarchy | Paternal Autocrat | Emperor Zaifeng | Chancellor Xu Shichang |
Republic of the Sicilies | Socialist republic | Syndicalist | President Palmiro Togliatti | Chairman of the House of Commons Antonio Gramsci |
Romania | Presidential republic | National Populist | Conducător Corneliu Zelea Codreanu | Prime minister Horia Sima |
Russia | Parliamentary republic | Social Democrat | President Alexandr Kerensky | President of Council Pavel Milyukov |
Serbia | Republic under military junta | Paternal Autocrat | President of the military junta Milutin Nedic | Chairman of the military junta Dragisa Cvetkovic |
Shangqing Tianguo | Theocracy | National Populist | Buddha Ziang Tianran | Chancellor Fang Zhimin |
Siam | Autocratic monarchy | Authoritarian democrat | King Rama VIII | Prime Minister Phot Bhahalyodin |
South Africa | Semi-presidential republic | Market Liberal | President Villiers Clarendon | Prime minister James Hertzog |
Spain | Parliamentary monarchy | Authoritarian Democrat | King Alfonso XIII de Borbon | President of the Government José Maria Gil Robles Quinones |
Sweden | Parliamentary monarchy | Authoritarian democrat | King Gustaf V Bernadotte | Prime Minister Axel Pehrsson-Bramstorp |
Switzerland | Parliamentary republic | Market Liberal | President of the Swiss Confederation Albert Meyer
| |
Tibet | Theocracy | Authoritarian democrat | Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso | Regent Reting Rimpoche |
Transamur (under Japan's authority) | Presidential republic | Paternal Autocrat | Ruler of All the Russias Alexandr Kolchak | Vice President Grigori Semyonov |
Turkestan | Autocratic and theocratic monarchy | National Populist | Kalif Mohammed Alim Khan | Vizier Ismail Enver Pasha |
Ukraine | Parliamentary monarchy | Authoritarian Democrat | King Vasily I von Habsburg | Hetman Pavlo Skoropadsky |
United Provinces | Presidential republic | Social Conservative | President Juan Bautista Sacasa | Vice President Julian Irias Navarro |
United States | Presidential republic | Social Liberal | President Herbert Hoover | Vice President Charles Curtis |
Venezuela | Presidential republic | Social Conservative | President Juan Bautista Pérez
| |
Vereinigtes Baltisches Herzogtum (under German Empire's authority) | Autonomous grand-duchy vowed to be part of the German Empire | Paternal Autocrat | Grand-Duke Adolf Friedrich von Meckelenbourg-Schwerin | Governor Karlis Ulmanis |
White Ruthenia | Parliamentary monarchy | Authoritarian Democrat | King Vladimir I von Hohenzollern | Prime Minister Pyotr Krecheuski |
Xibei San Ma | Area under authority of various warlords | Authoritarian Democrat | Warlord Ma Hongkui
| |
Yunnan | Area under authority of various warlords | Paternal Autocrat | Warlord Long Yun