The Massive Flaming Plane Crash Thread

From Egs Mayhem

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A thread started by Piebunny in which there is a massive flaming plane crash (as if you hadn't figured it out). So far the passengers have had to deal with shrink soda, a dragon, a possessed plane, a nuclear explosion, carnivorous Following Plants, a ridiculously overpowered character, the perils of economy class tickets, a potentially plot ending communication device (It was destroyed. Twice, just to be on the safe side), and an unstoppable superweapon that turned out to be considerably more stoppable than previously anticipated. (See below.) They have now managed to reach an island, where they have discovered that they are not the first to arrive there...

Meanwhile, high above their heads, several spaceships (The Giant Spaceship Thing O' Doomness and The Hammer o' Justice, to name two of them) have discovered each other. It is unclear what the hell they are doing in the story in the first place, but... meh.


Major Incidents

  • At one point, another ship opened fire on the Hammer of Justice, thinking it had a bounty out on it. They used something called a D-Gun, a planetbuster that had some pretty shocking effects on the Earth,even though it was not technically speaking, shot at the Earth.
  • The incident also resulted in sending a large portion of the ships crew to earth, as they took the 'fall in' order from General Store quite literally.

First Post

*KSSSHKT* "Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. It has come to my attention that we are all about to suffer painful fiery death. If you would all please do up your seatbelts, it will make it a lot easier to identify your bodies. That is all. Oh, and thanks for flying with El Cheapo Airlines."


Characters without usernames

For characters being played who are not metacharacters

  • The Crew of the 'Doomness
  • The surviving members of what used to be the 'Doomness Maintenance Crew
  • The Engineer (Jessica Crenshaw)
  • Executive Meetings
  • The Shadowy Figures who feature prominently when there is a high chance for inconvenient cut scenes

External links

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