
From Davenrathh

Darkainian is one of the blackest names in Aberdon's history. The offspring of Vecna, the God of Secrets, and a white dragon called the Queen, Darkainian was half-dragon, and half-god. Believing himself entitled, Darkainian founded the dread legion of the Black Bone, and called many servants to his side (notables include The Cracked, Milikin and Palanthius). Starting a campaign that eventually consumed all of Aberdon, Darkainian slaughtered entire cities to his father, the beginnings of the ritual of Fell. None knew (or even now know) what the ritual fully entailed, nor what Darkainian hoped to achieve by it. It is thought the Wizard Mosslaide knew, for he was heavily involved in the resistance to Darkainian's campaign. However, the actions of the small band were no match for the size and strength of Darkainian's organization, which managed in its time to sack much of Aberdon, and secretly slay the mighty King Regitous , and replace him with a doppleganger agent.

Despite all his power, Darkainian eventually lost sight of one of his major flaws- being half-dragon, he was at least partially mortal. With knowledge of this weakness, Mosslaide unearthed Nerull's Curse, prepared to use it as a last resort in the event of Darkainian's conquest. When Mosslaide fell in battle with the Queen, his son Ian infiltrated Darkanian's compound and activated the Curse. In the resulting cataclysm, Darkainian is presumed to have been destroyed, for he has not been seen again...

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