Nick Awesome

From Dxx

Revision as of 01:38, 31 August 2008 by (Talk)
<tr style="padding-right: 1.2em; vertical-align: top;"> <th style="width: 10em;"> Handler </th> <td></td> </tr> <tr style="padding-right: 1.2em; vertical-align: top;"> <th style="width: 10em;"> Height </th> <td>6'5" </td> </tr> <tr style="padding-right: 1.2em; vertical-align: top;"> <th style="width: 10em;"> Weight </th> <td>250lbs </td> <tr style="padding-right: 1.2em; vertical-align: top;"> <th style="width: 10em;"> Date of Birth </th> <td>??/??/73 </td> <tr style="padding-right: 1.2em; vertical-align: top;"> <th style="width: 10em;"> Home Town </th> <td>Parts Unknown </td> <tr style="padding-right: 1.2em; vertical-align: top;"> <th style="width: 10em;"> Other E-Feds </th> <td>N/A </td> <tr style="padding-right: 1.2em; vertical-align: top;"> <th style="width: 10em;"> Win/Loss Record </th> <td>0/0/0 </td> <tr style="padding-right: 1.2em; vertical-align: top;"> <th style="width: 10em;"> Debut </th> <td>N/A </td> <tr style="padding-right: 1.2em; vertical-align: top;"> <th style="width: 10em;"> Retired </th> <td>N/A </td> </tr></table> Nick Awesome is a proffesional wrestler working for DXX, currently participating on Monday Night Massacre.
Nick Awesome
Ring Name(s) Nick Awesome

The Awesome One

The One and Only

The One and Only Awesome One

Nick Xtreme</th>



Nick Awesome (born as: Unknown) got into wrestling at the age of 10-12. But the thing is no-one really knows where he was born but he did go to the same high school with Torrie Falconfeather, which the two were going out for sometime but at the end of their high school days they decided to split up and go seperate days.

3 years later after that Nick Awesome, under the name of Nick Xtreme joined UXW and won the UXW Tag Titles twice with his brother Chris Xtreme and won the UXW Lightweight Title twice aswell and lastly when he turned into Nick Awesome he won the UXW Heavyweight Title 3 times.

Once his contract ran out with UXW Nick Awesome was desperate to be booked anywhere at the time. Once Nick Awesome turned 25, still roaming the streets because at that time he had no home to live in, until he snuck into a DXX show when Kevin Kompiler win the DXX Championship then he relised that DXX was where he was supposed to go. So after months of trying to get noticed by Mr McMahon and finally on the 13/8/08 Vince contacted Nick Awesome to come a join DXX and Nick Awesome gladly accepted the oppertunity.

While Nick Awesome was on street he developed a hard hitting brawler style of fighting. He also got a drug addiction and became a thief so he could survive on the street, but he fought the addiction and being a thief when he was contracted to DXX. But even though he's in DXX he still sleeps in dark alley ways and has made a habit of being territorial around that alley way.



Nick Awesome made his first tv appearance in an interview where he spoke out his mind on things happening in DXX

Nick Awesome has already made a goal of winning the DXX Australasian Championship/DXX X-Division Championship which is now called the Australasian Title thanks to White Cloud and the Intercontinentle Title held by Kenny Wallace


In Wrestling

  • Finishers
  • 'Awesomeness'
  • 'A-Shooter'

  • Move Set
  • Big Boot
  • Various DDT's
  • Dropkick
  • Spinning Kick
  • Leg Drop
  • Armbar
  • Elbow Drop
  • Clothesline
  • Body Slam
  • Punches
  • Various Suplexes
  • Low Blow
  • Moonsault
  • Swinging Neckbreaker
  • Eye Poke
  • Sidewalk Slam
  • Kick Combo
  • Tiger Bomb
  • Knee Strike
  • Powerbomb
  • School Boy Pin
  • Top Rope Crusifix Powerbomb
  • Shoulder Block
  • Cutter
  • Double Knee Gut Buster
  • Signature Weapons
  • Brass Knuckles
  • Steel Chair
  • Quotes
  • "I'm To Damn Awesome!"
  • "Because I'm Nick Awesome and I'm To Damn Awesome!"
  • Theme Music
  • "1776" by Iced Earth (current 13/8-)

Championships and Accomplishments

UXW Lightweight Champion (x2) (as Nick Xtreme)

UXW Tag Team Champion (x2) (as Nick Xtreme)

UXW Heavyweight Champion (x3) (as Nick Awesome)

ECW Champion (x1)

Personal Info

After leaving UXW, Nick Awesome lived on the streets of The Bronx, New York. He also had nothing to eat or anything. A few times he thought about commiting suicide.

Nick Awesome's past is so clouded that Nick Awesome can only remember snippets of his past, which is usualy bad points in his life

Personal tools
DXX Roster