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Wiki User Email Zoo977/programs

From Wuw Archive



CAST: Dot, Xaviar, Zoo, doodles of albino and zoo (easter egg), Yvonne, Zorax, Albino, Marissa, Nicholas, Wendy
SETTING: The deck, the suite


{cuts to the deck of the boat. dot is looking through a telescope. xaviar is behind her}

XAVIAR: Face it, Dot! Zoo's gone!

DOT: Just like Vinera is!

XAVIAR: Oh, I know she's alive!

DOT: There!

XAVIAR: What did I tell you?

DOT: A lie! {yelling} Stay calm! {grabs a life preserver. throws it into the water.}

XAVIAR: He's alive?

{the line on the life preserver tightens}

DOT: {grabbing the rope} Pull!

{xaviar pulls the rope with dot. the life preserver raises, revealing zoo on the preserver. his mouth is stuffed with sea shells}

DOT: Zoo! {runs up to zoo. the two hug}

XAVIAR: Blech. {throws a fish on the ground. zoo and dots eyes widen. they then begin kicking xaviar} What did I do?

DOT: What happened?

ZOO977: Wait, why aren't you angry?

DOT: Albino told me what you were telling me! I realised you were telling the truth!

ZOO977: Yay!

{cuts back to the suite. zoo, dot, and xaviar walk in.}

DOT: Well, I have to get some sleep for my birthday! Good night! {walks into her room. xaviar walks into his, as zoo sits in the bochee court. he opens the packy}

ZOO977: Sailing toward emails in three, two, one! {opens an email}

Dear Zoo,
When you opened this email, you let in a unstoppable virus!
Your computer is doomed no matter what!
Evilly yours,
The Virus

ZOO977: {laughs} A doomed computer?!? That was part of the hacking! Not to mention the Y ware {holds up a discette with yvonne on it} I installed actually helps the programming!

ALBINO: {only heard} Okay, bring in the balloons!

ZOO977: What?

{a zoom out shows zorax and albino putting up some balloons.}

ZOO977: What are you doing?

ZORAX: Putting up balloons!

ZOO977: Be sure to use some super helium, and put trinkets in them.


ZOO977: {returning to typing} Anyways, I think your virus needs to have a checkup. Look at some of the programs on my computer!

{cuts to a view of fireworks}

ZOO977: First off, theres Fireworks CS4. While it's a very advanced graphics program, it actually makes omputers more vulnerable to virus's.

{cut to a view of the newer microsoft word, xcel, and powerpoint.}

ZOO977: And then there's the newest version of Word, Excel, and Powerpoint! While they are {the sound of gwen from total drama island is heard faintly} nice programs, they're just another door key. Wait, whats that?

{cuts to the suite view. albino is watching Total Drama Island.}

ZOO977: Albino, what are you doing?

ALBINO: I dunno.

ZOO977: Weren't you just putting up birthday decorations?

ALBINO: Everythings up.

{zoo looks around. tons of decorations are on the walls}

ZOO977: I'm not even gonna ask.

{cuts to a view of Flash.}

ZOO977: Ah, good old flash. Truthfully, it's like a sponge collecting virus's!

{cuts back to the normal view}

ZOO977: And then there's Y wear. It hs bugs built in so that you have to go out and buy the next version, with more bugs, and a higher price! I bought stock, and boy, am I raking in money! Well, it's almost morning. {sends the email, closes the laptop.}

{cuts to the next morning. dot opens the door to her room. she walks out, and yawns.}


DOT: Yay!

{the kids begin going insane as the scrreen fades to black.}

Click here to
Email Zoo

Easter Eggs

Click on the telescope to see Dot looking at the railings on the boat

Click on dot when she mentions albino to see a badly drawn comic. the first frame has him talking. the next has them wearing suits. the remaining frames are all worn out.

Fun facts

  • Dots birthday has been mentioned for the last few emails.
  • The virus's built in is a refference to the comic Foxtrot.
  • Gwen from Total Drama Island is heard.
  • Zoo has every program mentioned but Y wear.
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