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Wiki User Email Zoo977/planning

From Wuw Archive



The gang plans the expidition. Kalt becomes a punching kicking bag.
CAST: Zorax, Marissa, Kalt, Maloa, Yvonne, Dot, Albino
SETTING: The kitchen


{cuts to around the kitchen table. going counter clockwise from the farthest point from the camera, zorax, marissa, kalt, maloa, yvonne, dot, and albino are sitting. there is an open box with a dessert pizza in it, with chocolate instead of cheese and tomato sauce, and no other toppings. two slices are left in the box. everyone but albino has a slice}

DOT: So, you need our help for getting you guys on the trip?

MALOA: Well, we did promise you the awesome plants.

ALBINO: Hey, guys, why am I not alloud to eat a slice of chocolate pizza?

YVONNE: Because you will go on an unstopable sugar rampage that won't wear off until you mistake salt for sugar.

MARISSA: Hey, while those two are fighting, I'm gonna check me email. {opens the screen on her watch}

Captain Pugwash!
House life?
I made a steak and...
have you ever wondered if anyone likes your meals?

MARISSA: Um... I have no clue what I'm gonna go with that.

KALT: Let me see. {takes the watch.} Simple. I jsut open the translator of your watch, {begins typing at an extrememly fast speed} And it should have an idiot to english translation portion! {the watch begins smoking, and kalt stops typing.} Oops... {many tiny gears, springs, and other parts fall through the screen}

MARISSA: You deploded my computer!

DOT: Deploded?

MARISSA: My little brother made it up.

MALOA: The exact same one you haven't seen for three years?

MARISSA: Shut up.

KALT: Hey, I think I can get a translator open on the paper.

MARISSA: Hey, wait, no! That's not even electronic!

{kalt reaches abovew the screen, and a rip is heard. he pulls down a blue ang green piece of paper}

KALT: Whoops...

MARISSA: GET OUT OF HERE, NIMROD! {kicks kalt, causing him to fall out of his chair}

DOT: Calm down...


MALOA: Well, he didn't mean to.

YVONNE: Back on topic, what was it you wanted to collect?

MARISSA: {calmed down a bit} A Gentiana khammouanensis, a Aeschynanthus mendumiae, a dragon millipede, and a annamite striped rabbit.

ZORAX: English, please.

MARISSA: A purply flower, an orange pitcher plant, a pink creepy bug, and a striped bunnym'n.

ZORAX: Now I understand!

YVONNE: {writing on a note pad} Bunnym'n.

MARISSA: Give me that. {takes the note pad and pencil, begins writing something}

MALOA: Um, don't you need to gat a portable computer so you can check emails on the expidition?

MARISSA: {looks up from her writing.} I didn't evne think about that.

DOT: {sarcastic} I wonder who will be asked to get it.

MARISSA: You lost the bet, dot.

DOT: Hey, you know I can't stomach hoisen sauce.

MARISSA: Then why'd you take the bet?

DOT: {confused} I'm really not sure.

{marissa tossses dot her wallet, and dot leaves}

MALOA: Hey, how are we going to make money, with the only working... person in the family dead?

MARISSA: Part of the reason I ordered the news paper.

MALOA: Also, what about food resources? What about clean water? What about getting everything home?

MARISSA: In one bag, I have plenty of foods and water, blue harbor suite keys-

YVONNE: I thought that was a resort only in sheboygan.

KALT: {still on the floor, speaking weakly} They began making blue harbour a chain resort. {marissa stomps where kalt fell, causing him to screech}

MARISSA: Back on what I was saying, I also took albino's easy bake oven.

ALBINO: How did you know I have one?

MARISSA: Everyone knew you kept one under your bed.

MALOA: Also, doesn't the blue harbour part sort of take away from the expidition?

MARISSA: I have no clue what else we could use.

ZORAX: Would you mind if I brough {holds up a small orange box} this?

MARISSA: That crappy neopet toy? What good would it do?

ZORAX: Well, it's my favorite!

MALOA: The yellow shoyru sucks.

MARISSA: Yeah! The starry jubjubs better.

KALT: What about the orange-

MARISSA: Shut your face! {steps where kalt would be, another shriek is heard}

MALOA: Ow... there goes that tooth of his. Are you alright?

KALT: Yep. Also, I accidentaly broke your saber.

MALOA: WHAT?!? {stomps where kalt would be}

KALT: {weakly} My tenders...

MALOA: That was kind of fun! {begins stomping on kalt. marissa joins in/. afgter about four seconds, they stop}

MARISSA: Wait, what am I going to use fo a paper with that paper gone?

Isn't that great?

MARISSA: I'm gonna go get a newer paper now. {leaves}

{the paper reprints}

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Easter eggs

Wait seven seconds to see kalt get up. his mouth is now bloody.

KALT: Please tell me the phsyco's gone.
MALOA: Nope! {kicks kalt, causing him to fall down again.}

Fun Facts

  • The dessert pizza references the minitoon made before this, cell phones.
  • Marissa's simple definitions of the plants is an actual definition of each one.
  • Bunnym'n refernces the homestar running gag of replacing man with m'n.
  • Blue harbour is a resort in Sheboygan, wisconsin. However, it is not spreading.
  • "My tenders" references kung fu panda.
  • "Isn't that great?" references folky tale.
  • This is the first email both a computer and a paper died.
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