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Wiki User Email Zoo977/cream

From Wuw Archive

< Wiki User Email Zoo977
Revision as of 23:05, 4 January 2010 by Admin (Talk | contribs)
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CAST: Zoo977, Dot, Albino, Marissa, Nicholas, Zorax, Wendy, Xaviar, Yvonne
SETTING: Outside a cruise ship, a ship suite, a suite kitchen, A suite living room, a deck {easter egg}


{cuts to in front of a cruise ship. dot, nicholas, the zorimens, marissa, and albino are getting on. Zoo is pushing some luggage. cuts to inside a suite. everyone is putting stuff away, zoo is sitting in the bachee court with the packy}

ZOO977: I've never checked a 7 sea high email before! {opens an email}

Hello, Zoo.

Whats up with that big
wart on your face?
I suggest making a wart cream.


ZOO977: {when reading the email pronounces ld as load} Wart cream, wide load? I don't even have a wart! Although I could sell it on the ship!

ALBINO: Yum. Krispy cream!

ZOO977: This amn't a time for doughnuts!

ALBINO: Oh. Anyways, why a wart cream? Couldn't you sell an actual cream?

ZOO977: Thats what you meant?

ALBINO: {quick} Of course!

ZOO977: Albino, you're a genius!

{cuts to a kitchen. yvonne is making something in the background. zoo and dot are in the foreground, with tons o supplies}

DOT: So what are we making today?

ZOO977: Wait, Is this a cooking show?

DOT: I dunno. All I see is the hidden camera infront of us.

ZOO977: {picks up a knife} I dont want to know. {apparently stabs the camera. a grey screen with a technical difficulties message appears. cuts to the living room later. many white goos are in bowls on a coffee table}

ZORAX: {floats in} Whats this?

DOT: Just some creams we made!

YVONNE: You dont have warts!

ZOO977: I know! These are eating creams!

YVONNE: I'm pretty sure most people want to eat.

DOT: These are food creams!

ZORAX: {eye lids lower} Did some wide load tell you about a fake wart?

ZOO977: Yes, why?

ZORAX: He sent me the same email.

ZOO977: Anyways, want to try some cream?

ALBINO: {walks in} Yum yum! {tries a spoonful of one. he turns red}

ZOO977: Ummmm... What did you put in for something sweet?

DOT: I dunno. {cuts to the kitchen. no one is there. dot is now a voice over. a bag of sugar is there, andong with a mountain of emptied chili powder containers, and white food coloring} Some sugar!

Click here to
Email Zoo

Easter Eggs

Click on the top container of chili powder.

{cuts to the deck. zoo is at a stand, with the cream in bowls. a sign over it says white chili}

Fun Facts

  • The cruise ship is a refference to the last email.
  • 7 seas high mean to be on the sea.
  • The hidden camera breaks the fourth wall.
  • This is the first instance of yvonne cooking.
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