From Davenrathh
Ian Mosswilde was the only son of Aberdon's great mage Mosslaide. Once a powerful mage, Ian was killed by Darkainian and reborn in a new body. This reincarnation focused Ian's magics inward, making his body faster, stronger and tougher than most, and giving him abilities comparable to a monk. Ian served loyally as a member of the SKRY beside Rocko and Cromwell, aiding in the slaying of The Cracked, Darkainian's master assassin. However, the death of his father in a battle against Darkainian's mother, the Queen drove Ian mad with grief. Consumed with hate, Ian stole Nerull's Curse and secreted it into the centre of Darkainian's war camp, where he activated the arifact, destroying himself and presumably the demigod as well.