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Wiki User Email Zoo977/soap

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< Wiki User Email Zoo977
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Zoo demands for good tasting soap.
CAST: Zoo977, Marissa (voice only), Dot, Maloa, Nicholas, Zorax
SETTING: The hospital, zoo's main room, outside of zoo's bathroom, the pool room, Zorax's room, Zoo's front yard


{cuts to outside of the hospital. there is a road crew outside, with tons of concrete being put on. zoo is thrown out of the hospital, into the wet concrete.}

MARISSA: {not seen} Don't come back until you're really hurt!

{cuts to zoo's living room. dot is there, reading a magazine. zoo opens the front door, and is revealed ot be covered in cement. dot looks up, and frowns}

DOT: Dare I ask?

ZOO977: Marissa kicked me into wet cement. Excuse me while I go wash off. {leaves}

DOT: Be sure to flush albino down the toilet!

ZOO977: Why?

DOT: You don't want to know. {shudders}

{cuts ot outside of the bathroom. zoo walks out, mummified in towels. steam comes out of the bathroom. maloa walks by}

MALOA: Wasn't the fan on?

ZOO977: What's this "fan" you speak of?

MALOA: Maybe the giant one next to the shower that looked like a dutch windmill.

ZOO977: Oh, that. I thought it was an automatic knife.

MALOA: You have issues.

{cuts to the pool room. zoo is sitting at the creamy}

ZOO977: {to the tune of chicken fry} And a little bit of e-mail. Some cold text on a friday night. {opens an email}

- Steve

ZOO977: You're right. My mouth is kind still stuffed with wet cement.

NICHOLS: {rolls in} I'll do it! {stuffs a bar of soap into zoo's mouth. he spits it out}

ZOO977: That soap tastes a lot worse than it smells.

NICHOLAS: What'd you expect?

ZOO977: For a good tasting soap.

NICHOLAS: Weirdo. {rolls off}

ZOO977: Maybe if I get the geography right, I'll make a good tasting soap!

{cuts to zorax's lab. zoo walks in}

ZOO977: Hey, zorax! I need you to make me a good tasting soap!

ZORAX: Do you even know why it tastes awful?

ZOO977: {mocking zorax} Becasue it's poisonous for you. {normal} I just need soap that tastes good.

ZORAX: You know you're an idiot, right?

ZOO977: I don't care how impractical you think it is, you've made some pretty dumb stuff.

ZORAX: Give me one example.

ZOO977: A cake that keeps baking itsself.

ZORAX: It's an infanant cake that is currently solving world hunger!

ZOO977: How isn't that dumb?

ZORAX: Fine, whatever, I'll make the clensing lawsuit.

ZOO977: Good. {cuts to zoo's front yard. zoo is there, with a cake platter in front of him. he's eating the cake one slice at a time. maloa comes outside}

MALOA: Why is zorax making soap?

ZOO977: Because I'm hungry.

MALOA: Then why did you ask him when you can eat that cake?

ZOO977: Because I ate concrete.

MALOA: You make less sence every da-

DOT: {not seen} AAAAH!

ZOO977: That doesn't sound happy.

{cuts to the living room. dot is watching bell quest: live and reloaded. zoo and maloa rush in}

ZOO977: What happened?

DOT: I just found out that... my brothers Badstar!

MALOA: And thats bad how?

DOT: It's not! I just do a little tweaking to this {holds up a rolled up paper} and take a few tips from zorax, and I'm ready!

ZOO977: Woohoo!

DOT: Isn't that a genius plan?

ZOO977: I bet it would be if you didn't tell it anonymously!

MALOA: Hey, where is the melon head, anyways?

ZORAX: {floats in with a bar of soap} I've got the soap!

ZOO977: Thanks! {takes the soap, stuffs it in his mouth} Cherry pie flavored!

ZORAX: That's exactly what it is!

ZOO977: Oh. So, all I needed was pie to clear out my mouth?

ZORAX: Exactly.

MALOA: You could have used anything moist.

ZOO977: Oh. Then why did the cake not work?

ZORAX: What cake?

ZOO977: The one that bakes itself.

ZORAX: I thought I donated that to charity!

ZOO977: Bye! {runs out}

ZORAX: You come back here! {rushes after him}

MALOA: So, do you have the plan scetched out?

DOT: Right here. {hands maloa a napkin}

MALOA: Er...

Click here to
Email Zoo

Easter Eggs

Click on the paper at the end. It is a white sheet covered in doodles. A triangle and an oval are visible.

Fun Facts

  • The hospital has been meantioned in the last few emails.
  • In bell quest: live and reloaded, it is revealed homeschool is badstars father.
  • The cake refers to whirled. Zoo's favorite item is a cake that keeps baking itself.
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