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Wiki User Email Zoo977/beach

From Wuw Archive

The kids go to the beach.
CAST: Zoo977, Nicholas, Wendy, Dot, Albino, Zorax, Marissa
SETTING:The pool room, the living room, a car, the beach


{cuts to the pool room. zoo is there, dusting a bit of grey off of his arm. nicholas is watching}

NICHOLAS: Okay, what?

ZOO977: Grey sticks to you after visiting the past. This is that last of it.

NICHOLAS: Okay... I'm going to do nothing with writing down ten thousand ways about how that makes no sence.

ZOO977: Okay! {a ding is heard} Woah, I got an email? {sits down. he opens the email}

Hi, zoo!
Have you ever been to the beach?

ZOO977: Woah, divzon? How are you? I've never been to the beach befre. Mainly because someone


ZOO977: -won't drive to the good beach!

ZORAX: {Walking in} Did you say beach?

ZOO977: Yep! However, we need to manipulate wendy. We need a good, working plan.

{cuts to the living room. dot, albino, nicholas, marissa, and hardhat are watching zorax, floating over wendy. his flotation device gives off a lime green glow. wendy has blank eyes}

WENDY: {hypnotized} I will take you to the good beach.

DOT: That was genius! How did you make that work?

ZORAX: Um... {points to the lever on his flotation device}

DOT: Oh.

{cuts to inside of a red car. wendy is driving. the kids are throwing popcorn at each other. a screen is playing sponge bob.}

WENDY: I have no clue what you did to make me drive you to the beach.

ALBINO: {shoving a popcorn bucket onto his head} Yay!

{cuts to a beach. zoo, dot, and albino are wearing orange swim suits. wendy is sun bathing in a blue bathing suit, and zorax has his head sticking out out the water. nicholas is in a green swim suit. marissa is in a pink swimsuit. shes helping nicholas into a floating chair. dot, zoo, and albino are in the water.}

ZOO977: Conch fight! {zoo, albino,dot, and zorax all pick up conch sheels, which they begin throwing at each other. one hits a plate with a hamburger. a bunch of ketchup hits wendy's sun tan lotion out of the way.}

MARISSA: {to nicholas} There!

NICHOLAS: Thanks! {goes in the water. a wave approaches. nicholas doesn't care. the kids get out of the water.}

WENDY: {splurts some ketchup on her} I need more tanning lotion.

{the kids each come back with a glowing green surf board. and presume to go in the water. as the wave approaches, the kids get on the surf board. nicholas falls asleep.}

ZOO977: NOW! {zoo, dot, and albino swim away from the wave. they get on top temporarily. nicholas comes on top of the wave, too. they stare at nicholas, and fall off}

MARISSA: This is weird. I'm gonna get a smoothie. {walks off screen.}

WENDY: This tanning lotion feels weird. I'm gonna try a new one. walks off screen, not realizing she's totally red}

ZOO977: Whatever. {him and dot get out of the water. marissa walks on screen with a smoothie. zoo is talking to dot. marissa is about to have her smoothie. zoo and dot are about to kiss}

WENDY: {offscreen} AAAAAAH!

{zoo and dot jump, and bonk their heads. marissa drops her smoothie. albino shakes violently in the water. nicholas wakes up. the kids then group up, and run towards wendy. cuts to another potion of the beach. a green void is in the ground}


WENDY: Never mind that! I've tanned way too much!

{a dun dun dun is heard. the screen fades to black. the words dun dun duuuuun! appear, along with the back and again buttons}

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Email Zoo

Easter eggs

Click on the first dun to see nicholas frantically writing a list, labled what that doesn't make sense.

Fun Facts

  • Grey sticking is a reference to the last email series.
  • Wendy using ketchup instead of sun tan lotion is a reference to the comic Foxtrot.
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