Category:Springfield News (1907)

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January 11

January 11, 1907 (Springfield News), Vol. V, No. 50.

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"Again in Operation"

The old mill whistle disturbed the peaceful slumbers of many Monday

morning; the first time in over a week, but it was a welcome noise, for all

Springfield is glad to see the mill running full blast once more. The effects

of its closing is soon felt by our businessmen, for its operation means

several hundred dollars a day, distributed among our citizens.

The Booth-Kelly mill is a great industry and is wholly responsible for

Springfield's rapid growth. The company is censored and criticized

cursed and abused by the unreasonable and weak minded, but after all

we could not do without it. It is our only means of support and the only

resource whereby over two-thirds of our citizens, directly or indirectly, get

their livelihood. We have no right to censure this company for what they

do that does not quite meet with our approval but should stand by them

through thick and thin for what they have done for us.


"Good Bargain"

- 53 acre farm 3 miles east of Springfield, all improved. A good place at


1 1/2 acre place on county road north of school house for $300.

House and one-half block in Springfield on east B street. This place will

just suit you. Don't forget to look at it if you want a home. This is the

town to buy in. Other town property for sale. - J. B. Innis. Agent.


Page 4

Lowney's Chocolates

Everybody knows that Lowney's Chocolates are the best on the market.

There are no better made and we have the exclusive agency in

Springfield. Try them for they are the finest kind of present.

Also carry a fine line of Cigars, Tobacco, soft drinks, pipes, etc. WILL CHESHIRE Prop. Springfield, Oregon, First door east Ry. ___________________ TRY Peery's Cooling Cream if you want an ideal Toilet Cream for rough skin, chaps or an after shave. Our Cooling Cream does not contain a single harmful ingredient. We make it and guarantee it, if it wasn't first-class we would not put our name on it. Come in, get a free sample and let us tell you more about it. The best preparation made. M.M. PEERY Druggist. Springfield, Oreg. ___________________ REAL ESTATE BARGAINS 5 acres in West Springfield, sandy bottom land good for garden. 384 acres 9 miles south west of Eugene. Good 8-room house and out buildings. 125 acres in cultivation, 200 more can be cultivated. All well fenced. Some timber on the place. Bottom land, spring water piped to house. A bargain at $16.00 per acre. 2 new houses and 10 lots in Springfield, price $2,000 on easy terms. House and lot in South Springfield, price $450. A well improved place on West B street xxxxxxx and buildings, fruit and xxxxree xxxx Price $1,800. J.B. INNIS, East Main St. Springfield, Ore. ___________________ Tensorial Parlor and Bathroom INNIS & McCollum, Props. Everything new and up-to-date. First-class work guaranteed. We are here to please the public. Bathroom always neat and clean. Agents for Eugene Steam Laundry. Springfield, Oregon ________________________ "The Quality Store" Paul Bettelheim Company The Springfield Store Remember This... NO BRANCH Remember This... The Old Saying, "In time of Peace Prepare for War" Can be until and in more places than in the ARMY AND NAVY We wish to have you prepare your Spring and Summer wear NOW. It is true that the weather is cold, but "In Time of Peace Prepare for War." When the other weather is on it is to late. We have Laces, Embroideries, Ribbons and all such goods in good and large assortments and PRICES to Suit all Purses, Yours Truly, Paul Bettelheim Company. THE SPRINGFIELD STORE NO BRANCH _______________________________ WhiteElephantLiveryBarn WINZENRIED & BANGS Good Service, Fair Treatment and Moderate Rates Springfield-Eugene Buss and Transfer. First class turnouts. Special attention to Commercial travelers. We solicit your patronage. _____________ By a vote of the people at the last election, local option carried and the saloons were wiped out of our thriving little city as a result. By a majority vote, the people have said that they do not want liquor sold in the county. Since the election the News has carried out of town liquor ad's but we have decided to discontinue all such ads in the future, or, at least for the time being and await results. _______ ____________________

Page 5

The News is not quite up to standard this week owing to the editor losing

a day. One day has certainly escaped our notice, we know not how, but

it has gone. Therefore our news columns are lacking, not for want of

news but for time to prepare it.

FOR SALE- One of the best residence lots in Springfield. South and

west front 66 x 120. Only three blocks from Main street. Price $200.

- FOR SALE- New four-room house and two lots in north-east part of

town. Can be bought on the installment plan at a bargain. Inquire at the

News office.


The heavy rains last Wednesday and Thursday caused the Willamette to

overflow its banks and completely flood West Springfield. THere was no

damage done further the carrying off fences, wood piles and small out

buildings and causing the families to seek higher and dryer quarters.


Messrs Innis and McCullum have decided to retire from the confectionery

and cigar business and in the future devote their entire time to their

tonsorial parlors. Within the next week they will make considerable of a

change in the interior of their building. The old doors will be taken out and

replaced by a full glass front and the partition will be moved back about

twelve feet giving them more room than they now have. The shop will be

moved to the front and the partition will be moved back about twelve feet

giving them more room than they now have. The shop will be moved to

the front of the building and another bath room added. The entire shop

will have a fresh coat of paint and paper and when completed will be as

good as the best.


Miss Clara Ansorge, a National Associate and Y organizer, a branch of

the W.C.T.U. for young people, will lecture Monday evening, January 14,

at the Baptist church. Her visit here is for the purpose of organizing a Y.

Let all the people of the town come out and hear the lecture.

Page 8

"They like the taste as well as maple sugar" is what one mother wrote of

Kennedy's Laxative, 'containing' Honey and Tar. This modern cough

syrup is absolutely free from any opiate or narcotic, and does not,

stupefy or constipate, conforms to the National Pure Food and Drug Law.

Sold by M.M. Peery.


"When the cold winds dry and crack the sking a box of salve can save

much discomfort. In buying salve look for the name on the box to avoid

any imitation, and be sure you get the original DeWitt's Witch Hazel

Salve. Sold by M.M. Peery.

Bee's Laxative Cough Syrup containing Honey and Tar is especially

appropriate for children, no opiates or poisons of any character, conforms

to the conditions of the National Pure Food and Drug Law, June 30,

1906. For Croup, Whooping Cough, etc. It expels Coughs and Colds by

gently moving the bowels. Guaranteed. Sold by M. M. Peery.


People's Meat Market Perkins & Stewart, prop.


Fresh Beef, Pork, Veal and Mutton Always on hand

Free Delivery to all Parts of the City Phone 143.


Dr. M.C. Harris Dentist Rooms 2 and 3 over Cockerline & Weatherbee's store.


Pacific Aid Association

Pays Sick Benefits of $50 per mo. Pays Accident Benefits classified according to occupation.

Pays $5.00 Surgeon's Fees for accidents which do not cause total loss

of time but which require treatment by a surgeon.

Pays Funeral Expenses of from $100 to $150

No Medical Examination Membership Fee, $5.00 payable only once in a lifetime

Dues, $1.50 per month.

Insure now. Tomorrow may be Too Late


Marcola, Oregon

Lowney's Chocolates Lowney's Peppermint

Lowney's Bon Bons
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