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Wiki User Email Zoo977/dancing

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< Wiki User Email Zoo977
Revision as of 11:24, 17 May 2009 by Zoo977 (Talk)
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CAST: Zoo977, Marissa, Albino, Nicholas, Yvonne, unknown aliens
SETTING: Zoo's foyer, Zoo's backyard, Zoo's living room


{cuts back to the foyer. the pile off books is still there. zoo gets up from the pile}

ZOO977: Um... what just happened?

ALBINO: {walks in} you were knocked cold by some books. also, aliens want the packy.

ZOO977: Thats good news. Anyways... {popens hte packy}

NICHOLAS: {runs in with a container of chocolate. there are several small cracks in it, and coffee is spilling everywhere.} GANGWAY! {runs out. by now, everyhting in the room but the packy is covered in coffee}

ZOO977: I'm checking my email outside.

{cuts to in front of a basketball hoop in zoo's backyard. he has the packy open}

ZOO977: {to the tune of love story} E-e-mail, ake me, somewhere I can type alone! {opens an email}

Dear Zoo,
How is your dancing? Is it as good as mine?
I know the moonwalk.
Beat that.

ZOO977: Oh, blech! Dancing? It was ok, until the one fateful night that showeds dancing's true side.

{cuts to he foyer of little zoo's house. little zoo is putting on some red shoes. his mother walks in}

ZOO977'S MOTHER: Are you ready for your lessons?

LITTLE ZOO977: Almost, mom! {looking around} Hey, wheres my other shoe?

ZOO977'S MOTHER: I think in the living room.

{cuts to the living room. a high school musical DVD case is on the sofa. an unknown sister of zoo's is in there, dancing along to the DVD. zoo walks in. he see's his sister, and faints. cuts to the back yard}

ZOO977: Man, the dancing in {shudders} high school musical DVD's is just awful!

{marissa walks in}

ZOO977: Hello! When did you become consious?

MARISSA: Some idiot poured coffee all iover me and the sammy keyes series!

ZOO977: Thats cool.

MARISSA: Anyways, Yvonne is going to watch some Dancing with the Stars on demand.

ZOO977: AAAAAAAAAAGH! {runs inside}

MARISSA: I wonder what that was all about. {sits down, begins to read a book.}

{cuts to zoo's living room. yvonne is on a recliner, watching some TV. zoo walks in}

ZOO977: Why?

YVONNE: Why what?

ZOO977: This is betrayal!

YVONNE: Watching dancing?

ZOO977: Just watching dancing? Do you know why {a UFO is seen faintly in the background} this is bad?

{cuts to out side. marissa looks at the packy}

MARISSA: I wonder if I can visit DM? {opens the packy, begins typing. a saucer lands quietly. two aliens come out. one grabs the pack, the other grabs marissa} PUT ME DOWN! I KNOW A LAWYER! {the aliens bring the packy and marissa into their ship, as marissa screams}

{cuts to back inside. yvonne adn zoo are yelling at eachother incomprehendable. nicholas enters, frantic}

NICHOLAS: Marissa and the packy are gone!

ZOO977: W-what?

ALBINO: I warned you!

{cuts to the grave yard. there is a grave with the packy on it that says "Packy: Hatred to Dancing"}

Click here to
Email Zoo

Easter Eggs

Click on the packy's grave to make the packy on it glow. the grave will then explode.

Fun Facts

  • In real life, zoo despises dancing because of High School Musical.
  • The books and aliens are references to the previous email.
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