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Wiki User Email Zoo977/hell

From Wuw Archive



CAST: Zoo977, Dot, Albino, LArry, a devil, various tortured people, Satan
SETTING: The cruise ship, The pool room, A travel agency, Hell, A resturaunt


{cuts to the dock, with the cruise ship there. everyone is getting off with their luggage. cuts to the pool room. zoo is on the table, with the packy}

ZOO977: {To the tune of the spongbob square pants theme} Zoo nine se-ven! Se-ven e-mails! {opens an email}

Dear Zoo,

I can't escape this hell
So many times I've tried
But I'm still caged inside
Somebody get me through this nightmare
I can't control myself

So what if you can see the darkest side of me?
No one will ever change this animal I have become
Help me believe it's not the real me
Somebody help me tame this animal

Three Days Grace

ZOO977: Um, I know nothing about taming animals, but I know how to go to hell! You see, I won four anytime passes to hell from a Kroger contest!

DOT: Wait, a trip to hell?

ZOO977: Well, why not?

ALBINO: Thats where Larry's from!

DOT: Um.... I was thinking of bringing him along!

ZOO977: Ok! {dot walks out} Albino, pack plenty of pepper spray.

{cuts to a travel agency. dot, zoo, albino, and larry are walking past some elevators}

ALBINO: How will we know which one is right?

{one elevator by them is red and on fire. screaming comes from inside of it, and blood leaks under the bottom of it.}

ZOO977: Like that. {the kids get in}

{cuts to a view of hell. an elevator falls. the kids get out}

LARRY: Woah. Cool place.

DOT: So... which door is for the tour guides?

ZOO977: Maybe the door marked tours, next to a billion with actual hell.


{the kids walk up to a door with a devil in front of it}

DEVIL: I will sadly be your tour guide for the day.

ALBINO: Whats so bad about having to wear a plaid-polka-dot pink shirt around with a parka and coat in a sweltering enviroment?

DEVIL: Exactly.

{cuts to a view of many pits filled with magma. people are being dnjked head first in them}

DOT: That looks like torture!

DEVIL: IF you think thats bad, we'll skip the barber shop.

{cuts to a view of many people being hanged. they are being put into a machine.}

DEEVIL: This is our meat section of the deli. {points at some tortured cows} And there's the cheese.

ZOO977: I don't think that head cheese really is cheese.

DEVIL: Moving on.

{cuts to another room. many people are screaming. a record is playing}

DEVIL: This is a special kind of torture suggested from {looks at a note card} Larry Winner.

LARRY: Thats me!

DEVIL: Well, the polka tortures working well.

{Pcuts to a pit of lava. king, queens, and other rulars are swimming in it. satan is on a mini island around it}

DEVIL: And here is satans quarters. He tortured the self obsessed rulers here.

ALBINO: So, 99% of them?

DEVIL: Precicly.

{cuts to a resturaunt.}

DOT: That was a cool tour!

LARRY: Yep. Hey, waiter! Where are our menues?

{a devil hands them a menu. they look at it}

ZOO977: Why am I on this?

{cuts bak to the pool room}

ZOO977: In closing, it's fun to watch people being tortured by polka!

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Easter Eggs

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Fun Facts

  • Kroger is the grocery store zoo goes to.
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