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Wiki User Email Zoo977/the island

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Revision as of 11:24, 17 May 2009 by Zoo977 (Talk)
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The ship everyones on crashes.
CAST: Marissa, Dot, Zorax, Xaviar, Maloa
SETTING: The ships dock, dot's ship room, an island


{cuts to the dock on the hsip. marissas here, sitting in a lounge chair. she opens the screen on her watch}

MARISSA: Might as well check my email now.

cut rate priyces for good persom

i have discount prices of meds pills tablets supplements 20 50 80 90 pircent off
partake in fabbuluss savings my good man or woman we also sell
merchandise 30 40 600 purcent off
shiping costs 600000000000000000000000 dollarss

MARISSA: Okay, what are you thinking sending this to me? We are stranded, and if we spent any money, it would be on- {sobbing is heard, stopping marissa briefly} -something to cheer up prissy.

{cuts to dot's room. dot is there, sobbing. every so often, se stops, looks at a picture of hardhat on her counter. she then resumes to sobbing. marissa walks in}

MARISSA: Still sad over zoo's death?

DOT: He was everything to me.

MARISSA: The past is the past!

DOT: Just leave me. I'm in a moment of weakness!

MARISSA: Yes, I know. You should have said no.

DOT: He isn't just another picture to burn!

MARISSA: I've got tred of waitin for you to give up. I need a san-

{the room rocks back and forth, causing the two to fall over. zorax floats}

ZORAX: Land ho!

DOT: I think we figured that out already.


MARISSA: You just flung us across the room!

{cuts to the island. dot, xaviar, marissa, zorax, and maloa walk offboard.}

MALOA: Great. When we left for a funeral, I wanted to visit a desert island.

XAVIAR: Good spirit, depressio.

DOT: Marissa, get the rest of the kids off of the ship before it sinks. I'll look for necessities.

MARISSA: Got it. {the two walk onboard, and offscreen}

ZORAX: What do you bet either of them will sink down with the ship?

MALOA: Hundred percent chance.

XAVIAR: Gonna happen.

Click here to
Email Zoo

Easter eggs

Click on zorax to see a bonus clip added on.

ZORAX: Ow! {shakes his leg} I think something hit my leg! {a bottlee, gear, feather, rubber ball, and a pen fall out}
MALOA: You keep that in your pocket?
ZORAX: Yeah, why?
MALOA: No comment.

Fun facts

  • Marissa and dot reference the songs love story, should have said no, and picture to burn.
  • The items are from the image this image.
  • One of the two will be locked in the ship when it sinks.
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