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Wiki User Email Zoo977/energy

From Wuw Archive

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Revision as of 11:24, 17 May 2009



CAST: Nicholas, Yvonne, Zoo977, Zorax, Dot, various blob pets, Marissa, two unknown aliens
SETTING: Zoo's iliving room, Zorax's room, The pool room, an unknown space ship room, A space ship lab, Another lab, an lien planet, a garden on the alien planet, an aliens lab


{cuts back to zoos living room. zoo and yvoone are listening to nicholas}

NICHOLAS: We need to get Marissa and the packy back!


ZOO977: It would require either blasting ourselves into deep space or stating an interplanitary war!

NICHOLAS: I can recal one group of inventors who can help us.

ZOO977: Are we going to see the nebula's or create superweapons?

NICHOLAS: {mocking zoo} I dunno. See sights few people get to see, meet aliens, and retrieve a friend of ours, or risk the earth in a plan that will probably fail?

ZOO977: Shut up.

{cuts to zorax's room. zorax is working on an animal. it looks like a blob with little stublets for legs. zoo, yvonne, and nicholas come in}

YVONNE: We need to go into space pronto!

ZORAX: Why? I'm creating a new species!

ZOO977: Aliens took Marissa and the packy hostage!

ZORAX: Ah, did they ever do anything for me?

ZOO977: Well...

{cuts to an outside view of a burning building. zorax is falling, and is on fire. marissa cushions his fall with a really strong hose.}

ZORAX: That was one time!

YVONNE: Also...

{cuts to a parking lot. zorax is about to be run over. marissa tosses a gallon of milk. it causes his flotation device to get him out of the cars way just in time.}

ZORAX: Like I believe that!

NICHOLAS: I recall a time!

{cuts to a mall. marissa is in some clothing store, a face of disgust on her.zorax is sitting down, licking an ice cream cone. suddenly, the sign begnins toppling. marissa jumps through the stores window, and when the sign would hit her head. she manages to catch it}

NICHOLAS: That was the time you met her!

ZORAX: Oh. Well then, are we gonna kill the aliens, or befriend them?

ZOO977: I think we just went through this.

YVONNE: He means to say we want to befriend the aliens.

DOT: {walks in} Who was recording Dancing with the Stars over my DVD's?

NICHOLAS: {not noticing} Anything you can do to make a spaceship?

DOT: Space?

ZORAX: Yeah, aliens came here, and kidnapped Marissa.

ZOO977: And the packy!

DOT: Oh! Should I have warned you?

ZOO977: Albino did. Hey wait!


ZOO977: Did everyone but me know this would happen?


ZORAX: Negatory!

YVONNE: False!

DOT: Zilch percent true!

ZOO977: Oh.

ZORAX: Anyways, won't you have to check emails on the box-pputer now?

ZOO977: Email? {head darts up} Oh no! {rushes out}

NICHOLAS: I thought I told him.

{cuts to th epool room. zoo i now sitting at the box-puter}

ZOO977: This just in! Aliens wont abduct this computer, for its really crappy! {opens an email}



ZOO977: Coffee, eh, coffiecoffie? {raises a bit} Thats it! {lowers to his normal height.} Wait. {raises a bit, holds up a foam finger} Thats it! We can get energy on our trip from dry coffee beans!

{a zoom out shows nicholas in the room}

NICHOLAS: Um... we can cook them on board, you know.

ZOO977: Oh. but how?

NICHOLAS: I found the hidden button panel zorax hides in his room. One button raises a futuristic space ship in the back yard!

ZOO977: With a coffee maker?


ZOO977: Any other features?

NICHOLAS: Well, the feature we need to use is one machine that can locate an person or animal by a DNA sample!

ZOO977: I hoipe it has an auto drive.

NICHOLAS: And it wouldn't why?

ZOO977: Because they don't have them today!

NICHOLAS: This is technology from over 1000 years into the future, remember?

ZOO977: Oh. right.

{cuts to a big metal room. zoo, nicholas, dot, zorax, and yvonne are in there. zo is the only one not in a space suit.}

ZORAX: Why aren't you in a space suit?

ZOO977: I don't need one right now.

DOT: Well, when we get out of the ship, and you don't have a suit...

ZOO977: There isn't a storage room on this, but there is technology beond todays scientists on board?

ZORAX: Yep, why?

ZOO977: I'll be right back. {rushes out of the ship quickly}

YVONNE: Whats he getting?

ZORAX: Space suits.

DOT: Why didn't you put in a supply closet?

ZORAX: I did! I just wanted to see his reaction.

ZOO977: {rushes back in, with a space suit} I'm back!

ZORAX: That was unnessisary!

ZOO977: How?

ZORAX: We just told you there wasn't a supply closet on board, when there was one!

ZOO977: ...I hate you.

{cuts to the inside of a lab. the clouds are seen out a window. zorax and zoo are here. they are working on the blobular pet.}

ZORAX: So, what colors do you want in this?

ZOO977: Might I make a suggestion?

ZORAX: Sure!

ZOO977: You pick it up, {picks up the paT} and {immediatly throws it into a chute} do that.

ZORAX: What have you done?!?

ZOO977: Follow me.

{cuts to another lab in the ship. it is identical, but the window shows the stars. zoo and zorax walk in}

ZORAX: So, ou threw a blob into a chute to the same lab?

ZOO977: Almost. {presses a button on a device. 3 blob pets shoot out}

ZORAX: Woah! Now, what colors will we need?

ZOO977: Lets see... we need 9 with solis colors, 81 with polka dots, 81 with stripes, and then multiply thoes by two. Oh, and an evil pastry man one!

ZORAX: So, 344?

ZOO977: Right. {puts the blobs in a machine. popping noises are heard}

DOT: {walks in} Hey, guys! Whats up?

ZOO977: We're just working on some pets to help us on the planet.

DOT: Thats cool. {looks in the box, gets a puzzled expression. pulls up one of the pets. it has one half balck, with a white box containing half of the mouth and one of the eyes, now a black x. the other half is the opposite} What the crap?

ZOO977: Oh, him! Well-

ZORAX: - He plays too much IMVU.

DOT: No surprise there!

ZOO977: Well, its going to be th eonly pet kept.

DOT: Along with the other?

ZOO977: Yep!

YVONNE: {out of the room} Who wants brownie sundaes?

DOT, ZORAX, AND ZOO977: With dry coffee beans!

{everyone looks at each other}

DOT: Jinx! You owe me a soda!

ZORAX: {in unison} Jinx! You owe me a cheese block!

ZOO977: {in unison} Jinx! You owe me a cake slice!

{the kids then get dissapointed ooks. cuts to a weird orange srface. the ship lands. zorax, zoo, and dot walk outside. many boxes are behind zorax}

ZORAX: Lets see what gas is breathed here. {lets out a black and yellow striped blob creature. the blob blacks out} Not carbon monoxide!

DOT: {takes a pink and blue polka-dottred blob out of a box. it topples over as well} Not chlorine!

ZOO977: {lets out the evil pastry man blow. it just waddles around like normal} Oxygen?

ZORAX: I guess we don't need these! {breaks his space suit top, jumps out of it, revealing him in his normal clothes. dot and zoo do the same. zoo is in an orange starry shirt}

DOT: Dare I ask?

ZOO977: About what? {looks down} Oh. my school uniform.

{cuts to a weird garden on the planet. yvonne, dot, nicholas, and zorax are walking along. dot the turns her head.}

DOT: Where's zoo?

ZOO977: {offscreen}Right here! {runs in. he has his normal clothes on} I wouldn't be caught dead in my school uniform on vacation!

YVONNE: So, how will we track marissa?

ZORAX: Ever notice how I kept a strand of marissa's hair in my pocket the whole trip?

YVONNE: Um, no.

ZORAX: Well, I do have the DNA searcher!

ZOO977: So, where do you think she is?

ZORAX: You expect me to know?

DOT: Yep!

NICHOLAS: I'm not even gonna comment.

{cuts to the gang walking in a feild,. zorax has the devise. a light on it flashes}

ZORAX: That way! {turns right, goes that way. the gang follows.}

{a few simmilar scenes follow. at the third, the btton flashes repeatedly}

ZORAX: We're almost there! {runs extremely fast one way. the gang follows him.}

{cuts to a lab. zorax, nicholas, yvonne, zoo, and dot walk in.}

ZORAX: She's in here.


YVONNE: What aabout right there? {points to her left a bit. the screen pans. marissa is in a chair, as an alien gets a blood sample of hers. he then injects a bit into him. the alien gives it to another alien, who injects himself with a bitmore. they then seem to cheer}


MARISSA: Hey, guys!

ZOO977: Why did they abduct you?

MARISSA: They discovered we have immortality. The pid me to inject themselves with immortality!

DOT: Thats great! Wait, why did you want the packy?

MARISSA: Well... {points to a table with some ashes on it}

NICHOLAS: Whats that?

MARISSA: It was the packy. Before zoo goes on a rampage, this is what they gave me! {holds up to breifcases. one is labled blueprints, the other is lables rare elements and gems.}

ZOO977: So, they have the plans for computers?

MARISSA: The most efficient!

ZORAX: Well, I'll get to inventing on the ship.

{the gang walks off}

Easter Eggs

Click on the ashes to turn it into an orange blob pet. it walks off. a few ashes fall from the ceiling.

If you wait 15 seconds, the aliens will walk back onscreen. the then take a wrench off a table, and walk off.

Fun Facts

  • This email has 149 lines, making it the longest email yet.
  • This whole email is a big refference to the last email.
  • INVU is an MMORGP-like game.
  • The blob pets are based off of one pet on IMVU, jelly pets.
  • Zorax is from 1000 years in the future.
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