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Wiki User Email Zoo977/planeport

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The four go to the "plane port".
CAST: Marissa, Dot, Wendy (voice only), Maloa, Yvonne, Zorax, unkonw woman, unknown man
SETTING: Zoo's foyer, a ticket checkout area, a consession stand, inside an airplane


{cuts to zoos foyer. a packed bag is by the door. marissa is sitting in front of it, the box puter on her lap}

MARISSA: I might as well check the email now. {is about ot type something on the boxputer. dot rushes in, holding a tan laptop}

DOT: I got a laptop! {hands it to marissa}

MARISSA: Guess I won't need this! {tosses the computer to her left. dot faces it, as a crash is heard}

KALT: {not seen} As if my head wasn't in bad enough shape from yesterday!

MARISSA: Let's check some email! {opens the laptop screen, types something in}


Dear Marissa,
Do you play toontown?

MARISSA: Well, I never had a computer with any internet on it.

DOT: And you still don't.

MARISSA: {angry} I thought I said to get a computer with google on it!

DOT: All I could read from your scribble-like writing was runs for a while on a battery.

WENDY: {yelling, not seen} Alright, the vans almost loaded up! Where's marissa?

MARISSA: {yells} Coming! {to dot} I'll tell wendy to punch you when she returns from the plane port.

DOT: Don't you mean airpo-

MARISSA: I say plane port. {grabs the bag, walks out of the house.}

{a black screen with "One boring one hour ddrive to the "plane port" later" appears onscreen in white text. it fades onto an airport ticket counter.maloa, marissa, zorax, and yvonne are there. yvonne has a wallet with her, and is paying}

YVONNE: Our names are maloa, zorax, marissa, and yvonne. {pronounces yvonne with a hard o}

WOMAN AT THE TICKET COUNTER: You mean yvonne? {pronounces with a soft o}

YVONNE: No, pronounce it with a hard o.

WOMAN: I'll just have to see the money, a check, or a credit or debit card.

YVONNE: Here! {takes a debit card out of the wallet, hands it to the woman}

WOMAN: You said your name is yvonne?


WOMAN: Than why does this debit card say "Maloa Tiron", {maloa gets an angered expression} and has a picture of... him? {points at maloa}

MALOA: {calmed down} She needs a new credid card.

WOMAN: Ok...? {types something into her computer, prints out four tickets. hands them to yvonne, and the four begin walking off}

MALOA: {whispering to yvonne} You owe me big time.

{cuts to a snack counter. as the other three continue walking. zorax floats in}

ZORAX: Ooh... marikssa never lets me eat thsi gum! {pours a whole box of gum onto the counter} I want it all!

MAN: That will be 48 US dollars.

ZORAX: {hands the man a silver paint vile} Maloa payed me this so I wouldn't keep breaking into his room.

MAN: I'm never going to know what that was all about.

ZORAX: No you won't. {puts all the gum in a bag, walks off}

{cuts to marissa, maloa, and yvonne in line to get on the plane. marissa turns her head around}

MARISSA: Where's zorax?

ZORAX: {not seen} Here! {rushes onscreen, bumping into marissa. she trips, kicking yvonne accidentally. yvonne looses her balince, and falls over as well. one of her crutches his maloa in the head, causing hjim to fall over}

MALOA: Yvonne, what the crap?

YVONNE: {in unison} Marissa, what was that?

MARISSA: {in unison} Zorax, you idiot!

ZORAX: I got gum!

MARISSA: Like that's going to make up for it.

MALOA: I think yvonnes crutch is stuck in my spinal cord.

WOMAN: {not seen} Hey. get onto the plane!

{the three begin crawling onboard the plane. zorax happily flaots over them.cuts to onboard the plane. marissa, maloa, and yvonne are back up again. they walk into coach class, and look around}

YVONNE: Where's zorax?

ZORAX: {rides in onscreen in the refreshments cart} Peanuts! {rams into the other three, causing them to flail back into first class, where they bump into four ofher passengers. eeveryone grabs a ticket. three of the members o fthe other family walk into coach class. one kid is sititng behind}

KID: WAit, we had first claaaAA- {is grabbes by his shirt collar, dragged offscreen}

MALOA: First class!

{the four sit down, marissa and maloa on one side, yvonne and zorax on the other. marissa opens her laptop}

Battery will run out of power in one second.

{the screen then turns black}

MARISSA: {sarcastic} Oh, that's great.

Click here to
Email Marissa
Or click here to order
the book of the day, New moon

Easter eggs

Click on the laptop a tthe end.

MALOA: That wasn't much of a computer warning.

Fun facts

  • Kalt was used as a punching bag in the last email.
  • This is the first email to reveal maloa's last name.
  • While yvonne is usually pronounced with a soft o, zoo pronounces the o hard.
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